I just played with a bunch of you forum guys...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bulletr0k, October 18, 2010.

  1. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    very easy to take down tanks with ROF clip size and accuracy as the assualt
  2. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Wow, poor sportsmanship and ego stroking by the forum elitists? Lies, all lies!! :lol:
  3. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Actually it was between two kids that I've never seen on here.
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Rather than start a new thread about the same topic, I figured I would add to this one.

    So I hadn't played against a forum regular yet and last night was my first chance to play against two of them (plus their team who I did not recognize from the forum). I was in a pub team.

    I learned two things:
    1) They were not good at their class individually. The tank had 2 supports dedicated to healing him. And I still killed him three times to him never killing me. He was overly aggressive since he thought he was invincible and paid for it often.
    2) They play Team DM rather than to win. They had us pushed back into our base and refused to shoot the moneyball. Instead they tried to spawn camp us. So instead of ending the game quickly, they dragged it out causing as much unfun for our team as possible.

    Team play in this game always trumps pub play. And seeing as how new players are usually in pubs and experienced players are usually in teams, I would suggest that forum regulars who play as teams end games quickly. Don't play with your prey. It will only drive new players away from the game.

    If that was my first game, I know I wouldn't be too excited to play again.
  5. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    So I am to understand that we are not allowed to have fun because weve played the game? Or better yet how is it going to be fun for someone new to not even be able to buy a level three passive because the game is over in two mins? Games are based on map control the money ball is located in the spawn. Guess Where were going. I understand that its not fun for people but hey theres an exit button for a reason. Not saying it was me who played you i've just run into this before so i figured I'd let you see the "fourm guys" side of the story. also your right alot of us are bad =(
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    No where in my post did I say you aren't allowed to have fun. But explain why it is fun to spawn camp again? Also, explain why it isn't detrimental to growing the community to spawn camp new players?

    Spawn camping prevents someone new from getting anything to level three. They can't kill bots or other pros meaning they can't get money.

    Good. Push to the moneyball, then shoot it. Don't push to the spawn to only kill pros and ignore the moneyball. Its like playing a CTF game to push to the opposing players flag and then just sitting there to kill the team. Its called unsportsmanlike conduct and unfun for half the people in the room.

    Most people aren't quitters. I never quit out and I know alot of people like that.

    It wasn't you, I don't think. Unless your GT is something other than Zander Star, then it might have been you.
    Last edited: October 25, 2010
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am sorry but I have to agree with ObiFett on this one. But hey we are all friends, right? lol
    ;) :D
  8. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    To be fair, I believe we were mostly going for melee/grapple/funtage kills. When we play this way, we run with really silly class loadouts.

    If we were playing death match, we would stay as far away from the spawn as possible, and not knock down the turrets in the first 30 seconds. Even in these "long games," we ended it in 5-6 mins, with the exception of a game where we all went shotgun support and spammed gapshots all game (which we STILL ended well before overtime).

    I assure you that while our teamwork is undoubtedly our biggest asset, we are all more than capable players solo (and tend to play completely differently). We do a lot of daring/stupid stuff as a team, because it is FUN (and you get better at pulling off things that would normally be seen as crazy if you actually TRY them).
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    But Hudson how often do you play Solo?
  10. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Exactly, I'm not trying to hate on anyone here. In fact, I look forward to playing with more forum regulars.

    But I care about the future of this game and its (hopefully) continuously growing community. So when I see something that could hinder the community's growth, I feel the need to point it out.

    My two buddies who like the game but don't play it as much as me, both get frustrated when coming across spawn campers or juice chainers and usually stop playing shortly afterwards. In fact, they only play when I am on because of some of the community's antics in games. Just thought I would point this out to those who love the game so they could maybe stop and think about what they are doing to the future of it.
  11. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    look im not angry and im not upset or yelling but im still gunna get my point out. there's an exit button. we like to play the way we do( hudson we didnt play against him) because its fun for use. if the other peeps on the fourms wanna tdm then go for it TO EACH HIS OWN. theres enough people on that if your by yourself then finding a new lobby is somewhat easy.

    also dead stretch guys like hudson cant play solo because ppl intvite themselfs into his lobbies WOW! no jp =P
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The real answer to this problem is to fix private matches.

    I was more so agreeing to this: "Good. Push to the moneyball, then shoot it. Don't push to the spawn to only kill pros and ignore the moneyball. Its like playing a CTF game to push to the opposing players flag and then just sitting there to kill the team. Its called unsportsmanlike conduct and unfun for half the people in the room."

    lmao, yea I figured as that much. I'm just saying you can't really speak about Solo play when you barely do so yourself.
  13. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    And I am saying you might be driving away new people from the game with poor sportsmanship. So "to each his own" might be a bit selfish if you are thinking about the future of the game/community.

    And, just to clarify, I never said who the forum regulars were or weren't. I just said the GT Zander Star wasn't one of the people. What is your GT Zander? Mine is ObiFett.
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Honest Question (Not trying to flame:)

    What would your friends' opinion of the game be if they lost every game in 1:30 or less? I understand it would probably be slightly better than being spawn camped, but would they be significantly more likely to stick around for say...5 matches or so?

    Zander, I know we (or at least I + Billy/SXD/Greg) played with him. I remember his name. We commented on it when he joined. You may not have been on yet though.

    Stretch: I do play solo occasionally to test out builds when no one is on, but yeah, 95% of the time I play with a team or go play Fallout 3/CoD4/BC2.
  15. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    Have to agree however he is a complete a** too. Played against him a few times and all he did was trashtalk. Thank god for mute option.
  16. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    its the user name i guess we did play you my bad. right wel,l as i said before im not mad. i understand where your comming from but idk. we play for laughs mainly grapples and melees and such giggles. most ppl we play against usaully exit(not saying mid game but after) its like that in every game ive ever played with a learning curve the new players will get pushed back . i really cant see ppl staying in are lobbies very long if we continually end the game in under 2 mins.
  17. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Honest Answer (Never think you try to flame, you are a stand up dude on the forums, imo)

    When I play as a team we lose maybe 10% of the time. And when we do lose, if it is quick, my friends usually comment on how we just got outplayed. The only time I see them stop playing is when we come across multiple games of glitching/exploiting or multiple games of teams playing to humiliate.

    As far as losing 5 matches in a row in 1:30 or less? Don't see that happening, because we would learn from our loss and try to improve the next game. If good sportsmanship is shown, they stick in it for a really long time. (Sometimes too long and I am late to work as a result. :D )
    Last edited: October 25, 2010
  18. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    This is where you are wrong and are selling people short. Most people play a game because they want to have fun. Having fun usually requires that person be good at the game and competitive. If you didn't slam people into the ground and rub their faces in it without even trying to win the game, then they would respect your skill and try to learn from it. I know most of my games against pubs when we win quickly they ask us questions about what we did then try to counter our strategies the next game. It becomes fun for everyone at that point.

    I never once saw a grapple or melee last night so not sure that is valid. You guys pushed hard for a bit and we kept you back. Then we lost one player, and you guys were able to push into the base. Then no one shot the ball and camped the spawn entrances. When the game ended I lost connection to the host and didn't have the chance to jump out of my party(who were playing GeOW2) to talk to you guys. I wanted to stay in your room and talk about strats and stuff.
    Last edited: October 25, 2010
  19. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Thanks for the answer. :) Helps to understand the other perspective.
  20. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    i guess man. ive actually been getting alot of good mail from other ppl. not the hate mail i used to recieve from ppl we would quick win

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