I am sorry...NERF the sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by savvon, September 8, 2010.

  1. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    By not about killing pros, I mean that a balance issue shouldn't be determined solely on one's capability to kill them. I won't deny that snipers are very efficient, if not the most effecient, at getting a high k/d ratio. But from what I've seen, snipers just can't successfully keep pushing a lane like the other classes. But you're right; killing pros is very important to success. I'll say that this game is not ALL about killing pros. Threads like this tend to slip all too easily into the "pro-killing competition". There are two sides to this game.

    Anyway, I really don't have much experience with playing a sniper, or seeing a good sniper. But even with the traps, the flak, the SMG, and the splash damage, I just can't see the sniper pushing lanes. They're really good for defending lanes though, and support towards moving bots forward. And once the money ball is downed, I'm sure the sniper is very good at taking it down. All I'm saying is that it is too early to determine whether or not the sniper is overpowered. It doesn't seem like snipers are the ace-in-the-hole like everyone is saying.
  2. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Once you get explosive shot they're actually pretty darn good at pushing the lanes, not so much before that though. Once I get explosive though I can push my bots up to their base and destroy their turrets, all without venturing far from our own base :p
  3. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I'm going to have to take your word for it.
  4. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I'm not complaining about anything O.O

    And it doesn't matter, jus saying'
  5. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I really wish the assassin had a single tool to deal with snipers + freeze traps, but its ok. They can be invincible to assassins, I guess thats fine :)
  6. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    As a sniper I have to say that the smg is possibly the most effective close range wpn in the game. I downed a tank on Ammo Mule in the center. We were getting bullseye and I go after him. I trap behind him so he pursues me. I whip out my smg and every shot hit. 2 or so clips and he was dead (bronze clip endorsement, gold RoF). I was just out of his jet range and he didn't charge. While this was early-mid game, that was just wrong. Truly this wpn was inspired by the smgs in MW 2.
  7. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Congrats you proved half my point... xbox kids are terrible. They bitch in CoD,Halo, SSF4,BC2 and they certainly bitch in this great game. I wasn't wrong. Also if your logic is true, why the hell is MW2 still the most played shooter on xbox?

    Also, lol, to the guy who said that he can kill any pro at any range. I would love for you to kill my support, or my Assault, or my Tank. Good luck with your computer like headshots and amazing weaving through shotguns and fire before grappling me. Also, 2 classes have a charge that takes out more than half your health and puts you far away.
  8. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    After some testing, it looks like I can survive 3 shots from snipers. They take me down in 4-5 shots usually
  9. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Cool, good to know :3
    Is that 4 without armour endorsements and 5 with gold or is it just 4 to 5 with endorsements?
  10. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    4 to 5 with gold endorsement ;)
  11. savvon

    savvon Member

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    People are not bitching...

    They are just trying to balance the game to make it fun so it will stay successful. People like you make it hard to accomplish this because all people like you want to do is "1-up" other people no matter what the subject is. You would rather exchange insults and try to discredit everyone who doesn't share your odd point of view than actually try to improve the game.

    Snipers are OP and need adjustment.
    Sniper is NOT my best class but I can beat you when I play a sniper easily.
    Snipers (as a general rule) should be strong at long range and weak at short range.

    I know you are young Goose and do not have the foresight of what can and probably will happen to this game. However, when you are older (and can see past the nose on your face) and see game after game die of the same things, you will (hopefully) understand what we are trying to accomplish by expressing our opinions.
  12. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Do you honestly feel that the sniper is so "overpowered" that you find it necessary that he gets a nerf as soon as possible? Or do you think that we should wait a bit to see how it turns out, so that we don't end up messing up something that may not need fixing?

    I know that sometimes snipers can be annoying, but I can't see them needing a nerf. At least not right now.

    P.S. You can't call something a fact without enough proof to back it up. And no, your experience with snipers, or other people's experience, is not enough proof.
  13. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    take a page out of valves book here and make the sniper do next to nothing with a body shot, but make a headshot an instant kill, don't have the charge up like a sniper in TF2 because i know snipers in this game sometimes just sit in scope, i do when i play it and gun down bots and just wait for the sound of my trap to go off before i turn around, but body shots shouldn't do much damage, level 3 passive should make it stronger but 3 shot kill on tank/gunner? that is a bit much....
  14. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i would love this so much. played against a team of 3 snipers once who would all bodyshot anyone comin out of our base so i was stuck even as a max health tank
  15. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Yet you didn't actually say anything to argue...FACT, you don't know the basics of argumentation. And yes, I am trying to make this game balanced. And the Sniper is not unbalanced. Go ahead and say people aren't bitching next week when the Assault is broken. That seems to be the pattern here. Balancing a game does not mean catering to noobs. It means helping the people who deserve it, the people who are actually good at the game. It seems like you are so sure that you can kill me and the general population with the Sniper, I'm glad you make that kind of assumption.

    If you are going to try and be witty. At least have something to back it up. You claim that kids that play xbox aren't terrible which is a joke. There are a lot of people on XBL and I can guarantee that the majority aren't playing on the lolheadshots level. Go ahead and play CoD and tell me that people they have any skill. What about Street Fighter? Same concept...

    If you are going to say that these are the people who are "just trying to balance the game to make it fun so it will stay successful" then I don't want to be a part of the game. The majority of the time, a shitty community ruins games and if Uber listens to all that stuff they here on this site, this game would be a broken mess for the people who actually know how to play it.

    This message is a rant and i'm done.
  16. savvon

    savvon Member

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    All your messages are rants and I highly doubt you are done. :lol:
  17. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    rant =/= argument...

    Alright, your right...
  18. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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  19. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    The classes I suck at are overpowered while the class I rule at are balanced, if not underpowered.
  20. Shivers

    Shivers New Member

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    Indeed, I guess assassins sitting in the base spawning endless waves of Gremlin is fine though (yet supposedly assassin's are underpowered), at least spawning bot requires skill!

    To be honest, nearly every game I join, I have a very favourable K/D no matter what class I go, yet the rest of my team is 2-14 etc and we lose even with me grabbing the annilator and doing everything I can do push a lane whilst taking their team out.

    It pains me to think how many of the people saying xxx class is over/under powered on these forums are the exact sort of people who I'm playing with in public matches. Hopefully the average skill level found here is better than the randoms online, if it's not then it's a scary thought that their suggestions might make it into the game.

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