I am sorry...NERF the sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by savvon, September 8, 2010.

  1. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Assassins are indeed a little underpowered and if you aren't skilled and lucky you will get killed fast.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    -.- I can play, and do quite well, with every class.

    That said, and this is to everybody in general, the real problem with Snipers is that they've got everything except a sizeable chunk of health.

    Other than that, they can just bodyshot someone in the span of 2 seconds, and kill them.

    They have traps that many classes can't detonate, and the only class to counter them with ease is the Assault. Also, after they activate, within a second or two of it being activated, it will go off AGAIN if anyone else comes near it. Wtf? Bull, ****. It already went off, so, there shouldn't be anything there!!! Every other class is forced to back off, because with the incredible radius, skill drain, and ability to drop another one near immediately, Sniper gets an easy kill. Again. And again. And again, and again, and.....

    The sniper rifle's explosive rounds are quite annoying, and I can't make up my mind on them being overpowered. I feel there's a few things that aren't right. You should NOT be able to shoot your own Jackbot three times to kill the Assassin on your Jackbot. And I feel that the radius for them might be a bit excessive. More then once I've died when running off, I got a bit too close to a group of bots. That last one is just me though.

    The Flak is pretty acceptable. Combined with everything else, I instinctively want to scream "IT'S OP, I CAN'T COUNTER IT!!". But, if all my other issues with Sniper were fixed, then this would be just fine, a backup for the Sniper to rely on in a tough spot. After, they need SOME way to defend themselves.

    The grapple, as everyone here will agree, is massively overpowered. When I run towards a Tank or Gunner, they should NOT back off going "Oh, ****, it's a Sniper!" They should laugh at my stupidity, and tear my *** to shreds. Now, if it did less damage, and/or reduced the knock-back (significantly) then that'd be it. As it is, it's the best thing in the game, it recharges insanely fast, and is the trump card among aces. Can't tell you how many Snipers I've played who hardly ever sniped. They'd charge with SMG, and grapple anyone who came near them. Not in a rambo sorta way, but, srsly? For those who say that investing $550 dollars in it should balance it out, no. It cost $150 to get the throw, and Sniper get money like no one's business.

    The SMG is a bit questionable. Overall, it's good, but the damage it deals is incredible. While I understand the need for a defense for the Sniper, it shouldn't be that reliable. When found by an enemy Pro, I shouldn't, again, be able to handle my own against a player of equal skill with an SMG. I take Gunners down in two clips. And, with RoF as my gold endorsement, that doesn't take long. Like, five seconds or so.

    The rate at which he gains Juice is absolutely phenomenal. Again, my biggest complaint with this is it being combined with all his other aspects. But, DAMN does this guy get Juice fast. Though, considering he's supposed to be squishy, it makes sense. To bad he's not :?

    Now, take ALL of that, and what do you get? A freaking god. I swear, playing as Sniper, unless I have complete nublets on my team, or numerous players on the enemy team that actually know what they're doing, practically guarantees a win.

    I don't know how to balance this. If you nerfed ALL of his aspects, it would severely limit him. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's not. But, as it is, he is WAY too powerful.
  3. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    You know, the more I read this thread, the more I lean towards the side of nerf. ONLY because snipers (in theory) shouldn't be able to defend themselves so well at a close range. I stlill vote we wait until there is substantial evidence that snipers are overpowered. But I wish that a developer would come in to tell us why they chose the things they did. The people on these boards argue so much that I can't blame them for not commenting. Thank you for the thoughtful post, Randomdude02.
  4. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    My pleasure :D I've mad a hobby in posting rants on these forums. I'm mainly doing it because I like seeing others' viewpoints, and, (this is the big reason here) it's killing time till Halo: Reach.

    Oh, and after going through the thread again, I noticed that you say you have a hard time picturing Snipers pushing lanes. Pushing a lane is pretty easy. There are certain locations on the maps that, if left largely undisturbed, or only attacked by people who don't know how to counter the Sniper, you can single handedly lock down a lane and keep bots from advancing. This is mainly done by Snipers "headshotting" bots, and killing the Blackjacks in bout 2 shots. On Ammo Mule and Steel Peel, this can be done while the bots are coming out of their spawn.

