I have decided to stop playing MNC. Heres why:

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Bomben, March 6, 2011.

  1. Bomben

    Bomben New Member

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    I take comments like that very lightly when they are not coupled with argument. Which so far means more or less all of your comments. Go back and look at them, if you think I am wrong.

    A draw would be infinitely preferable to losing or winning due to chance.

    Insisting on finding a winner between two equal contestants will always be tainted by a hollow feeling, because at some point it devolves into something that is far removed from the game it was supposed to judge them by.
  2. Bomben

    Bomben New Member

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    By paying credits for pushing a button. The thought of the skill that does into such an action leaves me stunned. I can only hope to one day become good enough to match such a player.

    If anyone made such a suggestion for ANY game, where it was not already in, they would be labelled morons.
  3. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    So, games should devolve into DMs around the annihilator button, instead of (at least what I think) was the primary point of the game, pushing lanes, assisting bots and destroying moneyballs?

    If thats the case, then it certainly spells doom for MNC, as there are plenty of DM centric games available that handles DMing a LOT better than MNC.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Next to the Annihilator button is also the juice dispenser. Control of that means control of the map. Hey guess what this game is about killing.
  5. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    the fact that the jackbot spawns, doesn't reset the bot spawns. the bots you currently have on the field still exist.

    Dealing with the enemy jackbot quickly stops it from "reseting" your bot lane. Also escorting your jackbot to thier money ball is an amazing advantage. you have this giant tank that is lumbering towards your opponent and is also drawing thier fire. what better way to score kills on your opponents.

    MNC has several facets rolled into 1 game. The gameplay changes throughout each match and the players need to overcome it, or use it to thier advantage. Yes escorting bots to the enemy base is a key to winning. It doesnt have to be slims or blackjacks tho. it can be your jackbot. the environmental variables that exist do so to keep the game from being a single minded push bots = win. They are added to make the metagame more involved and strategic.

    i know this may sound harsh, or even a scapegoat, but... MNC is not dota, and therefore should not be treated as dota, or fall under dota's rules. MNC is MNC. 1 single game has several elements to it. The jackbot spawn is another wildcard persay. where if your team can capitolize on it then well done. Each occurence in the game, to me, seems like a "lightning round" or something of the sort. where your still in the same match, but something has changed that if capitolized on nets the successful team an advantage.

    They exist because the classes compliment them and thier usage. they exist because without them it would be called dota (illogical, i know).

    Weve gone through and expressed what each one is used for, and how it effects the players. but i dont think we have actually conversed about why they exist. And for that answer i think it changes for each person. i think they exist because they are fun. you think they exist for your own reasons. he thinks they exist because the devs couldnt think of anything else. All in all, why does it matter why the exist but the fact that they do. and they are there to be used, worked with, exploited, defended, and supported.
  6. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    pushing the annihilator button isnt the part that takes skill. the part that takes skill is keeping your opponent from pushing the button.
  7. Bomben

    Bomben New Member

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    At least it seems that I managed make a few people at least think about it.

    And out of those a few actually made some decent comments. Not something that revealed gaps in my knowledge and consequently changed my mind. But at least showed that they too were willing to consider other angles and had me thinking one more time about my own opinions.

    For those of you who find it perfect, or good enough, as is - have fun!

    In the end I was not out to change anyones mind. At most challenge it. :)
    Just thought you should know why another one in an already drastically dwindling playerbase was turning towards other avenues of entertainment.
  8. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    I just can't fathom why you would ragequit over this. It's a good game, a great game.
  9. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Thanks for comin and sharin your thoughts. Granted this game isnt perfect, but the developers have expressed that they will continue making it better.

    I believe another poster put it very well in another topic.

    sorry if i mispelled your name. not really familiar with quoting a post from another thread.

    which comes back to team communication.
  10. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    And thus, making it more of a KOTH DM battle, than making it about the elements that separate MNC from other FPS games.

    With only 6 players on each team, having 1-2 players vying for annihilator control every couple of minutes, just breaks up the flow of the game, for me at least. (Which is why most of the servers we run have the annihilator disabled)

    Besides, having a cloaked assassin press the button doesn't really require much in the skills department.
  11. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    Lets hope they can, and that it isn't too late yet.
  12. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i dont really know what you mean, i play quite a bit and wouldn't say when the annihilator is ready it turns into a dm around the button, no more than when bullesye/juicebot is out. I guess i do not really understand what is difficult about hearing mickey cantor say the button is ready then being aware that someone is gonna press the button, if my team is further forward keep an eye on enemy trying to get button, if my team is further back, try get button if somone is not doing it already.

    Sorry but to me i think this complaint is about nothing.
  13. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    imo, soon as the annihilator comes off cd, it needs to be controlled / used. If your winning then you use it just so that the enemy cant, then you press your advantage. if your losing, then you really want to hit it. yes it does kinda become a koth in that aspect. but whats wrong with that?

    seems this game has aspects of koth, and dota. why is that so wrong? It just adds more to the metagame that players can tinker with. :)
  14. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Instead of just quitting why don't you add me on steam and we can play a few rounds together and you try to tell me whats wrong as we play?
  15. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I don't know why, but that made me snicker. I think I have become a MNC fanboy.
  16. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    Theres nothing wrong (or right) about that, its totally up to the individual player if he/she likes it, I just think that there are plenty of other games that have a purer, better executed KOTH gamemode than MNC.

    What I see is that MNC tries to be a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, instead of focusing on and refining a new type of FPS game (the DotA style game, with lane-pushing etc), and this, for me, results in the final product being less than the sum of its parts.

    While some might like that MNC contains aspects of many different types of games, I would much prefer that they had focused a lot more on what would have made them unique, instead of spreading the talent too thin.

    More is not always better.
  17. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    In most games it should never become a KOTH game because someone should be holding the middle at all times, securing the annihilator. If it does become a DM it's the offense's fault and they deserve to lose their advantage.
  18. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    Not really relevant for the overall discussion, but, you do know how a KOTH gamemode works, right?
  19. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    The annihilator, ejectors, juice and jackbots.

    Yeah, that sums up the major elements of the game right there.

    Ejectors can be disabled by triggering them as your bots approach, the annihilator can be controlled or just suicide pressed if you're desperate and fast. Juice... i'm not touching that subject. And as an assassin i don't care about jackbots much because i carve them up like thanksgiving turkey.

    Still, i can see why someone would grow tired of the game - but as it's been said in this topic it's mostly that pub games lack group cohesion. If people work together these issues become less and less of a problem (for the team working together) and in random pub matches result in a stomp for the other team, unless they pull themselves together.
  20. finalbossXi

    finalbossXi New Member

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    Yeah professional players don't see the faults they pretend they don't exist.

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