I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Valve.

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by vulcantourist, September 13, 2012.

  1. vulcantourist

    vulcantourist New Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    Simply saying that doesn't give it any authority. It's simply you choosing to believe it's not important and saying so as if that makes it tangible. You have said nothing that would convince anyone else that these clauses don't adversely apply to you.

    What you have said is deflection and redirection using insults, ad hominem, and marginalization. How will someone else reading this interpret this latest little exchange of quips? Will they agree with your insinuation that I am so inferior by comparison that you don't feel an obligation to respond as you would to an equal? Will they conclude that you are both clearly more knowledgeable and could easily offer contrary proof if only you felt like it?

    This exchange is what 10-year-old schoolyard bullies use, carrying on a conversation of thinly veiled marginalizing insults in front of the intended victim as if he can't hear. Had my original 'rant' not been criticized not only for tone (which I deserved) but also for content, there would have been nothing to defend and no reason to try to explain further why these forced arbitration clauses are a big deal. I'm not the only one making the argument; the New York Times, TechDirt and other media have published arguments of the effects these clauses will have. Can you dismiss them too because they're liberal rags or another similar marginalizing slur?

    Neither of you responded in kind, instead you made insults after first trotting out the tired it's-those-damned-lawyers argument. You haven't persuaded me with your insults that my conclusion is a mistake, I doubt you've had footnoted rebuttals published in the media, I doubt you'd even questioned the clauses at all until I brought it up, so I wonder if the insults here will convince anyone else who hasn't already decided they're going to hate me as much as they hate lawyers simply because I'm disruptive and a bit confrontational.
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    Considering your use of "evil corporate entities" I have no intention of trying to convince you otherwise
  3. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    Dude, I said I didn't care, stop provoking hostility. It's your fault people are insulting you. <--- Best sentence ever written.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

  5. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

  6. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    Forum middle manager?
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    I believe this is more the case.

    They get bossed around by customers, yet also get bossed around by admins. Nobody appreciates them even though they are authority figures.
  8. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    Of all the people who threw a hissy-fit over the steam T&C changes, I bet only 0.000001% of them ever had any intention of trying to sue Valve.
  9. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    These whiners are complete idiots. I'll bet 100% of then never even read the T&C to begin with. If this had been in the T&C 2 years ago no one would have cared. Not to mention, if I understand correctly, this new clause actually helps more users than it hurts (which still isn't many at all).
  10. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    Valve changed something in law, because they had to (they dont want to be robbed), games always were "subscriptions", from the beggining...

    Let me say this like that - Choose one:
    1.Massive discounts up to 90% and free weekends etc.
    2."Better law" and expensive games because of this.

    I really want to see PA on Steam, because of Steam Workshop and playing with my friends, I dont care that one person disagrees with something.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    It will be on both. It will have a standalone, and it will have a steam port that opens the same standalone anyway. Definitely the standalone, nearly positively the steam as well.

    So, can this end already?
  12. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    It will be stand-alone. Like Total Annihilation, and the Stand-alone versions of Supreme Commander/Forged Alliance.

    Thats the way good games should be...

    (With an Auto Update Feature Please :lol: )
  13. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    The Alpha/Beta will no doubt be done through Steam, for security, but on release it'll be available anywhere.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    They aren't submitting it to Steam that early. They hardly care one way or another if they do submit to steam, or if steam accepts. So obviously, they have another plan in mind to release alpha and beta without leakage outside of runny mouths.
  15. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    That's how SMNC was done, and yes I know what happened, but no way would it happen again.
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    lol. Not what I was talking about but...

    Anywho, Uber won't release alpha and beta through steam first. I am nearly sure if they read this they would agree with their own post.
  17. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: I really wish Uber hadn't decided to get in bed with Val

    I love how someone has an actual complaint on an issue, admits he makes a mistake and actually decided to reinstate his kickstarter donation.

    Then you have a bunch of 3000-7000post elitists who bash the guy for actually looking at the TOS, and the way he responds, which is actually a pretty good ******* way to deal with an issue. Take notes OP, you're method of having an opinion and explaining it in a detailed manner isn't too welcome round these parts. These parts call for being an *******.

    Yeah this guy is such an entitled gamer :roll: entitled to what? an opinion?

    Hope you guys don't have a problem maintaining the playerbase.
    naka333 likes this.
  18. yhzqfhuypnib

    yhzqfhuypnib New Member

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    qt bh j92

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