    I once cleared lanes completely one one side of Ammo Mule, and, with my teammates assaulting their base's turrets, or bots broke through, and we won in a little under two minutes. Granted, this wasn't solely because of me, but I single handedly kept their bots out of our bots' way.
  5. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I still haven't seen it yet, but I'll take your word for it. Certain stadiums are more unbalanced than others in that aspect, especially Steel Peel. But I'm willing to bet that your opponents we're very skilled or weren't focusing on the bots too much.

    Again, this is all based on my own opinion. Maybe I should try the sniper again next time I get a chance to see how well I can do.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    These are the two main problems with Sniper (my favorite class).

    You shouldn't be able to shoot your own bots and do damage to enemies near them. Did you know that you can also shoot the tops of destroyed turret nubs to get the explosive effect? Only hits on enemies (bots, pros, non-destroyed turrets) should proc the AOE explosion.

    The throw should be minimal to non-existant on the lvl 2 grapple. If level 3 became what level 2 is now and level 2 was decreased in throw distance and damage, it would be much more balanced.
  7. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    It's a Sniper.

    His pros are are being able to out shoot anyone at long range and prevent people from getting close.

    Oh my! But how do you avoid such an OP class, you say?

    Long Range: Don't try to out shoot a sniper... duh?
    Mid Range: If it takes 3 shots to kill you, take cover after you get shot... duh?
    Short Range: Don't be that guy that falls for the traps... duh?

    The only way a Sniper can kill you, if you not a fool, is to shoot you in the head. Which, btw, is a skilled shot and you need to give props where props are do.

    Just follow these simple rules, and you'll stop posting hate posts soon enough.

    Rule 1: If you get shot, take cover. Force him to shoot you in the head.
    Rule 2: He's a freaking sniper. If he's standing somewhere, there are traps.

    Here, I'm going to help you some more. As a Sniper, I can tell you the best way to mess one up.

    Use you're abilities and explosives to put a lot of pressure on their trapped area, forcing them to leave. Then, voila, a fight! If he still shoots you in the head, send him a smiley face for an excellent shot.

    Don't forget, if he's a better player then you, he's probably still going to eat you. That's not OP, that's just crappy on your part.

    Can you dig it?

    Ps: Got any other problems? I've got quite a lot of common sense for ALL the classes.
  8. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    It's not common sense, it's specious reasoning. Trite and abusive responses are rather meaningless and unproductive, though they will be tolerated here because they're supporting the status quo.
  9. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    RandomDude, I was totally being sarcastic.
  10. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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  11. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Also I like how V A L K 3 N implies that if you don't know where everyone else is on the map (despite there not being a HUD map pointing this out) you are a noob and deserve nothing less than a 0-23 k/d ratio.
  12. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Ain't that the truth! It's rather ridiculous to support something because it doesn't change the game. Just as it is ridiculous to support something because it changes the game.
  13. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Sounds like false equivalency to me, but sure.
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The ability to stack the sniper's traps next to each other is what makes them broken. This is the aspect of his traps that needs changing. If they have an area radius 5, then they should not be able to be within radius 8-10 of each other without going off spontaneously. That leaves a bubble in the middle where an assassin can jump in and grab him. Also if someone triggered the trap, the guy who jumps into the area after the trigger (past level 1) should not be affected.

    The sniper's passive ability counters the gunner's deploy ability. The idea of the deploy level 3 for the gunner is that you can not be killed easily by sniper shots.Yea you can... they just body shoot you. If the level 3 deploy always gave you a helmet I still wouldn't buy it because of the decreased damage (which is really the only reason to deploy anyway).

    The SMG is decent with an upgrade or two but crappy without endorsements. Only a sniper with juice will beat a gunner at close range unless the gunner doesn't know what he is doing. Note that most gunners I see don't know what they are doing.

    As said before, the sniper's grapple 2 and 3 should be reversed (with the level 2 now doing medium damage).

    The sniper gets juice way too quickly from black jacks at the middle-end of the game.
  15. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I know, but wasn't your point based on people playing favorites? I was just trying to say that I wasn't biased.

    Troll. There, nuff said.
  16. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Close enough.
  17. Shivers

    Shivers New Member

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    Whilst I main sniper, I still agree that you shouldn't be able to proc the AoE affect from your own bots, that's silly.
  18. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I would think this is a bug. Surely they didn't intend it.
  19. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    This, I think randoms from online just came to rant because they get killed by something and they didn't like it.
  20. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I often wonder the purpose of such specious reasoning.

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