I just played with a bunch of you forum guys...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bulletr0k, October 18, 2010.

  1. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    I like how people put people who post on the forums on a pedestal. It's a fvcking video game, if people are having fun and not glitching, cheating, or trash talking then the problem is YOU. Leave the game or get over yourself.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That's basically a user error by the losing team. Either they/we weren't ready or you pushed the opposite lane and they didn't notice.

    And here comes PeachyPony to ruin a civil argument...
  3. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I will continue to play the game regardless of what people do. I always have fun.

    But because I love this game so much, I want the community to grow. So when I see something that could stunt the growth of the playerbase, is it wrong to point that out to people on the forums who obviously care about the game as much as I do?

    And the bolded part is the problem. If only 50% of the people are having fun, then the community will continue to shrink. I want this game to continue to provide Uber with money so they can continue to provide fun for me.
  4. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Instead of trying to blame the players it would make more sense to blame the devs for not implementing any playlists. Most games that come out now have playlists where you can find experienced or inexperienced players. Personally, it doesn't bother me much because I only payed $15 for the game so even if they offered no support for it, I really wouldn't care. It's just an added bonus Uber is a company that cares about their game and offers support.

    I've played solo 95% of the time since i started this game and I had more fun when I sucked. How frustrating do you think it is when somebody who plays the game a lot goes against a party of 4 that is farming kills and has inadequate teammates that quit out once the money ball drops? Yeah, it sucks but I get over it and finish the game. Walking out of spawn and having to fight 1v3 against juiced pros is how you get better. Being carried by your teammates only helps so much in the beginning. It comes down to you and how you approach the game.
  5. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I think we approach the game the same. I stick in it and try to figure out how to win/survive even when down 3 players against a full kill-farming team. But I think we account for less than 10% of the potential player base.

    Right now I can see the community losing out on players who want some level of sportsmanship. This means the game will last less time which is bad for us and Uber.

    If the community wants new players, they need to be more new player friendly. That's all I am saying. I am not saying they are bad people for playing how they are playing. I am not saying they have to stop. I am just trying to open their eyes to the effect their play style may be having on the community.
  6. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    I understand your point but the players are not to blame. You need to understand that parties of 3+ aren't going to want to end every game in 2 minutes. It's not fun for them and they are gonna spend an equal amount of time waiting in lobby and on the scoreboard then they are going to on actual play time. There is no alternative for better competition and it's not their fault. If people can't handle being dominated in a video game then they have the option of leaving. I think most people at this point don't expect any kind of sportsmanship in online video games, which is fine by me. I don't want to play video games in a world where I will get flagged for tea bagging (where is my crouch button Uber??) and I can deal with 14 year olds trash talking me on the mic and calling me a hacker.

    BTW DeadStretch, the more boohooing i read on the forums the more subtle I am. If you don't agree with what I have to say you have the options to ignore it as opposed to responding to 80% of the posts I make. Carry on.
  7. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    What you are saying is that the competitive teams have no better alternative for better competition and they want to play games longer than 3 minutes so they drag out the spawn killing to make it more fun for them? Therefore, because there are no play lists suited to stronger competition, it is not their fault?

    I see this as a self-created problem and a short-sighted way to look at the community. If they want better competition, maybe they should do whatever they can to keep the new players in the community. That way the new players will have time to get better, stop being new, and eventually create the better competition that the pre-made teams are looking for. As it is now, all they are doing is driving new players away and making it impossible for better competition to ever crop up by stifling the influx of new players.

