How stupid/silly were you when you first started playing?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by OfficerFuttBuck, February 16, 2011.

  1. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    ...and that's stupid how? I rarely buy Juice. I know how to build Juice quickly for each class, it's just a matter of getting in the right situations to do so without getting caught by the other team.

    Tank: Deploy in front of bots/turrets and take damage from them.
    Gunner: Deploy, spam minigun at bots, or use Gunner Grapple.
    Sniper: Spam exploding bullets at bots.
    Assassin: Kill bots like most Assassins already do.
    Assault: Melee everything.
    Support: Heal everything.
  2. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I very rarely buy Juice. I feel like I'm denying Assaults the means to go 35-0 and stave off their erectile dysfunction for a short while.
  3. SteelGoose

    SteelGoose New Member

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    Well, seeing that I am relatively new to this...

    I am still making somewhat silly mistakes. Probably the most notable is that I keep pressing the wrong triggers for the heal/hurt gun on Support. Annoys me
  4. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I didn't know you could hold RT to slash with the Sword. I thought you just had to mash is as fast as possible.....
  5. Mr Dillon

    Mr Dillon New Member

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    I used to use exploits and pubstomp with a party of six.
  6. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Now that is the ultimate fail.
  7. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Oh god. I probably did this until my Buzzer :lol:
  8. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I had no idea what Juice was or how it worked. I rarely ever used it and for a long time didn't know you could buy it.
    I had no idea what the annihilator was. I tried it a couple of times and saw it minutely damage a couple of enemies and figured it was just a waste of money.
    I thought the Ejectors only killed bots, I guess because someone had jumped the first one I tried, so never used them. I wondered why they were called Ejectors when they didn't eject people.
    I'd heard people talking about spawning bots but had no idea how to do it.
  9. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    Alright lets see here

    I used to NEVER use the heal/hurt gun

    Never knew the assassin had a lunge until a month after the game came out

    I always used to build Lazer Blazers
  10. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Laser Blazers were amazing before the update.
  11. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    I thought that all the endorsements did the same effect
    for example i thought Gold RoF did the same as Bronze RoF and so on
  12. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I was stupid enough to never really play the assassin. Ive been maining it for the last few weeks and its now my favourite class, i always thought it was rubbish because i would just see noobs going -30 and at the bottom of their team.

    I nearly always go positive and have won games when playing with a team of 5 randoms who wont budge from our base. Wish i played it from the start.
  13. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    nah, i meant like ALLL THE TIME (including blitz) If i saw a nub, didnt matter where it was LAZER BLAZER RIGHT THAR!
  14. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    OMG. This. And, List could go on.

    Fortunately, I actually played my first 60-80 levels on my friends' account, Fiddle About. I probably put in another 20-30 levels on my other friends' account. So my main stats aren't too negatively effected by this.

    That being said, I literally NEVER tried another class ONCE other than assassin until about level 60. After that, I maybe flirted with sniper a little bit, and support a little bit, but even to this day, for every 30 games I've played in MNC, 29 of them have been assassin.

    And I was a BAAAAAD assassin when I first started.

    -Never pushed bots
    -Didn't know you could smoke bomb jump
    -Tried to run up to people cloaked, blind them with smoke bomb, and then kill them via slashing.
    -Face grappled tanks (and everything else, for that matter)
    -Even when I started getting good with assassin, never knew that you could hold RT to slash with the sword. In fact, Tom#'s was actually playing with me when I discovered this.
    -On grenade III, when I first discovered bomb jumping into your opponent's base, every game I'd go straight over to their side cloaked, run up to a corner of their spawn ring and shuriken kill both turrets. Took me like 3 minutes :lol:
    -Never cloaked during grapple when you could
    -Thought cloak = invisible, thought dashing while cloaking worked, etc.
    -Never knew what juice was. In fact, I don't think I ever survived long enough to get juice until I switched over to the HI IM SNARF account.

    Could go on forever. I do remember figuring out that assassin was good at killing bots on my own, though. I already pushed bots even before I got involved with the community. Nowhere near the same level of pushing as I would now - I'd definitely spend plenty of time going for kills. But I did kill bots a good bit and would try to take the moneyball down.

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