Decreased cooldown on assaults charge. Normalized knockback on charge (knockback from charge is now the same for Tank and Assault since they also share the same charge range and speed.) Times are now: Level 1 - 15second cooldown (Original: 15seconds. Current: 20seconds) Level 2 - 11.5second cooldown (Original: 8.5seconds. Current: 15seconds) Level 3 - 8.5second cooldown (Original: 6.66seconds. Current: 10seconds.) Reverted change on bombs. Bombs recharge while deployed. HOWEVER bombs now have limited lifetimes, can be destroyed by other explosives(bombs/grenades/mortar/flak) and have a slightly longer cooldown timer. Bombs that are not detonated before their lifetime is up merely disapeer doing no damage. Lifetime while deployed: 20seconds. Recharge times: Level 1 - 20seconds (Original time: 20seconds. Current: 15seconds + 1second arm timer.) Level 2 - 16seconds (Original time: 15seconds. Current: 12seconds + 1second arm timer.) Level 3 - 12seconds (Original time: 10seconds. Current: 10seconds + 1second arm timer.) Changed moneyball damage from assault bomb: Original multiplier: 3.33 Current multiplier: 1.5 New multiplier: 1.80 ----- That seems like a fairly decent "mid point" between the original stats, and the current over nerfing. It also returns the ability for the assault to not be punished for planning ahead with his bomb, but gives players a way to combat it.
This would basically do nothing compared to the old balance. Honestly, which Assault had a bomb out for more than 20 seconds without using it? I don't know about you but I almost always detonated my bomb when it was recharged to place it at a better spot or use it as grenade. You would have two bombs you could use again for a time frame of 8 seconds though. Pretty much no change at all.
I will so quote you the next time anybody wants to increase lunge cooldown by 300%... Okay, that is really a good idea. Even as Assault it's annoying to have to maneuver around another Assault's bomb. All I'm saying is LaseRazor, Assault Mexican Standoff. So much no mans land...
Instead of the lifespan idea, a reduced regen rate while the bomb is active might be a better idea Supposedly. The speed may be the same, but the knockback isn't(except maybe at lvl3)
Yes I too would support such a change. It sucks that non-lethal ice traps can be set off by multiple methods, air strikes can be easily avoided and have a long cooldown, but a bomb will never be destroyed if they block a doorway. That said it shouldn't be destructible until it has hit a surface. It should still be indestructible if you get headcrabbed.
Absolutely! We wouldn't want to miss out on moments like this:
Everybody has to do this! My friend and me do it everyday now and it's fun as hell when someone rages and calls you griefing faggots or the like.