How well is your pc running PA?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by BallsonFire, November 5, 2013.

  1. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    But, i do suppose you may be right. i mean i only have 20 years of expirience building and repairing Home PC's for people, im sure you have way more expeirience than me.
    I mean i must know nothing on how to match clock speeds across the entire system to make a perfect running machine (FSB matching is soo improtant to me) *sarcasm*.
    I have no idea which "Southbridge" and "North Bridge" chipsets perform better than others *sarcasm*.
    i also seem to know nothing on how to remedy peoples issues with the game too (im guessing the 20-30 people i have assisted so far didn't really need my help) *super sarcasm*
    But i like you too :) *not sarcastic* <-- i actually like you helping out on here assisting others too its what the community needs.
    i just not sure why you want to single me and annoy me :p
    maybe its coz im AWESOME .. nah *joke*
    Last edited: November 8, 2013
  2. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    Relax a bit and get your own rig running again before the retail arrives
    maxpowerz likes this.
  3. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    I'm hell keen to repair my desktop (i have a new thermal take PSU on order).
    I actually cried when my PSU popped .. lol
    don't laugh at me, it was a sad moment. (i was in the middle of kickn arse in lost planet 2 and was so depressed when my PSU died mid match)
  4. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    My sig has my main PC, and it lags after a while on uber (what would I expect?) however, it isn't even pushing it usually. 30% CPU sustained for more than 1 tick /max/ and I'm using ~50% GPU, barely touching the VRAM. I'm actually hoping that people like me with killer computers could do more of the rendering than those with a Pentium D or something else outdated.
  5. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    PC playability here:

    Windows 7 X64 Ultimate
    AMD Phenom II X6 1090XT @3.2Ghz
    8GB DDR3 1333 RAM (Gskill Ripjaws)
    2x GTX 560 Ti's in SLi Mode (forced to disable sli due to massive performance hit)
    Asus Mobo
    1TB 7200RPM Harddrive

    FPS = fluctuates between 5/20/30/60.
    CPU usage between 30%-60% depending on the AI
    GPU usage 60% @
    VRAM usage between 98-100%
    RAM usage 60% (depending on how many planets I use and how big the planets are)

    Playable and 100% better than what it was during first week of BETA, but still lagging and performance in the toilet more than it should be at this stage. Changing HDR does little to nothing on improved performance, changing other settings does some improvement but nothing substantial.

    Laptop Playability here:

    Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
    Intel i7 Q740 1.7Ghz (turbo 2.8Ghz)
    6GB DDR3
    2x ATI Radeon 5870M in Crossfire
    500 5200RPM Harddrive


    Too slow to even try to play it, around 5-8FPS on the system editor.... cant even make a planet on here.....Regardless if I turn HDR on or off.

    Hope that gives you an indication on where my personal performance is at right now

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