How do you prove that you're not modding?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, December 11, 2010.


    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    1 it is possible to mod in this game simply because it uses unreal engine wich has always been suceptable to this. just ask anyone that has played gears of war. chances are though when you think someone is modding they arent it's more likley lag related as mods are rare.

    2 lag swiching is more common but you have to be host to do it. i don't know if the game engine the devs used is coded to deal with this the same way as gears was.
    in gears though if you lag swicthed after pacth you had to do it quickly or the game would host migrate.

    the only thing i have seen on a regular basis that bothers me is when your team is winning and the host is on the other team the host lag swicthes to force host migration wich makes all your bots and deployed firebases disapear. seems like peole are using it as a last dicth effort. lol
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    He killed me twice that match. WITH THE SLAM. That's why I'm so utterly confused at his argument that his slam would not work on me.

    P.S. Don't judge. I was getting super teamed up on by bouncers and that's why the slam killed me :p
  3. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    no you just suck :twisted:
  4. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Of course it's possible to modify this game. Take DeadEye, for example.

    Well, it's either pure luck or big-headeness.
  5. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    lmao. I'm amazed peopled still think he's a modder
  6. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I've never even played against the young man. I'm leaning more towards the "pure luck" side.
  7. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    :lol: Come play against us. Then you'll see if it's "pure luck"
  8. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I've been accused of modding before, but not by someone I've never played against.
  9. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    You don't mod, you just don't play the objective and killfarm.

    I got crap luck and got put in your game.
    You thought I was on the other team and you actually called me "Randy Forum Tryhard" and it was hilarious.
    After I started killing bots and turrets, you proceeded to bitch at me for the rest of the game.
    Needless to say I didn't stay after I destroyed the moneyball and you were still going on about how I ruined the game by playing it the way it was meant to be played.

    But hey at least you don't mod!

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Dude, who cares? You know you're not modding. Why waste your breath responding? Do you really have that much ego invested in this video game that you have to prove to some random guy that you're good at it? Do you really care THAT MUCH if somebody doesn't think you are good?

    Why does everybody care so much, omfg.
  11. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I knew you were on my team, and I only got mad because you joined in late when I was on a huge killstreak and started killing bots and juicing on turrets non stop. And when I say non stop, I mean non stop. I'm sorry that I like to drag games on for longer than 5 minutes, but I just don't see the fun in doing nothing but killing bots and juicing on turrets. Maybe it's because if I tried as hard as you did I would never get over 5 kills in a game, and I'd be sitting in lobbies and loading screens longer than playing.

    You took advantage of the fact that we already had complete control of the map, and juiced on kids who were already losing about 10 times in 3 minutes, making absolute sure the other team and our team both had no more fun. It was sorta nerdy of you, but not as nerdy as posting about it on the forums. But hey, GG, you can really kill the hell out of people when you join a game that's already won and don't look at a single person until you have juice.

    Hey Uber.. Since you're not supposed to kill people in this game, you're only supposed to kill bots and turrets.. Why don't you remove crossfire, and just put a reverse blitz in. That way Manuoso can run around killing bots and then juice on the turrets, he'd be the champion of reverse blitz.

    Snarf. I don't care when people call me a cheater, a kill farmer, or a douche. I laugh. People I play with (That don't play the game like Manuoso) know that all I do is try and have fun in the game, and don't really care what people think/say about me.

    BTW. I know it's your first time Trolling me Manuoso, but it's not appreciated. If you have a problem with me take it up with me online and not on the forums where it just starts **** that is unnecessary. I know it takes a little more sack to go directly to the person, but it's a little too nerdy for me for you to post about a game where you tryharded and ruined my game, especially when it happened a few days ago.
  12. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    No you said oh good he's on the other team and then called me a randy forum tryhard.
    It was funny to hear that term used in an actually sentence that wasn't a complete joke.
    You didn't realize I was on your team until I started killing turrets.

    As for juicing on turrets, I spawned in as an assassin not knowing who was on my team.
    Sorry for doing what an assassin is supposed to do.
    After seeing who was on my team, my goal was to end it as quick as possible.

    As for me talking to you directly, I tried in game, but it's like talking to a brick wall that just constantly states the same thing over and over.
    Being louder doesn't make you right.

