Idea for balancing the Sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Col_Jessep, January 12, 2011.

  1. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    Its a great idea with laser-thing ,I know that snipers are OP ,because I was sniper . :)
  2. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic New Member

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    the exact same sniper on x box 360 that you all thought was perfectly balanced would probably be overpowered on the PC.

    kb+m >>> joystick, and the sniper benefits the most from it
  3. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    I honestly think Snipers are fine just the way they are. If you're a big burly gunner or tank, then maybe you should take an alternative route and GTFO before he starts wailing on you.

    As for the laser, it's not hard to notice the only Pro who wears the most black in the game. The last thing you should be saying to yourself is "What is that black blur near that vividly bright background?".

    Snipers are fine just the way they're, and I'll retort with anybody who say's they're "Untouchable". Because the Assault loves to make work out of snipers who hang near ledges!
  4. Sarabi

    Sarabi New Member

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    The issue with sniper is that it has an essentially limitless skill ceiling. With enough practice (or luck) You can 1-shot almost any class/endorsement combination at any range with a quickscope. Doing what the assassin does, but a whole lot faster, and potentially from across the map. Not to mention he's a dlender target, and has decent area denial thanks to traps and flak.

    In order to maintain snipers overall strentghs (ranged supressive fire and damage) Without the simply un-fun aspect of 1-shot killing enemies, I would suggest that his rate of fire and clip be doubled (or possibly even tripple the clip to help him sustain his fire) , whiles his base damage is halfed, and headshot damage reduced to sucha point that it is impossible to get a 1-shot kill on anything but an assasin without survivitol.
    Also possibly reduce the zoom effect on his rifle, allowing for more situational awareness on account that he is no longer so reliant on headshots.

    This helps turn the sniper into a more team orientated class (sustained supressive fire over grabbing kills), makes him more forgiving to get into for begginers (helping newbies be effective at what is a popular choice for them can only help pub games in the long run). And most of all, caps the skill ceiling to prevent him dominating at all ranges with sufficient practice.
  5. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Reducing the sniper skill cap would be pointless when great snipers could just pick another class and dominate with that instead.
  6. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    No. Any class with enough skill could essentially be just as deadly. Just because it CAN one-shot does not mean it happens all the time. Also, really... you think sniper should only one-shot an assassin without armor? Right... then what does that make body-shots? 5 shots?
  7. Sarabi

    Sarabi New Member

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    what other class can kill at any distance twice a second? I do believe the question of deadlyness is quite clear cut.

    You have not given any good reason to refute my suggestion. You have meerly attempted to ridicule me.

    Now, can you give me as many good reason why the sniper SHOULD be able to instant kill at any range?
    Last edited: January 12, 2011
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    "This helps the sniper turn into a more team oriented class"
    A class is ONLY as Team oriented as the player MAKES IT. I already explained how and why snipers are just that and snipers who go for headshots are not teamplayers they are frag hungry and tend to ignore bots.

    And your suggestion:
    ... So we're getting rapidfire sniperrifles now huh? Double the firing rate: 0.5. With gold Rate of fire that turns into 0.38, that's tripple the current firing rate. Even if you halve the damage, if the aim ain't broken and you have a happy triggerfinger the target will fall EVEN FASTER than it does now excluding headshots. All you turn snipers into now is a semi-automatic CANNON that hurts and shoots from afar. In this case people can just drop rate of fire, put Gold Clip Size and Silver Armor and last Reload speed and you'll still have continous sniperfire from all angles. Bad suggestion. And this makes no-scoping a lot more bearable taken into account you can fire at a speed of 0.38 seconds.

    I don't believe the crap that Snipers aren't teamplayers at the moment. All I see now is people who want headshots nerferd for whatever reason they can come up with to avoid getting one-shot in the head. Excuse the language.

    If you don't learn from repeated mistakes and walk the same stubborn path over and over attempting to get a sniper, it's obvious he will get you first because he will be aware, from the first time you show yourself and he will shoot you from afar. People have to learn to take detours, there's lots of em everywhere you just have to use em. Perhaps not on GrenadeIII, but that's designed to be a sniper map if you ask me. :/

    Thanks for being so polite! No really I mean it. That's admireable. :)

    Onto your question:
    I don't think people should confuse a sniper with an assault... We are not close up combatants, we are long shot assassins. Up close we lack the ability to fight back, the skill is only determined by the players action before and during encounter. Any class can dominate the battleground, words of snipers stacking up kills is just because they have a lot higher ratio than most classes. (Often 20+ kills and less than 10 deaths)
    But that's because we stand from afar and safely behind teammates, I have seen a sniper push a lane at the fronts, and he ended up running his tail between his legs ON FIRE back to home base. xD

    I have seen gunners achieve 50, I have seen assassins manage 70! So I wouldn't go saying Snipers are frag hungry CS players who only go for headshots, since I hardly see a sniper surpass 15. And 15 is pretty much the average of what everyone should manage on a team except for perhaps a passive support.

    I don't think snipers need change at the moment.

    I do think they need less hate though.


