I love when...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Enigma5081, October 26, 2010.

  1. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I love it when I'm playing Support in Crossfire and I see 4 Bouncers at once coming straight for me around a corner on LazorRazor. Scared the crap out of me and I nearly died. Probably would've died if I wasn't near a group of allied BlackJacks that took the initial grapple.
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I love when the smoke bomb jump fails.
    I love when the lunge either goes too far or stops short, causing me to die on G3.
    I love how ice traps stop you long enough for the Sniper to get in 3 body shots.
    I love how Snipers can activate their explosive shots on friendly players, friendly bots, and Bullseye.
    I love how all it takes to play Gunner is to hold down right trigger.
    I love getting ejected while in midair (or flying, for that matter).
    I love getting grappled in midair.
    I love getting back grappled by Assassins who are in front of me.
    I love getting 1-shot by the Support's shotgun as an Assassin with gold Armor.
    I love watching the Assassins on my team face grapple Tanks.
    I love carrying my team when they all sit in their base and shoot air.
    I love being one of the only Assassins who knows what the lunge is.
    I love being one of the only Assassins who knows what the Shuriken Launcher is.
    I love getting grappled in mid lunge/charge.
    I love watching people play TDM and then blame the rest of the team when they lose.
    I love how Lazer Blazers are currently more effective in every way but health than Rockit Turrets.

    This list will go on for years if I don't stop now. And yet, I love this game more than I love most people.
  3. dirkyd3rk

    dirkyd3rk New Member

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    i love my women like i like my dogs on their back and beggin for a bone, jkjk but i love this game it rocks my pants off its only going to get better. Best arcade game ive ever played hands down
  4. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Things I said tonight while playing this game:

    This game is stupid, and I'm deleting it.
    What a bull**** kill.

    What I meant when I said those things:

    I love this game so much that it pisses me off when I die to stupid things that I probably should have avoided.

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