How MNC pwns Halo Reach

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bast, September 30, 2010.

  1. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I was one of the biggest Halo fanboys ever.

    Latched onto CE late,
    6th person in the city to get halo 2 opening day
    Similarly got halo 3 opening day.

    Halo: CE still holds a pace in my heart and honestly, looking back, I think it has the most solid gameplay.
    Halo 2 is where the aspect ratio became cramped because they were pushing the system, and everything started moving like it was pushing through mashed potatoes, but I actually think the multiplayer was the best of the series then.
    Halo 3 came along and it was big and polished and.... the same game I played 2 times previous. The only thing added to core gameplay was the deployable equipment. Forge was neat but no one played custom games. It also had a very short campaign.

    I skipped ODST entirely; there was no way I was going to pay full price for what was going to be an addon.

    I also skipped reach, as it uses the same (tweaked) halo 3 engine. It's just... way too boring at this point. Halo: CE changed first person shooters on consoles in ways that weren't seen since goldeneye. Every sequel after that was dedicated to keeping the series stuck in 2001.

    I never played reach, but from what I saw being played, MNC beats in out for replayability and fun.
  2. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    I really want to like Reach, I really do. It has amazing potential. As it is though, I am extremely happy that I didn't purchase it at launch. Between the whacky bloom balance on the DMR, a retarded ranking system for Arena, no shield bleed-through option for customs, a plethora of horrible gametypes for the playlists, only 1 color pallete for Forge items, etc...

    I want to hunt down the head of Microsofts Certification Process team, and shove mouldy bacon down his throat to cut off his air supply until he passes away. Release the damn patch already...
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    each is only good competitively. Even then, it still has a few flaws. The bloom is the best thing to happen to Halo though. It's so hilarious to watch even pro players struggle with the simple concept of timing your shots and not spamming the trigger.
  4. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Being an insecure PC gamer is so last decade.
  5. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    While bloom is nice, the balance on the DMR right now actually favors the spamming of the trigger. At close rangers the spread is inconsequential so whoever spams the quickest wins, while at mid-to-long ranges spammers still have a good chance of winning vs someone who is timing their bloom refresh perfectly from sheer luck of the spread. NO.

    I pick up/spawn with a Needle Rifle every chance I get :)
  6. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I also skipped reach, as it uses the same (tweaked) halo 3 engine. It's just... way too boring at this point. Halo: CE changed first person shooters on consoles in ways that weren't seen since goldeneye. Every sequel after that was dedicated to keeping the series stuck in 2001.

    So, you haven't even played Halo Reach, yet you know that its boring? God, I hate people that judge games they've never played, but I'm not going to try to change your opinion.

    anyways, I love MNC, but it in no way comes to close to reach IMO. Maybe a full retail game would be close, but I really doubt I would like it better than Reach.
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Frankly to be compared side by side to a game like Reach is actually pretty cool.

    Bungie was down the street from us for most of the development of MNC (they've since moved) and we know a lot of the Bungie guys pretty well. However, the resources they had were on a completely different scale than anything we had ;)
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I always felt that the best part of Halo was the music. I find it odd that the weapons have gotten steadily worse since the original game.

    MNC is a really great game and if this is their first effort, I think we will all look for their first full game. That being said... I think we're all fatigued waiting for the patch.
  9. WithVengence

    WithVengence New Member

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  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Bungie doesn't owe you anything bro. They didn't promise you that you would love their game.
  11. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Its funny isn't it?... Actually, its not.

    Reach is an outright amazing game.

    Halo 3 and Halo Reach are light years apart. They aren't even close to being the same game. So, I giggle at those who judge reach by their time spent with Halo 3.... Silly heads. lol

    I played 3 for a hot second, dropped it and didn't look back. It wasn't a big leap. Reach IS that huge leap into the "next gen."

    MNC is a refreshing and unique experience but its not in the same league. No matter how much fans want it to be. (Though if given the same resources things could change) Its impressive for an arcade game though.

    Its difficult to find another "retail" game with the amount of quality options that reach offers. And what they've done with Forge... Amazing.

    Anyway, its always the top dog that gets the most hate.

    So, its no surprise. Carry on...
  12. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    I don't think Reach is bad, or that MNC "pwns" Reach. I just like MNC better.

    After doing my time with big commercial hits like Call of Duty and Battlefield, I find Halo multiplayer to be rather formulaic and boring. (Before I get flamed, that's not to say they don't do some neat things with it. That's just one player's feeling.) Grenade spam: check. Sniper rifle YouTube montages: check. Bunny hopping: check...

