Hit Detection Discussion (Post Patch)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by PohTayToez, October 14, 2010.

  1. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I'll admit my position could be biased, but it really seems to do more damage now.
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    It's the same. I've messed with gold accuracy and that's interesting but not my #1 go to build. I've always hit people well at range (you just don't hit them with every bullet).

    Then again maybe you're playing in much laggier games than me.

    As for the grapple update, that does seem to be slightly OP. I'm getting grappled before I hear the assassin's cloak noise.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Naturally if a Gunner hits me head on I'm dead, but I'm noticing the difference most with long range.

    And what I find interesting about the grapple update is it seems to affect Snipers more than Assassins. While this happens a lot less than usual, I'm still missing some grapples at very close range, where it should be impossible to miss. Yet the Sniper is able to grapple me from 10 feet away.
  4. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    In another thread a developer has confirmed that the grapple has been unchanged. The grapple has always been unpredictable and is no different now, which is why there is so much back and forth in regards to how it was changed.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I don't think it's possible that hit detection has improved while grapple detection has not. Seems like it's intertwined. And the fact that I've been grappled while in midair is something that I have not seen before the update. It has happened several times, not just once or twice.
  6. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I think the gunners not noticing improved hit detection as much is because they've built classes around bullet spam. I still hit about the same amount of shots from long range as have been hitting me from people with good connection to host, or the host. I've been torn to shreds from across grenade III, from a non-deployed gunner.

    The gunner has ALWAYS been beasty, its just now not as dependent on the connection protection.
  7. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    This is very accurate.

    I can't account for the possibility of some sort of unintended bug that may have shown up in the update, we certainly know of a few that showed up already. We're very serious about reading what people post on the forums looking for issues that may exist in the game and doing what we can to fix those issues.

    I can say the code and the balance numbers for the Gunner's weapons did not change between the game's initial release and the title update, apart from the shared hit detection code, nor any code related to grapple ranges. The update to the hit detection is a buff to the gunner in a way if people are used to laggy servers, especially against smaller characters like the Sniper who are especially hard to hit already.

    It really does come down to the placebo effect as was mentioned before in this thread. There are lots of "changes" people notice when ever a game is patched simply because they're looking for changes, not because there were any at all. Superman looks like a mild manner reporter with the glasses on, but really he's still Superman the whole time and people just weren't looking before.

    I will also say that further balances and fixes are coming, a few of which effect the miniguns specifically. We are listening.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Oh my! 9 pages I have to read on a topic I wanted to note in the title discussion page just to make a valid addition.

    I will say now that the Supports shotgun is a beast now. If I am a Tank with Silver Armor and Passive 2 and a Support can chase me down potting shots and take me out in say 3/4 shots is crazy. The distance was further away then my Jetgun. If the seem to have Speed and RoF endorsement I find myself running away.
  9. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Like I said before i think its that the support shotty has ALWAYS been beasty, especially at the tank's primary range, but due to the spotty detection it hasn't always been apparent. Improved detection has smoothed the differences out between a stellar connection to host/host itself and a bad to decent connection to them. What happened is that people adapted, built around the detection issues to spam more shots in the direction of an opponent in attempts to get a few to register out of many, and now playing the exact same way is netting much improved results.

    What is ALSO happening is people adapted their playstyle to the protection the poor hit detection in laggy situations provides. They think they should be surviving situations because they have traditionally survived those encounters pre-patch, and now they're not having that invisible shield protecting them.

    With the Miniguns specifically, I would prefer to see a higher damage dropoff at greater ranges, with almost none at prime sniper range. Gunners should be at risk when engaging a sniper across maps, not the other way around. Point blank, taking that many bullets should shred you, mid range would be heavy damage, long range should be enough that you take notice of it (not shrug it off like the Assault's AR) but not enough to pin you in your base if they have good position.
  10. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I remember before the patch, if I got the drop on a gunner as an assault, I could except to out gun him early in the match, then as they up graded, it would be who shot first.

    Now I have to sneak up on gunners, which can sometime be tricky and the assault doesn't seem to kill as easily. Was this intended?
  11. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I'm finding it very hard to believe nothing was changed with grapples.

    I've been playing all classes waaaaay too much since the update.
    (Especially the assault, he is a freaking monster now.)

    I can honestly say that I am hitting players...while missing them
    Yes that's right, with weapons like the shotty and sniper rifle
    On my screen, I completely miss...and get a kill?
    It's not lag because this is happening constantly, every game, several times per game.

    Ive lost track of the number of times I will miss a headshot or hit them in the body...and still get a headshot...the hitboxes seem huge or something..

    The grapples....I can't be crazy or over reacting with this one..no way :shock:
    I'm consistently grabbing people out of the air and charges
    I'm consistently grabbing people from 7 feet away
    I'm consistently grabbing people while facing almost away from them or not facing them at all.
  12. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I saw an Assassin run up behind me and i pressed grapple (my immediate reaction)... and I got her. While facing the opposite way.
  13. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Swing nerf bat swing...
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Are you Fvcking kidding me? If you guys are nerfing the minigun then you had better be giving the gunner a badass skill to replace the worst skill in the game (his grapple). The gunner must do 90% of his work with the minigun.

    The gunner has no skill to claim space like every other class (aside from the assassin). He has no one hit kills like many other classes (assault, assassin, support, sniper).

    Before you get the level 3 passive you have the worst gun in the entire game. Afterward your gun is good but the spin time still keeps it balanced.
  15. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Ironic how UberGunner sounds just like most Assassin players complaining about the dagger's lunge damage now. I honestly see no problem with adjusting the Minigun and as Uber is well-aware of how to balance a game why not wait until they make a change before complaining?
  16. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I agree. Gunner's minigun is everything to him, I mean I use the mortar for far off attacks, the slam for close up attacks, but I rarely if ever deploy or use the melee. If the gun gets nerfed either every other gun needs to be nerfed, or the gunner needs something extra.

    The assassin has sprint, high jump, smoke bomb, invis, shurikens, and backstabs.. and while most of their skills were actually improved, they were complaining about a non-assassin-like slashing attack was slightly nerfed. The Minigun is everything to the gunner, a 5% or less change wouldn't be too bad.. But anything more than that would make the Gunner so easy to gun by every other class, especially tanks and assaults.
  17. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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  18. lapin

    lapin New Member

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    Assasin's siurikens are overpowered for long range. She destroyed my turrets from the opposite side of map while i tried to keep it alife with lv2 tech.
  19. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I one hit with pancakes pretty nicely. And, buddy assassinations are not guaranteed one hit kills by a looong shot. You want guaranteed one hit kills, use a shotgun.

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