    Btw I tried the freeze traps closing off corridors.
    Works like a charm~
    Thanks for the tip! :D
  9. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Wow, another sniper is OP thread. What's next, Assassin's are OP? :roll:



    Those was from almost a month ago reference the sniper. Please don't turn this place into steam forums where every other week new players play, and then come to forums to complain about getting pwned by experienced gamers. I actually enjoy coming here with all of the good ideas flowing about everything ELSE the game has to offer. :geek:
  10. Sarabi

    Sarabi New Member

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    Allowing easier unscoped shots simply rounds the character off. Instead of quickscoping anything and everything at any distance, he has the potential for acurate long distance shots. and now has a chance to discourage people coming too close for comfort with a little close range spam fire (Which, unless you have an accuracy endorsement, is still going to be pretty naff on account of the large unscoped reticule.

    Also, on damage output, I think you will find that it is exactly the same.

    Assume current sniper damage is 100, and fires once a second.

    his DPS is
    100 / 1 (seconds per shot) = 100.
    Add a gold rate of fire endorsement and you have
    100 / 1 (seconds per shot) / 0.77 (77% time taken to fire) = 129.87.

    With the new sniper, we have
    50 base damage / 0.5 (seconds per shot) = 100
    Add a gold rate of fire endorsement
    50 / 0.5 (seconds per shot) / 0.77 = 129.87.

    Therefore your postulation that this makes snipers even more powerfull is mathamatically bunkum.
  11. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    If anything, snipers are making players play smarter. Bad players simply ignore snipers and get picked off. Good players harass snipers and make their life hell. If there are any snipers that can dodge and consistently move while headshotting, then they deserve to dominate. I haven't seen any. Most snipers turtle in back of base and are more useless than a bad assassin.
  12. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Hey! One of those are by ME! :D
    Although that was a fail thread that wasn't needed.
    Oh hey I posted in the other one too! :D AWESOME!!! :mrgreen:

    But still people don't seem to get tired of posting new topics about the sniper... :/
  13. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I honestly do no believe any class right now needs toning down. You just need to think about LOS when against snipers.
  14. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Really, you COULD say the popularity of the xbox MNC was a decision point for UE. Clearly, in the case of the xbox version, those classes as they are, with all their little abilities to backstab, facestab, and OH-headshot, passed muster. :idea:

  15. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    You do realize the damage is different while scoping right...? I think it's doubled by X2.4. 240? Wild guess. There's an accurate thread with the details and breakdowns of every class skills and abilities somewhere on the forums I just can't remember which one it was...

    This doesn't make him feel safer at close distance, that's what the SMG does, snipers quickscoping while up close just believe they have the skill to do so and surprisingly some do hit their target hence they won't need to pull out their SMG and that's because of YEARS with sniper experience which would be unfair to take away from the rest, just because 5% of the sniper community can pull it off don't give the remaining 95% the finger and not let them give it a try, that's part of the fun being a sniper.
    And the firing rate noscope makes him more of an assault that fire piercing bullets considering he has gold accuracy on the default build, and he has an insane Flak grenade and a longer scope with less HP.

    As for this:
    So now we discourage people from getting close to the sniper which is exactly what they should be doing to stop him at the moment... Do I need to point out what's wrong here again?
  16. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    On a forum about balance discussions and such, debates get heated very fast and I think some politeness is absolutely mandatory to keep things from getting out of hand. Thanks to you as well, I enjoyed our little exchange of posts. And I'm glad that even as a non-sniper I could give you a tip :p.

    Yeah, maybe snipers aren't so bad after all and people just need to learn to stay away from their LoS and just focus on killing bots rather than trying to duke it out with them at range. The only thing that might be reasonable might be something that indicates the presence of a sniper, like the TF2 sniper dot or the C&C Renegade Blue Lines of DEATH. For those who didn't play Renegade: in that game, the most powerful snipers had bullets that showed as thin, bright blue lines that were very distinct so that you could see a sniper was sniping you. Neither of these things are really needed, but it might make the game a little less stressful for new players.
  17. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    The sniper already has a huge, obvious tracer.
  18. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    my 2 cents,

    class A = sniper
    class B = any other

    class A can one hit kill at any range anyone(except maybe full armor tank with passive3?)
    class B can at most, kill at throwing range or less (airstrike/headcrab/lunge+backgrapple any other !ASSURED! OHKOs?)

    i'd nearly argue i'd need to say no more, to make my case for presenting the imbalance inherent in sniper, but.. to give my 2 cents the value it wants to have....

    Class A, could argue they have low hp, non-sense i say, to Class A everyone has 1 hp, true, that is skill-bound, but it doesn't make it any less good/true

    Class A, could argue they suck at close range, however, they somehow DO have the "best" grapple, since it'll interrupt any other grapple, true it is skill bound if you wanna do it, but that doesn't make it any less good/true

    and to top it off, they even have stun mines and an area DOT, i dunno... i just see a nice allround class which simply needs a good player to make it work, that however... does not make it any less unbalanced.

    how to balance him, no more OH KO headshots, or only OHKO headshots on ranges that are more like the airstrike/bomb/lunge+grapple range i'd say
  19. Providence

    Providence New Member

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  20. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    I know, I just want it to be bright blue because I feel nostalgic for Renegade.

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