I need assistance

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, May 31, 2011.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  2. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    ^yup that one works.
  3. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    This does kind of make sense, are you like a Drake impersonator, or are you the #1 male groupie?
  4. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Same goes for Saint horse tail. Or holy horse knot. My friends used to call me Rico. Then I heard a couple drake songs. I recited the lines. They said I sounded just like him when reciting his raps. From their they called me Drizzy starting from 08 so here it is. Decided to make a gamer tag. I think all the good gt's were taken let me list a few

    I couldn't find a good reference to a show I liked or inside joke. So I choose a nickname given to me and a great rappers name. Number 1 male groupie never that. No posters on my wall. Just my taste of music the stuff he raps about.
    Squid boy
  5. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Bwahahaha, saint horse tail? Seriously rap-a-like, that's your rebuttal? That doesn't even make sense. And you miss the point entirely. Don't be a racist douche. If you need to insult someone, at very least make it funny or relavent or personal or something.

    Btw having a back story doesn't mean you're not supporting him athletically. In case you miss the joke, what I'm saying this: Drizzy supports D's nuts.
    Last edited: June 2, 2011
  6. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    ok well all you could of said was you where trying to be an impersonator, but besides that. could you just explain what you mean with....Saint Horse Tail, or Holy Horse Knot....(holy holy donuts batman)

    If we are just going to throw words together ill call you DizzyDaveDodger?
  7. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I just sound like him when rapping. Friends gave me the name. Next saint mudknot. Saint is a holy person correct. And a mudknot is a knot that is created from a horses tail. Why would you choose a gt. I attack no one. This whole post was about getting good players to play with. I have xeno preaching. Then a mod who quits whenever i'm in game. The last time i played him he just gave up and taunted i asked why he said cause his team sucked he had no chance of beating me. I'm tired of 90% of the games rest on my shoulder.(btw the mod is deadstretch he was a gunner).
  8. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Btw not racist. I see Xeno going off topic so I will gladly do the same. As outlandish as the character in Hangover 1 & 2 is he matches it with his acts on the forums. Watch the movie u'll see.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If I had to guess I would guess that 'Mudknot' is a combination of Mudvayne and Slipknot?

    Also when did this match happen?
  10. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Well dude I call BS. I saw the movie, Mr chow doesnt relate to any behavior on a forum and besides demo doesn't act outlandish on the boards. You picked him 'cause he's a wacky Asian. It was see through and unfunny and the only reason I even spoke up. At least own it, maybe apologize..? I understand if you didn't mean to be racist but its there dude, you need some self assessment.

    Oh and if yer gonna 'i don't insult anyone' maybe say it a thread where you're not insulting Xeno. More bs. Rep yourself better.
  11. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Look Xeno didn't say anything to my knowledge. So it's all good. If you came to the thread please stay on topic. I don't want to get into peoples personal life. So I don't bring much up. Funny no not trying to be that. The logic is be funny when insulting or don't at all. I don't know any of you to judge you for how you are. This thread was created to add forum people and party up. Nothing more or less. Any negative comments said don't take personal. You might be a wonderful person in real life.
  12. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    This happened on a laser razor map. You had gunner I had assault. You kept traveling to the middle and I eventually kept you out the middle. Then you just started going to my base to taunt and I ended up stopping you from doing that. The you couldn't walk outside your spawn without me killing you so you taunted. I sent you a message asking why you just gave up. You said your team sucked and you couldn't do anything so you wanted to mess around. You said gtg. Ever since then I only seen You mr. Deadstretch leave a room i'm in. I guess your worried their might not be any non sucky players.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I fear no man. I don't leave games/matches because of who is in it. If I leave a match is it most likely because I had to do something and the amount of time it would take me to finish I would be auto kicked anyways.

    Also, yes, if my team is **** and the other team is kill farming I will just mess around until either the match is over or the host quits, in which case I become host and get rage messages for pulling host because I suck.

    I really don't care what people say and/or think about me. If you want to inflate you ego thinking I or anyone else leaves because you are in the room be my guest.
  14. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Ego this is a game. I rather inflate my ego off of life accomplishments, not the idea that you or other players might quit when they see me in a room. If it happens so be it. I know what happened between us. Sorry if your hurt over the comments I made. Again no bad blood. It is what it is. If you would like add me and we can play some games together.
  15. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    1. A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance: "a boost to my ego".
    2. The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.

    You clearly aren't going to get it; you're not able to hold a conversation. Your ego is the part that says to you 'what stretch does is because of me.' Lrn2EnglishComprehension.
  16. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    You are right. No fault in this logic. Champion of the thread. -_-. Ego doesn't come from this game. Trust me on this I have a good enough life to boast about. Whatever happened with deadstretch let him say. You AARPS have no part in it. Conversation between A & B so C yourself out of it. :)
  17. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    ^^ :lol: :lol:
    It's funny 'cause you still don't understand him.

    The post was really for deadstretch, not you... wanna c yer way out? (see what I did thurr?) If you want to have a private convo then send a PM.

    Really I'm only doggin' ya because you're a racist douche. Unfortunately there's no sport in it 'cause you aren't even able to follow what we're saying. If a tree falls in the woods but is too stupid to know it fell would it ever figure it out? (< I should probably explain, you are the tree.) Sorry we couldn't match wits dude, I'm Swayze.
  18. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Lmao. Match wits. I graduate with honors. You probably get denied off the entry exam. I leave you a shovel hope you know what to do with it. It's a game. If you think i'm a racist or try to take from my personal life your an idiot. At my college I talk to all races I live in NY the melting pot of the Us. If i ever got into a problem it def wasn't cause i was a racist. So aarp keep your dumbass remarks to yourself. Don't mix personal life with a game. Reality and even internet are real different. I'm sure in real life you would never go out your face to call someone a douche or racist. Don't feel like a good person cause you can do it online. Now back up and stay out the thread. I know there is a lot of truth in what i say. Tired of people trying to be champions online.
  19. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Well said.
  20. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    Yo hit me up wen ever you want to play or get jumped and need assistance.

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