I got an Uber Streak with my firebase

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Manouso, October 13, 2010.

  1. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Firebases are even worse now that RoF endorsements apply to the heal hose. Every support I've seen since the update has had a good if not great score. The cunning strategy has been the same as described here. Place firebase in an obnoxious spot, hold the right trigger down for 15 minutes, win.

    Before, I could eventually wear down a firebase with my shurikens if I focused on it long enough, forcing the support's hand if he didn't want it destroyed. Those days would seem to be gone. He can just stand there and wait indefinitely, until one of his teammates eventually shoos me away.

    I wasn't too bothered by the changes to assassin, but the more time I play after the update, seeing 99s roll matches with the same couple of tricks, I'm becoming more sympathetic to the folks who think that the fun is being systematically patched out of the game.

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