Hitting the moneyball from the opposite base

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Jet Magnum, January 28, 2011.

  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    some complain that it encourages turtling, others complain it encourages spawncamping.

    first, it discourages spawncamping, as somebody needs to be keeping bots coming in. as it is, once the ball is down the entire enemy team can sit at the spawndoor, all 6 of them. once bots are needed, only 4 at most can be at the spawndoor just sitting, as at least 2 will need to be killing bots as they spawn so theirs can get in.

    secondly, it wont encourage turtling cuz this game is still pretty harsh against turtling. turtling is very far from being a problem in mnc. this wont be groundbreaking in that area.

    third, whats worse? spawncamping a team that should lose? or mortaring a team that did make a comeback but was unfairly cheated as their moneyball was killed base-to-base. simply put, in c&c renegade, CoD, and every game i have played this last decade, it has been obvious that B2B (base to base) is retarded and should be against the rules.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    all 6 can be at the spawndoors because when the ball goes down that teams bots spawn with half health, meaning the enemy bots will ALWAYS win.
  3. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    how about you shut up?
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    lol... thats a good point :lol: .. guess i was so annoyed i forgot..

    anyways, this is mad broke. there's no defending it. the mortar should be similar to the gunners grenade or something, where it explodes after a certain distance. albiet.. the mortar should be able to go a much greater distance than the grenade launcher, but a principal similar to that would help. that and the beam of light shouldn't split it up.. unless that just happens to be a coincidence and the mortars are already hitting their range limit there when fired off from the spawns.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    lolol. again. you have 0 chance currently, once the ball goes down the enemy team will spawncamp, if pushed out the enemy team will tap on the ball even if they lose map control.

    if you ball can go back up reguardless of what pros do, you simply need to take care of the bots. thus, the enemy has to focus more on keeping assassins that escape the spawn (which has many doors in many places on the steam version) off of the bot lanes so bots can keep coming. this makes the enemy's control of your base harder to maintain, allowing for more comebacks.

    not being able to comeback even when you have map control. broken.

    being able to comeback unless the enemy actually continues doing objective after the ball is down. fixed.

    and i will always be in favor for fixed, whereas you guys will always be in favor for whatever pads your k/d nice and thick.
  6. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    All I have to say is, I always play with the objective in mind. Bots are usually my top priority, especially since most players go for kills anyway. The kills I get happen if someone is interfering with my bot pushing. Yes I'll tap the enemy moneyball from time to time to keep it down, but I still focus on bots.

    That said, unless everyone wants 24/7 Steel Peel, I just think putting a fuse timer on mortars is the best idea.
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    here, here is a fix that applies to everything wrong with maps so far...

    just slap a heating vent, right up there in the air, for no reason at all except to catch mortars. im serious, just slap a sideways heating vent that intrudes the patch of mortars from spawn. maybe just slap one over the entire top of the moneyball, it isnt like assassins need to jump overtop. it would give it more of a base feel.

    tho i still say with more and more n00bs getting better at this game, the moneyball shields will become more and more of a problem. eventually, you might as well take out the shields and make the bots kill the ball instantly when they touch it, as that will become the effect overall.
  8. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Problem with that, is that it'll block incoming fire from Gapshots and Longshots as well. Like I said, 24/7 Steel Peel.
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    might as well look at this then^
  10. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    ^ STFU and GTFO
  11. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    aww, the thought of no ore free kills and easy games is making the kids that depend on them cry, oh, well hold on and let me get the baba from your crib...

    flame begets flame, fire spreads.

    anyhow, are you two really telling me that this game doesnt have a problem, that winning a game without map control is fine? because the way i see it, its not intended by the devs for you to be able to win a game by spawning enough gremlins or bouncers that they eventually drop the ball randomly, and then you pound it with mortars all game and get a free win.

    if i hit the nail on the head and you just need easy wins, then im sorry. eventually more and more people are going to learn the mortar thing, and when everyone knows about it its going to kill this game like noobtubes and ump45 killed mw2. its not just that, but if it was then mortars need to have a cap on range, maybe the devs can make an invisible roof that causes them to explode. but that still leaves being able to hit the moneyball with shurikens or grenades from half-map, which also will get out of hand as more people learn of them, so i believe we are going to make this topic again in the future. see ya then :cool:

  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've never locked a post for getting dumber after reading the replies, but I'm getting damn close.

    I don't see the problem with a gunner role-playing a gapshot/long shot. 1 Assault or Assassin can by pass map control long enough to kill him (Since he is deployed and looking to the sky) if he really is the ONLY thing keeping the ball down.
  14. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I tried it yesterday and it didn't work?! You need to be deployed or something..?

    Probably for the best.
  15. Oirald

    Oirald New Member

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    This game is broken unbalanced PoS. God the devs even think of this happening when they made Ammomule?
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i agree with a fraction of this.

    anyhow, in light of Hudson's reply, here is my thought:

    either make the gunner somehow unable to hit the moneyball base-to-base, or make it to where you can force your longshots/gapshots to fire onto the moneyball because as of now they simply dont.

    seriously, show me a video clip of a gapshot chipping the moneyball.

    and im being sarcastic. gapshots being able to shoot moneyball would be just as bad, and ruin this game just as much.

    so do us all a favor. stop this before it gets too bad. before 60% of the forum starts typing this...

  17. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Gapshots only fire at the ball when they stop next to it.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i wish gunners would do that...
  19. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    huh? :?
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    you forgot to capitalize your "h" in huh.

    and in the topic "Spawncamping Deterent Ideas", you typed "My opinion, let them camp." and that isnt a complete sentence

    now, can we continue with ideas, or are you absolutely cool with mortars currently and/or just trying to derail. cmon... i can do this stuff too.

    i dont care anyway, until its fixed i might as well do it and tell others about it, cuz the faster it spreads the faster the game will be more obviously exploited, the more complaints will flood this very forum, the faster it will be taken care of.

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