I am sorry...NERF the sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by savvon, September 8, 2010.

  1. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I hate being in turret mode as a gunner, it is asking to be killed.
  2. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    Steel Peel is bad because you can accomplish a lot and you never have to leave your base versus if you turtle on other maps, your pushed back, especially if you are a sniper. Also the Gunner may be easy to play but I cant count the amount of times I've rail gunned a Gunner that much faster because he was moving so slow praying for crits when he didnt get them.
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    This isn't an issue for competent people.
  4. Shroomkaboom

    Shroomkaboom New Member

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    I utterly agree. A sniper is about killing from range, not gunning down tanks with Uzi's and crushing Gunners with a grapple that arguably has the best ring out potential of everything in the game.
  5. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Really? Because I have yet so see a competent tank being gunned down by the Uzi. And why is the Sniper grappling you in the first place? You are a gunner and you only need to upgrade 2 skills, 1 of them being Slam. That skill alone should shut out all non Assassin based grapples.

    People need to learn to make convincing arguments. Ya the Sniper can get some lucky kills when not Sniping but chances are, he can't do **** when he rushes somebody.
  6. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    But if you consider the easy juice flow a sniper can get, he can quickly take down a tank. Not saying that the sniper needs to be nerfed just yet, just throwing in my two cents. Most snipers aren't crazy enough to charge head first into a tank.
  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    This honestly makes the most sense, I never understood why the snipers grapple is so above and beyond better then any other grapple.
  8. drpepper

    drpepper New Member

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    just swap the snipers grapple with the gunners, thats all that needs doing.
  9. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    I agree completely. It also seems that after the Assassin the Sniper gets grapple priority, the amount of times as a Gunner I've gone against a sniper we both grapple and he gets me and does major damage on top of that.
  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    its been like a month since this was posted. a lot of things have been fixed in the patch, topics that far back are really not worth posting in.
  11. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    IMO take away passive three, trap three, and grapple three and tune down the RoF on the uzi and then the sniper might be fair. so sick of pansy snipers hiding behind there traps in the back of there lil spawn and grappling anything that comes within a 20 foot radius. WOW! learn how to use the dam sniper rifle its what the class is made for.
  12. quidmonkey

    quidmonkey New Member

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    I have a simple solution that I would like to see: let bullets destroy ice traps (set them off much like air strike/nades). Ninja stars won't be able to, so Assassins will still have issues; and the hurt/heal gun won't be able to either. This solves the key issue with snipers: approaching them. You will never get close to a competent sniper. Walk up to him, you get ice trapped/headshot. Jump over trap, you get flak/shot. Sure, you can air strike the trap away, but Support has more important duties than rooting out snipers; you can also nade, but that puts Assault at a disadvantage. Shooting out the traps would still set them off, giving the sniper plenty of time to recover and either re-trap or re-position.

    Just an idea.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    you can destroy ice traps already with any explosive in the game.

    if this needs to be implemented to any class, take a glace at that there assault. his bombs are indestructable. see one, and you might as well go the other way, because its not going anywhere without giving you problems.

    but the sniper is getting his nerfs. without a sniper being juiced more than than not-juiced, and without his ice traps effecting as long and as strong, you can kill the weakly-armored sniper better than ever. lets see if these patches correct the snipers power, and if they do then let him have his arsenal of skills.

    his guns requires too much accuracy to be considered balanced at close range so he needs his skills. he needs the skills really to counter other classes, so they dont in return become overpowered themselves. the gunner is one hair away from being a killstorm, and this would be that hair...
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    One thing i've noticed myself is that if both players click grapple at near the same time, the Sniper's grapple 99% of the time is the one that is applied, now i don't know if its just me but i tried it out in a private game, clicking grapple at the same time for every class that has it, and the sniper did win every time i tried it, not sure why though, might be lag in an actual game.. but no lag in a private match on the same xbox.
  15. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    But why should a Sniper be effective at close range? No class should be effective at every range.
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    the day after this was posted, the devs realized they had a lapse of reason, and removed the gunner from the game. they also nerfed the range of the tank's railgun.

    true story...

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Funny enough the next update will downgrade the Gunner's effectiveness at range and the Tank is already weak at medium range, the strength of the Assault. True story bro.
  18. quidmonkey

    quidmonkey New Member

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    I, uh, mentioned that.

    But the Assault still needs to detonate it. You can often sneak by if he's distracted. But we're not discussing the Assault here.

    What I'm addressing has nothing to do with juice. In addition, I went back and re-read the DLC notes: Ice Traps are modified so that Pros not caught in the initial blast will be slowed vs. frozen and skill-drain has been lessened. They said nothing about length nor strength. 1v1 vs Sniper remains the same.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    length = time after initial blast causing freeze

    strength = lessened skill drain

    less juice = getting him near death actually matters (before, if you get a sniper angry, he turns into the floggin incredible hulk. or more like the incredible floke)

    1v1 is a whole new game. the least it deserves is a chance to be seen.
  20. dredd

    dredd Member

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    Why i think you're a noob

    #1 the Smg or Uzi as you called it only has a 10-15 round clip and duzent do that much damage to some one so a sniper would have to nerf there build and put a hipclip upgrade onto there setup mine is on the Bronz set that gives my sniper a 20-25 round sub clip now consider some of it's RL counter parts, The UMP45 has a 32 Round clip, the P90 has a 50 round clip (that sounds nice) so my sniper haveing a 20-25 round clip and i have to be near point blank to hit and do dammage to some one so Imo and logicly the Uzi is fair and ballanced (In other words stop crying)

    #2 the Ice trap is fine it onyl freezes some one inplace for 3 seconds after wards you're free to move i really dont see how the traps is Op it isn't that hard to avoid you see the choke points on the map are so use you're little assain jump and leep over them try that insted of crying on the fourms

    #3 i kinda agree with ya here the grapple needs to ring out some one of you're size and less meaing a Sniper can ring out an Assault, Sniper, Assain, Support, the Gunner and Tank would take dammage from the rifle the Tank and Gunner can Ring out any one now i dont agree with you that the dammage needs to be nerfed and this hole nerf the sniper campine that you kids are on is really geting old

    Now In all honesty the only classes that are Op are the Assault and the Support the Sniper is fine untill some Assasin kids come on here crying here is the thing in my final thoughts mkay? Takeing an Assasin and slaping level 3 armor on her doesnt make her into the Tank you kids think she is in other words trying to take a Squishy class that does alot of damage in close quarters and make it less Squishy vs a Sniper at long range is well..........noobish sorry now stop crying about the sniper if you dont like it here is a little ProTip of mine if there is a Sniper on the other team camping Juceing and kicking ur *** then well......Counter snipe its not that hard

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