How to dramatically improve the competence of pub supports

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by OfficerFuttBuck, May 26, 2011.

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  1. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    ohaiderturntables i didn't know you were on the forums
  2. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    Since this community has convinced you that you are an amazing player Chronicle, and you know all the support secrets, why do I never see you do anything but juice chain whore with the assault. OOOOOh now those are real skills
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i play every class, and as far as juice chaining goes, how come everyone who complains about it, does nothing to prevent it from happening such as you know, killing that person or establishing control of the map so that person cant just buy the juice over and over and over? oh thats right... because the people who complain about juice chaining are too busy getting killed and not being able to stop the person
  4. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Lol! Who are u anyway?

    Anytime. Id love the opportunity to tune u up. I highly doubt uve played a support like me. We'll make it 60 minutes, plus 20 OT so I can make sure u got the point.

    Im not a juice junky. I certainly dont need it for kills. I would almost spot u the shotgun an only use airstrikes. Spunky is my favorite map, u might want to re-think that. How 'bout G3?
    Last edited: May 27, 2011
  5. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Valid point.
  6. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    well you know exactly why,Chronicle, because you don't dare try that garbage without at least 2 other bot levels in your party holding that middle. Big deal if you play all classes, you do the same basic trash with every one of them. If juice chaining was gone you would be gone and you know damn well that's the truth. Go ahead and make up more excuses why it is fair for you to continually juice bases but do nothing to the money ball. You care about no one but yourself, that is why I know you can't play a good support because good supports look out for their team, you, look out for yourself and your K/D. Do you really think your followers have any respect for you, i doubt it, they just don't want to be on the other end of your constant juice fest.
  7. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Turntables, how can you make such accusations?
  8. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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  9. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    :lol: now I remember u snack! :lol:

    Im pretty sure u dont remember me tho. Otherwise, u wouldnt have challenged me.

    oh yeah, ANYTIME :lol:
  10. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    i am just really gettin sick of the trash talk on supports in this forum. I don't understand how people can talk so much ish about a class that is healing them and helping the team. Yes there are new people that don't quite understand the support's role and may do things that veterans would say are dumb, but isn't that true for all classes.
  11. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Man, screw all these new forum people trying to bring some sort of reign of terror upon the more experienced players. I'm going to my monster hunter forums! Y'all got nuthin to bring to the comm, so pack up your avatars and sigs and leave. Pyre, Nox guy, apparently turntables, probably a bunch that'll show up, just to tell us more stuff we all already know, or just things that are plain wrong.
  12. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    First of all,Zatchshmo, I am not new here. Second of all, I am just as experienced as you are. Finally, you have proved my point about the ignorance on this forum. You think because I don't post 100 times a day like DeadFool I don't read these forums. You know, you have the same mindset as a filthy little racist, if they are different send them away. Guess what I will be going no where, you, on the other hand will leave these forums and game as soon as you don't have the support(pun intended) of your aryan-nation style gang brothers. Oh and I would also like to know what I have said that is 'just plain wrong'. Stop defending your filthy brethren and go play Halo with the rest of the little kids.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    nobody here says support is overpowered, but please, continue to get mad about it. people here say support is EASY.


    and 18 and older please
  14. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    oooh, DeadFool. That's a new one. I think I'll frame it on my wall. And we don't mind new players, or people who don't post much. We only mind people like you or even unlike you that spread idiocy, like Zatchmo said. I DON'T NEED ANY HELP SPREADING THE IDIOCY ACROSS THIS HERE FORUM, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
  15. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Filthy brethren? Aryan nation style brothers? What the **** is wrong with this dude?

    If you hate the way things work here then leave. What. Are you trying have some kind of "rebellion" good luck getting people on your side with that kind of fucked up mindset.

    By the way, see most of my quoted text here if you're looking for an example of just plain wrong.
  16. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    ok, well I am done. I just think that it is sad that you morons can't have an original thought for once. You guys just gang up and trash talk no matter how valid the points are that people make. I know that there are a lot of other people that feel the same way as me on this subject, they are just too afraid to come forward because another one of you pricks will just post more umad pics and flame them. Go ahead and keep flaming me because I wanted to defend my class, you see I care about winning games, not K/D, support does not rack up the biggest K/D's and that is all that you guys care about.
  17. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    @turntables, that's maybe too far. Yes you predate zatchmo here but I don't think that makes him aryan.

    @the trolls, y'all clearly haven't played with truly skilled supports. Just given the silliness of stuff like step 1 leash a gunner, or the other dismissive nonsense. The things you claim the class is only good for shows that you haven't taken the time to understand the support. This is why I name the claim that you haven't played with good ones.

    The best part of what immortal said should be a lesson. if you don't get heals from me it's because I you'll be a waste of resources. I'll push anyone into the white when we're in safety, but I can be way more useful than to follow someone in it for themselves. If you are worth the heals I'll do stupid stuff to get to you if I see you're hurt. I can effectively juggle healing 4 people if they all try to keep themselves alive too.

    And doesn't 'u mad' have an expiration date? at least stop telling yesterdays joke if you don't want to contribute. Looks like I'm mad now, eh?
  18. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    @xzatchmo and @x turntables you guys are actually on the same side, no? I think yer both tired of 'gahurr I done trolled lolilikik uk uk olol' dbs, or did I miss something?
  19. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Funny story about Turntables and some dude he was playing with (not sure if they were partied up, but they always played together).

    I was playing with my one of my friends StoneJuggernaut a few weeks ago and we came across Turntables and his "friend?" and wrecked them for like 8 games straight. Juggernaut kept playing Assault and was doing fairly well most of the time, 15-x-5 on average.

    Now, I don't approve of this but Juggernaut likes to talk sh!t at the end of every game and Turntables replied first by making fun of Juggernaut's bot symbol (buzzer). So now Turntables already looks like an idiot.

    Eventually Turntables starts talking about how the Assault is OP, talking about how Support is the only REAL class and shotgun supports are noobs yada yada. So Juggernaut says "fine, I won't play assault". He picks gunner on Steel Peel and we wreck them AGAIN. Now I couldn't tell if it was Turntabes' friend or Turntables himself who said this but it went like this "no man, just before the game started I said 'and you cant pick gunner either". No one in my party of 3 heard him say this and now Turntables was looking like a complete joke.

    Needless to say, they beat us once Juggernaut tried to please him and picked Support.

    Just for the record Turntables and everyone that I encounter when playing with Juggernaut, I hate it when he sh!t talks and I hope none of you associate me with it and think I'm a **** because of it. But I did have to tell that story about your FAIL logic, Turntables, when it comes to picking and playing classes and playing MNC in general.

    I guess there's just no pleasing you. Everything is unfair and OP, right?
  20. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    sorry one last comment, i said that he has the mindset of an aryan, in that if you don't agree with him or the majority of the people that have posted here then you are an outcast and should be sent away. see Metaphors. As for you mongoose,wow what an overembellished story, I remember some of that happening but you forgot to mention that my "friend" isn't even prestiged nor was anyone on my team. You fools on the other hand were running three assaults so I simply asked if you could do anything else. So he picked Gunner, big difference. Don't forget to tell them how you little chumps rage quit after getting beat one time by me and a bunch of non-prestiges. BAHAHA
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