Ok, when I can stop quoting myself and clearly show that I answered you before you even used the lame excuse as "evidence"... then I can be Bro. As is, I remember Jon being cooler. Are you actually Jon? Anywho, Jon hated Bro so maybe you are and you hate me as such. Anywho, just tell tom to randomly phase himself back in with a new nick. Considering you two talk still, he plays SMNC, and he is as constructive to game balance as before (because God, Megabeth players calling Support overpowered when we all predicted it a day in advance, the balance threads are disgusting me. Tom would know what is really strong before players jump on the bandwagon so something overpowered doesnt get a buff just because its overpowered AND underplayed)
71 results. :shock: :arrow: :roll: You can keep quoting yourself all day long, buddy. You're not talking to yourself though, so stop acting like you're talking to an idiot.
AHAHAhahaha... that is hilarious. I also say dingy things like donkey and whatever E.U.s and the Dutch say when they type. There are differences too. Wait, I am really the only OTHER one who uses Anywho? Wait, if I use Anywho so often, why isn't MY other posts in that search? If I used it that one time, its fluke experiment results. If anyone else used it before, its also fluke experiment results. Bro uses Anywho. I talk WAAYYY differently from him though. I read his posts, my post sentences, every single one, always sound different. That was good for laughs. May sound familiar: Just tell Tom, if he plays SMNC and you still talk to him, to just friggin make an account called ijustgotunbannedagain. EDIT: My grammar and punctuation is better. Even than his later posts. It is more likely I am this based on my usage of Anywho in that sentence:
Also coincidence. Besides, Bro would never admit using ANYTHING too much is annoying. Especially if HE is the one using it. I was talking about the assault shoryuken comment and image I used for about a day and then got bored with it. Btw, bronies never get bored with MLP references lol. So Bro was just a... SHORYONY? Would everypony just settle down with this crap already? Let thread sink.
^ Highly inappropriate. Tom got shot in the clavicle by a sniper, fighting for your freedoms in the great war.