    And yes, I'm the nerd who comes on the forums all the time, should we compare post counts?

    As for me trolling you, this is really the only time I've had anything to say about you, but it doesn't matter as you already had an opinion of me before I've even played a game with you.

    All that being said, you paid for the game just like the rest of us, play it how you will.
    Just try not to berate people the entire game when they play it like it's meant to be played.
    That was my main point.
  13. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    This current argument is brought to you by this thread.


    Also Manouso, pushing the bots as an assassin and juicing. Thats preposterous. We all know assassins sit back and let people play the game like dainty ladies. What kind of game do you think your playing?

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    DeadEye, I'm not insulting you when I say this. I'm happy you're having fun, but there really is no point insulting people for playing the game objectively. It isn't deathmatch. there are like 5000000000 shooter games where kills are the primary objective. This isn't one of them. I'm not saying you are starting it every time...I don't see your every interaction with everybody. But I am saying that the people do have a point when they say you play the game wrong.

    That being said, you are pretty damn good at getting kills with the gunner. You went like 43-0 against my team. You had a few teammates on your team as well. But at the end of the game, I went 14-6, had almost as much money as you, and my team won. If you really did play objectively, you could be one of the best gunners in the game. I kinda don't know why you don't.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    wow the ignorance in this thread is amazing.

    this game isnt horde mode and it isnt team deathmacth.
    it's a team deathmacth tower defense hybrid. uber correct me if i'm wrong. but thats pretty much the game you created even if unintended.

    1 if all you do is kill pro's you're ignoring half the game.
    2 if all you do is build turrets and kill bots you're ignoring half the game.

    if you only do one of these you're only half as good as you think you are.

    and anyone whom thinks they are great at this game because they can stomp random newbies in pubs while playing with a team is lieing to themselves.

    i often play by myself as most of my friends are playing cod or halo.
    and i have seen some knuckle head teams talk alot of crap too new players for no reason but to make themselves feel more inportant because mom and dad didn't give them enough attention growing up. i wont say any names as most of you know who they are.

    but i would like to say i enjoy playing against oxyteam even when i'm with low skill newbs because the games are intense fun and they dont talk crap.
  16. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I'm a gunner. Gunner's slay and maintain control, I do what bot/turret killing I need to but for the most part assassins, snipers, and supports to a majority of the objective. I consider slaying to be my objective, until I want to end the game. If I played every match doing EVERYTHING I could to win, most games would be over in 5 minutes or less, and I would have no fun. However, if I were to go into games with the purpose of ONLY slaying, I wouldn't be 30th for wins(sounds bad considering I'm 6th for kills, but I don't play as much as the higher people, and I play with groups MUCH less than the higher people)

    I <3 that I post saying "lulz" at someone who first called me a modder, then egotistical and lucky, then some nerd posts completely off topic about something that happened 3 days ago. Now it's a chance for all the kids who hate on me to chime in with their pointless comments brought about by the fact that they're simply.. annoying forum haters/trolls.

    I wonder why I call you forum kids.. because I play against you, then you randomly pop up on the forums talking **** on me. And it's always brought up by you kids, whether it's annoying passive aggressive posts that ruin threads, or a thread completely about how you rage that I outgunner everyone. Stop being such nerds, nerds.
  17. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    You may not have been cheating, but if it was a glitch doing this.. you can't blame hum for accusing you of cheating, to him you were because it seemed like you were but it could have just been a glitch. or lag. Although there is no way you can prove it, it does suck, but you have to live with it.

    There have been many time people thought i have been cheating, and many time where i had thought others were cheating, but it usually is a glitch or lag that makes it appear as if its a cheat.
  18. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    I wish there were more people in this thread telling others how to play the game.
  19. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Very good post, although capitalization would have earned it a rating of great post. ;)

    I would add that which half of the game you're emphasizing should probably depend on what class you're playing and what competent players/classes you have on your team. If you're playing classes like gunner and assault, you should probably start out by focusing on the deathmatch aspect. However, if the supposed bot destroyers on your team aren't doing their jobs, you should probably suck it up a bit and help out.

    Wait a sec! This is all off-topic. Ignore everything.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Jack you're ruining the community.

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