    Saying "its not my fault" is selfish when there is something that they can do to lessen the barrier for new players which in turn will solve their problem of not having strong enough competition.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    wow, this sounds so evil that i cant bring myself to put this persons name on his quote...

    are you saying you like unbalanced games and people trying to sandbag the enemy team for 15 minutes just to make them feel bad?

    i change my mind, maybe video games do make mean people. okay ESRB, i was wrong, go ahead and push congress to make video games illegal :|

    you can copy-paste this as proof for your case :lol:
  9. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Yes, that is exactly what i'm saying. It's how they wish to play the game and just because it's doesn't coincide with your views on how the game should be play doesn't mean they are in the wrong or "unsportmanslike". There is no rule book on how to play video games and if you don't agree with how people are playing then leave the game. No matter what objective shooter game you play there is always going to be people who ignore the objective. This isn't anything new and these people aren't ruining the community.
    We all have dealt with the learning curve of this game and everybody on this forum was new to the game at some point. I started playing the game when there were already 99s and I was able to adjust. Somebody not playing this game just because they got dominated in 1 game when they had the option to leave is childish and chances are they are the poor sport.
    Instead of complaining about people who play the game you should complain to the people who made the game and enables this kind of play with money for building kill streaks and having no alternatives for party or competitive play.
  10. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    If you want to win solo, just play sniper. It's the easiest class once you've learned a little about the game, and all you have to do is snipe bots for juice, then clear the map, and you have control just like that.
  11. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    HAHAHAH sooooo true....

    F*ck yo couch
  12. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    There are general guidelines for all competitions on what is sportsmanlike and what isn't. Running up the score on an obviously inferior team is always unsportsmanlike. I dare you to find an instance in which it isn't.
    It isn't anything new. But it is raising the barrier of entry for new players. Which is decreasing the potential player base. Which is ruining the community's potential.
    You and I both know it wasn't this bad at the beginning. Anyone could go in solo and get only semi competitive games. Regular pre-made teams were not around in the beginning.
    I agree with you. But do we want to cut down all avenues for players of the game? Who knows that any of these current pre-made players would have reacted the same way if they tried to get into the games now?
    I do voice my concern to Uber. Why can't concern be raised to both Uber and the elite player base? Why does it only have to be to Uber?
  13. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Why do you keep drawing comparisons between professional sport guidelines and video games? I'm a competitive person but i'm not going to run to the forums and make a thread because a party of people farmed kills off my teammates and I and we weren't able to stop it. Should players handicapped themselves because they're better than the other team? What do you suggest they do for fun? Spin it one way or the other, they're still going to get spawn trapped in the first minute. You're still going to get dominated in your base if they are farming kills or trying their hearts out to kill your money ball.

    I remember going against parties of people who post on here when i was still leveled in the 30s and very much new to the game and yes they probably weren't good as they are now but i still clearly remember getting spawn trapped and not being able to do anything.

    I don't know why you're so concerned about new players leaving. I think i've read one thread on here about someone saying they were never going to play again and it was because of the Mickey Cantor voice. I can assure you there is no rising decline in this community and it has gotten bigger since i joined.

    As much as we would all like everybody to conform to our ways on how the game should be played, it will not happen. Only Uber can make those decisions. Everybody has their different ideas of fun. What you claim is ruining the community is what I enjoyed when I was just starting off. If they can't take the toll on their ego because their team let the enemies have a party in their spawn then so be it. Quit the game. I still find plenty of games with no 3+ parties.
  14. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    95% avoided makes peachy a sad poney.
  15. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    It does, it makes me think people don't like playing with me :(

    BTW, next time we're matched up against each other i'm coming at you arms flailing :)
  16. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    I wish I had a capature card for that man so much fun. ha just relized theres another thing ppl can do if they didnt enjoy playing with someone use the old avoid player option. and of course use the he hacks because no one has enough balls to put player is to good. yeeeee
  17. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    i thought for sure i was gonna kicked in the nuts and rung out once you were red barred :lol: not like i had that idea or anything :twisted:
  18. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    Only problem I have with the forum regulars is that they're always in a party with one another when I play with them, so I don't hear a thing they say. It also frustrates me that they teamstack and pubstomp, but I'm guilty of doing that with my friends as well. More of an issue with the game's matchmaking then anything.
    Maybe someday I'll have enough MNC friends for big ol' 12 man alltalk private rooms. That'd be fun.

  19. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    do you want to be friends ?? :cool:
  20. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    If you have a microphone, sure. My gamertag is 'cardboardwarior'. The second 'r' didn't fit. :roll:

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