How to attack asteroid bases?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by goduranus, August 22, 2013.

  1. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    The converse would be interesting as well: a tug of war mode, where whoever is able to push a large asteroid into orbit around their planet wins. One would have to build one's own engines while attempting to disrupt construction of or destroy the opponent's engines.
  2. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Landers carrying troops
    Landers carrying engineers to build an orbital factory
    Teleporting Troops
    Interplanetary Artillery/Missiles/Nukes
    Shoot another asteroid into it
    Use the metal planets orgasm cannon
    Unit cannon throwing armies onto the asteroid

    I'm sure there will be lots of ways to overwhelm his last refuge.
  3. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    I was thinking about a building in which you create a huge bomb and make a very big crater. Depending on the bomb you would create, the crater would be more or less big.
    This way, you could blow up a big chunk if not the entire asteroid if you have the time to build the building and the bomb.
    It would be similar to your wet dream :p

    About the part on the nukes and anti nukes, i doubt the turtling player would have enough ressources to all your nuke strikes (if you can shoot asteroids from a planet-based nuke launcher, and i think it should be possible) when you have a much larger economy.
  4. rabidimperialguard

    rabidimperialguard New Member

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    ... Why are you all ignoring the most obvious solution? Put engines on all your planets, moons and asteroids (maybe a star too?) and ram them into your enemies tiny asteroid!

    I guess they may have changed their mind about it but in this old thread on reddit Neutrino said it would be possible to move planets. If it does work that way I see no reason not to ram this kind of opponent fool with your own giant nuke coated death planet, how are they going to stop you? Sure your death planet might be slower than their asteroid, but you can just chase them into it with more planets and asteroids!

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