I got an Uber Streak with my firebase

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Manouso, October 13, 2010.

  1. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    Listen! everyone knows that eventnually the bodies will stack up high enough for you to get close enough to the fire base. sorta like starship troopers. then once you can get close enough you throw hot pokets at the firbase untill you give it the red ringz of death. god its all in my strategy guide. HOW TO DIE ALOT jeesh
  2. some gothic kid

    some gothic kid New Member

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    i got 66 uber steaks lol
    sunlight hurts
  3. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    The Sniper's freeze traps disappear when he dies. The Assault's bombs disappear when he dies.

    The Support's Firebase takes no ill effect when he dies. Why is this?

    A simple fix to the FireBase issue would be one of the following:
    - The FB take continual damage until it falls apart while the Support is respawning.
    - The FB only fires while the Support is within a certain radius of it. So if the Support is away or dead, dispatching the FB would be easy.
    - The FB immediately disappears when he dies. (Like this one the least)
  4. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    no a simple soultion is to give the assault a laptop gun. seems fair. i dont think when the support dies the fire base should fall apart becuase then you run the question of well what abou this hacks on your base turrets. i thinnk its fine but i could see maybe his over heal going away after he dies
  5. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    You are retarded. Please learn to not misspell and put sentences together correctly. Also, if it took you a while to think about dropping an airstrike on a firebase, go back to my opening statement.
  6. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Thanks for pointing out my learning disabilities, are you going to challenge a cripple to a foot race next?
  7. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    The firebase is not overpowered. The firebase is very easy to take down by all races but assassin. Gunner and Assault can easily mow it down as its thrown. Tank can kill a firebase while its being healed with a level 3 passive skill. Sniper can snipe the firebase without any trouble. Obviously another Support can drop an airstrike around it to take it out. Assassins can use their shurikens to take out a firebase, but if its being healed it cannot be taken out obviously.

    Manouso you think they are overpowered because you play the race it slays the most. It's as simple as that.
  8. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    Maybe, you never answered me yesterday when I asked you where you were educated. Likely that question was intentionally ignored by you. Most posts I read of your's I'm trying to figure out with your are trying to say, and sometime I can't. Which is sad/funny.
  9. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    They are classes, not races, moron. See two can play the cherry picking game.
  10. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    So there is only one race in MNC? By the way you skipped that education question again.
  11. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    They are all human clones, therefore one race.

    And yes I skipped it because I don't feel like giving out that kind of information to such obvious trolls.
  12. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    So lets explain this, there are it least two races, assault is black. Gunner, support, tank, and Sniper. The assassin could be Asian but obviously we don't know.

    You "skipped" letting me know about your education because you either went to a community college or did go to any college. It is pretty obvious from your spelling you are poorly educated and do not understand syntax. I am not a troll by the way, I just don't like stupid people.
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Obvious troll is obvious, whether or not obvious troll admits it.

    You're seriously asking about education? Wow... I'm the tryhard here right? Seriously, go play the game or have game related discussions. Stop trashing every single person you meet.
  14. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    It's only you and that other guy who I dont like. I don't like you because you are a liar and a cheat. The other guy because he is stupid.

    If you read my other posts I give constructive advice or objective opinions. I do not trash other people. Some people could take what I am saying as being negative or whatever, but that's the nature of the internet, its hard to understand diction/intent.
  15. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Funny. Every post I've read by you has you trash talking someone.
  16. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    Funny I seemed to explain that. Some people misinterpret what I am typing. You and that other guy would be the only people I trash. So me where I trash other people, ill wait for the link.
  17. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    i told you I have a learning disability, college don't fix that.
  18. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Please don't turn this thread into a you-spelled-this-wrongathon.

    You iz dum.
    No u iz.

    There got it out of the way for you.

    Mowing it down as its being thrown isn't going to happen every time or even most of the time. Some supports throw it out at the first sign of trouble, but I'm talking about the ones who put it down when no one's there. I mentioned before why I don't like that as an argument.

    A tank can kill a firebase fairly easy ...in certain spots and with no one else around.
    If it's on higher ground then it becomes a little more difficult. If there's people protecting it, it's near impossible.

    A Support is the best candidate to kill a fb. Just drop a bomb and done ...unless of course in under an area even a level 3 strike can't reach.

    As for assassin, yeah it's my main, but I have probably 1500-2000 kills in every other class as well. It doesn't really matter what class you are, if a mini base outside your door gets established it's impossible to take out.

    Maybe my argument hinges too much on multiple people guarding it, but from what I've seen if you build it they will come. A turret at the enemy's door is too good to pass up. You can wreck the enemy base and if things get to hairy, run back to captain overheal and his fantastical contraption of death.
  19. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    If too many people are focused in one spot though its hard to control bot movements. Personally I feel firebases do the best when no one is paying attention to it, if people are huddled around its going to be seen. Also there is no spot were a level 3 airstrike cant reach except on lazer razer(but thats not that tactical , there are some places where its difficult to reach, but none are impossible. I believe the hardest one is the corner coming out of the base
    on steel peel if you know where I'm talking about.
  20. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    I don't get what you mean.
    Bots will just walk right through because the way has been made clear. Depending on the map, the firebase alone will take care of the enemy bots. If not the got em' clear out the turrets/bots and fall back.
    I think that's what you were saying.

    Yeah, sneaky turrets are a pain in the ***. I get caught by those more than I'd like to admit. My problem isn't with it being seen and destroyed, as the games I've played and described it's basically the focal point and still unkillable.

    Not tactical, but one of those games I was talking about before was a group of 99's in that lazerazor tunnel. Annoying. As. Hell.
    Grenades were bouncing out, there were bombs at the door, and a gunner stuffed his porky behind in there with em.

    I know the steel peel spot, pretty annoying level 2's can't reach If I recall correctly.

    If there's not a competent support on team, the likely hood of guarded firebases getting destroyed lowers dramatically.
    Even then he has to get through whatever is guarding it and hope he's accurate with his toss.

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