I Don't Like Fodder - DeadStretch's Tank Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by DeadStretch, December 18, 2010.

  1. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    So, about the tank and all...?

  2. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    Loved the guide, tis wear i got my play style from and i completley agree on the gold crit, seems to kill faster than rof when it activates.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The sad part is you were beating me Tank v. Tank today. >.<
  4. Tru BX Skillz

    Tru BX Skillz New Member

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    This is some great advice man. My main is Tank and I know I'm not the best so this guide is really going to help out a lot. Thanks! :lol: :lol:
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Thanks man! I do plan on updating it sometime soon.

    Also don't forget to check out Im Hudson and xShammas' Tank guides as well.
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Does the railgun suffer that much from a lack of RoF? I use Armor/RoF/Skill at the moment, but I might try the crit.
  7. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    I'm just curious if this is all based on PC? Last update for the Xbox I believe, made it so that the more ammo you had in your clip when death blossom the more damage was done. That in mind, is extra ammo worthless? I was running 3 armor, 2 RoF, and I believe 1 clip increase. After reading some posts I'm inclined to think 3 crit, 2 RoF and 1 skill recovery(? Not sure on bronze), would be the way to go? I'm just curious is all, Tank is the one class I really haven't mastered and get torn apart when there is a decent team.
  8. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    If I recall correctly (and I probably don't), the Tank's death blossom doesn't scale upward in damage infinitely. There's a damage cap. It's like, if you have more than X ammo, it does full damage. Less than X, and the damage begins to drop off.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I used to think it wasn't a big deal but then I played against some real competition and realized the Railgun is a monster and needs RoF to really be useful. I stopped using Crit. altogether also.

    One on One battles against Gunners w/out RoF ends up with the Tank losing.

    As for the Tank's Death Blossom it does full damage with a full clip, no matter how big the clip is. Less ammo in the clip causes the damage to drop so using a Clip Size endorsement doesn't make the DB stronger but what it does do it let you use more of the "Fire" before the DB sees that damage drop off.

    If you just DB to destroy bots and not the actual "Fire" clip size could be considered a wasted slot. Personally I use bronze clip size. While DB spam is fine and all I'd rather use the "fire" since it gains you slightly more juice so the clip size lets me go fire crazy before I have to reload.

    The Railgun is what I really use the Clip Size for. I am able to control both Bots and Pro at the same time due to the slightly larger clip. The Railgun hurts enough that even 2 shots will send most Pros ducking for cover.

    Also for the record this is strictly for the XBox. While I have the PC version my computer is crap and therefore I can only really play Blitz. :lol:
  10. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    Thanks for the info, both of you. :D

    My comp also sucks, the vid card blew up last year and haven't replaced it. Have some old 32mb ATI card, so I just browse the net and watch TV on my comp lol. Also, what do you recommend than or rather do you use personally on a tank. I was just messing around with Crit/RoF/Skill recharge, and it was awesome. The only part that wasn't awesome was getting back grappled and dying, even with 3/3 Tank skill. So my question is will rank 1 armor prevent back grapple kills or do I need rank 2/3? I don't know if I'll swap anything out, but would be nice to know. I think in my best round using the tank I went 27-2 :D

    Safe to say I owe that to this thread. Really got some good information in here. Also not to go off topic but I'm curious, the way you were taking about the Spunky Cola endorsement you made it sound like juice boxes drop more? I thought the only improvement was the juice you start with when you spawn?
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Um I believe with Silver Armor/Tank Passive 2 and Bronze Armor/Passive 3 will survive the Katana back grapples. Not sure about the Bronze one but I know the Silver for sure.

    As for the Juice endorsement you are right when you say you only see the benefit when respawning. I was just saying that since you already start with a quarter of juice you won't need as many juice boxes to get full juice. I might have to re-word that one. :D

    As for what I use right not it is:
    Gold RoF
    Silver Armor
    Bronze Clip
  12. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Assassin sword-backgrapple does 1000 damage. Tank starts with 700 health. Passive 3 increases it to 1000. Passive 2 only grants increased health regeneration, not actual bonus health. A Tank with Passive 3 and any Armor Endorsement can survive a sword backgrapple, but until you get Passive 3, a sword backgrapple will kill you no matter what your Armor Endorsement is (as even a Gold Armor Endorsement only gives you +300 health). Not counting overheal, anyway.

    On the other hand, a Tank with Passive 3 or any Armor Endorsement - you don't have to have both - can survive a dagger backgrapple, as that only does 700 damage.

    Here's a link for all your MNC numbers needs.
  13. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    If passive 2 doesn't increase health, then why is it possible to clutch passive with it?
  14. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Don't look at me. I don't play Tank. I also didn't program the game.
  15. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Because it upgrades health recovery, which is still an aspect of health.
  16. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Then why can't the support clutch passive at lv 2?
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Tank Passive 2 does in fact increase his health by 150. Are the Passive amounts: 0/150/300

    This thread has the accurate numbers taken straight from the in-game files on the PC. Scathis even confirms it, in a way.
  18. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Well all righty then. Looks like the source I'm using needs to double-check itself.
  19. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Each tank passive upgrades HP, I think passive 2 upgrades HR as well, but I am not sure. You cannot go wrong with RoF, Armor, Skill, or Accuracy on your tank. I like skill because I can spam my grenade and charge to make me dangerous and mobile.
  20. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    Yeah, you might. :D

    In reference to the setup I think I might try that. I noticed I was pwning kids left and right, however, when I ran up into a tank, even if I got him from behind (hehe) with a little bit of jet gun, rank 3 charge and spin, he still had a good amount of hp and totally could fight back. Not to mention when I tried this on two of em. Dumb move...

    Anyways I might have to try it, but just to clarify that's your specific build, but you wouldn't say that Gold Crit + Silver RoF is garbage right? You said you were getting owned by it? Just your personal preference is RoF and 0 crit? The reason I ask is because you seem to mention how much you like the rail gun and can win in a gunner battle. However I rarely use it, and might even say I suck with it. I'll get those clutch shots as they are running away sometimes sure, but for the most part I stick to being a Tank ninja and playing corners, then R3 Charging with some death blossom. That said I've found Lazer Razor arena to be awesome for tanks. So many corners :D

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