Hi, this is a good video but you don't have a good build order. You should build a factory first! I didn't follow top players but I continue with Metal and Second factory. Then I have a fabber build more metal, one building a radar and then energy. And my commander builds some energy and then factories only (the amount of energy depends on which factories I want to build). I don't know if this is the best one, I just copied some really good players but as I said Im not up to date. Your build order is too inefficient. It is ok versus the AI but won't help in real 1v1s. And don't build too many engineers. You have some good points though, like proxy bases and people completly new will benefit from your video because you emphasize that people should always use their resources. So don't misunderstand me, your video is great, you should update it with a better build order, it will help people a lot! This game really needs more tutorials.