    Worse is the fact that, due to the commercial success, it monopolizes the scene at large. Believe it or not, there are much more interesting multiplayer games than Halo or Starcraft, but since those are the big hits, those get all the attention in pro circles like the MLG. Now that Reach is out, and with Black Ops around the corner, how long do you bet it will be before we see another MNC video from AmazYn, for example?

    As for how "amazing" and innovative Forge is, that's just an example of the Halo devs - and perhaps some Halo players ;) - needing to try some games other than their own. People have been able to make custom multiplayer maps for quite some time now. The fact that it's finally been shoehorned into consoles after 15 or so years doesn't impress me, and Bungie aren't the only ones to have done it.

    Reach is a solid, polished iteration of a well-known franchise in a popular genre. It's like a good cheeseburger, a romantic comedy, or a catchy pop song about lust. You're going to have broad appeal, and you're going to make money. But, for folks who are getting burned out on cheeseburgers, there are games like MNC.
  13. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Excellent post, I gotta say. The reason I enjoy Halo so much is that It can be tailored well for competitive play or just general shenanigans. A big selling point for me is the amount of customization the games have. It's the social aspect I really love on Halo, though. Playing with my friends. the Call of Duty games lack that bonding experience because of how unbalanced and seemingly 'random' everything is.

    The social aspect is also the same reason I love MNC so much. I'll be playing both of them as long as possible.
  14. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The only multiplayer game I've played that was anyway near as fun as Halo would be MNC. Some people like halo, some people like other games. You can't just tell the people that like halo to play other games, just because you don't like it.

    Honestly, no one thinks that bungie is a god when they invented forge. But I don't see MNC with forge, so I don't see how having it is a bad thing. Actually, the only console game I have with a "map editor" is Halo, so really, why does it matter if its not super innovative? Also, FC2 came out a year after halo 3.

    Grenade spam: check. Sniper rifle YouTube montages: check. Bunny hopping: check...

    Also, pretty sure you could apply those to MNC too :)
  15. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    You seem to be missing my points, Rawfulll. As I specifically said, I'm not calling Reach bad. Overhyped, maybe, but not bad.

    Who said that? (Honestly, I haven't read every post in the thread, so maybe I missed something.)

    Didn't say that they did. My statement on it was a direct response to a prior post, as well as some of Bungie's own hype.

    Didn't say that, either.

    Didn't say that they were the first. But as long as you've brought it up, Halo 3's Forge was quite unremarkable compared to other games, or Reach.

    Not as much. But, I'll humor you.

    *Only exist on 3 classes. (Support's air strike may be similar, but it is not a grenade in my opinion.)
    *2 of those classes have to switch weapons to use them, the other class has a cooldown.
    *None of them are 1-hit kills. (Again, unless you want to stretch to include air strike, but some tanks can even live through that.)
    In a nutshell, there is no weapon that is functionally the same as grenades in other popular shooters.

    Bunny hopping:
    *Only really viable in MNC as a Support, or when desperately trying to avoid a grapple or Sniper headshot.
    *At least 2 classes are basically incapable of bunny hopping to any real benefit.

    Sniper rifle YouTube montages:
    Having a Sniper in a class-based game is rather different than anyone being able to pick up a rifle, or have any combination of equipment/perks with it. But, I'll give you this one. MNC Snipers can be just as lame as snipers in other games. ;)
  16. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    *Only exist on 3 classes. (Support's air strike may be similar, but it is not a grenade in my opinion.)
    *2 of those classes have to switch weapons to use them, the other class has a cooldown.
    *None of them are 1-hit kills. (Again, unless you want to stretch to include air strike, but some tanks can even live through that.)
    In a nutshell, there is no weapon that is functionally the same as grenades in other popular shooters.

    Oh, well I was talking about air strikes, because those are even more annoying than grenades.
  17. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Yeah, I can agree with that.
  18. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    Fixed it for you. You're welcome.
  19. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Did you honestly just troll for your first post? That makes me somewhat sad.

    Welcome to the forums... I guess?
  20. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    first 2 posts are ignant so i decided to inform yalls.

    yes halo 3 sucked halos 1,2 and reach are good games though. halo reach actually has some of the best graphics in current games. also they completely change the weapon balance and types of maps in each halo altho the combat was the same till reach and odst (slower movement less jump height and they slowed my turning speed grrr) i have no idea how the gameplay could be "thin" since they expanded on everything from previous halos even adding completely new weapon types.

    also patch. cool story bro wasnt clever back when kids started using it back in 2001.

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