I don't know about you guys...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by JohntheShrubber, September 16, 2010.

  1. TheRealBowser

    TheRealBowser New Member

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    I feel the exact same way.

    I lost all respect for Halo once Halo 3 came out. Halo Reach is just burying the series deeper and deeper. Halo and Halo 2 were the only good Halo games (although Halo Wars wasn't bad, it's not a FPS). I probably will not be buying Halo Reach at all, not even when it gets cheaper. I might rent it, though.

    I've never gotten into Call of Duty, but I always hear how good it is. Regardless, I'm sure it's no Monday Night Combat, which is what I'm sticking to. Just about the only thing that might tear me away from Monday Night Combat, even briefly, would be a new Team Fortress.

    God, I love this game.
  2. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    this game rocks
    has the team fun of team fortress
    and the crazyness of smash tv

    for a small company whos against modders
    i hope for more to come!
  3. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Id say reach is more like 1 or 2 rather then 3. It is rather good.

    But it doesn't have the feel of MNC, i like both games... but il probably still end up playing MNC more in the long run.

    Waiting for that patch first before i get back into MNC though, gives me some time to do some campaign on halo reach (and play Tales of Vesperia, that game never gets boring).

    Lag issues on MNC really bother me (host migration too). So once that patch is out, il be on MNC alot.
  4. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    I've never really understood Halo. It established a lot of ideas when the first one came out, but since then it's a competent but generic FPS to me. But I digress...

    I love MNC. It's zany and unique and fun, but I admit I've not been playing it much of late. Mostly waiting for the patch to finally come out and fix most of the issues I have with the game.

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