Hey-- YOU! Don't post that whine. Read this instead!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by fischbs, February 9, 2011.

  1. Ren2025

    Ren2025 New Member

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    Great post and that right there is worth its own sticky :D
  2. G4-

    G4- New Member

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    This post is full of win. I wish I'd seen this when I was starting out. I dug myself a big hole with my KDR ratio that I'll probably never recover from.
  3. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    So long as you push bot lanes and do your best to survive enemy pro attacks your KDR will recover quickly and you'll stomp pubs!
  4. Davy o

    Davy o New Member

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    This post is great and all but I still have to say that the assassin just doesnt belong in this game and it makes no sense that it was made a class.

    and regarding your post

    if you dont frag Pros right off the start they just are going to have juice on their first life and rape your base Right Away. it literally just happened to me 5 minutes ago, guess what it was an assassin too, mainly.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Very easy: Accompany your bots, preferably as Tank. As long as I don't have my katana my chances to make a dent in your armor are slim. If you let me kill all your bots I'll have juice and you can say goodbye to your turrets...
  6. FTP

    FTP New Member

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    Tank against sin is just glorious :O

    However, as usual, things always look good on paper, but never factor ever aspect in :I
  7. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeah walk among your bots, so a level 3 passive sniper can kill you in 5 shots.. without aiming.

    thats the problem I find with walking bots.. far too many counters..

    1) if you are in the bots, snipers eat you alive

    2) if you are near the bots, assault bomb sends you to your death

    3) if you are trying to be slick bouncing from cover to cover, an assassin eats your bots alive and lunges away before you can even get to her..

    4) if the asassin doesnt kill your bots a good sniper will

    There are far too many ways to stop a team from pushing bots.. often times it just ends up being 3 guys standing in a lane wondering what happend to their bots..

    IMO: they should have never made a SNIPER a bot killer.. the ability to clear bot lanes from the safety of your base is not a good idea.. but oh well we learn to deal with it.. but this is why we end up in OT so often. Atleast assassins have to be in the fray to kill bots quickly.. which exposes them, and gives the team the chance to stop them, and keep their bots..
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I have an opinion. One that isn't worth a ban to express. So instead, I will keep that out of the forums.

    Instead, I will simply say that Ghost in The Shell is awesome. TinyGod knows what I mean ;)
  9. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Needs to be in the 360 section too. ASAP.
  10. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    While I agree that building turrets is super important, pushing bots is half the game, I do not believe that dying is nearly as bad as you say. I have martyred myself numerous times to the benefit of my team.

    Dying while annihilating with bots in our base, Killing that extra 3.3 rockit while the rest of my team is dead, Fragging one more person than I should have while juiced. All of these deaths helped my team. Yes, me not being there is a detriment, yes it gives 1-2 some extra money, but me not pushing just gives the ENTIRE other team time.(plus, MVP with a 7/12 kd is fun, especially when the second place person is 20/5.)

    Now it may be because I play support and I can hold down a lane for about half my respawn time with my little friend, but the main problem with dying is not getting juice, and I tend to get enough money to buy that anyway.

    Other than the death thing though, awesome post, gratz on the sticky.
  11. Geam

    Geam New Member

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    Here Here!!
  12. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I think what he was trying to point out with deaths is that you shouldn't be getting yourself killed just for that ONE KILL. Too many 'Sin's try to go after players WAY before going after bots, and anyone who's played at least 20 hours knows just how mental wrong this focus is. Before the round over that 'Sin is chances are going to have a 5/20 K/D streak and be at the bottom of the team latter wondering what the heck happened.

    By focusing on living, you help train yourself into evaluating situations that could just go bad before you even step in them. Sometimes knowing when to fall back a bit to gather more support is a far better option then just throwing yourself at the wolves hoping to get just one dead.

    Nothing thought is wrong if your in spots where say "This rock-it REALLY needs to go down, and it REALLY close to dying, if I stall now, a support's just going to overheal it again, but if I rush in there and shotgun it once more it's over." a lv3.3 rock-it being taken down I think it worthy of taking a death over honestly, more less say causing major havok and distraction while juiced. Thought it's just when you are running around, and you're getting yourself killed over petty stuff that it turns into a problem.
  13. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    That is very wrong.
    You have an airstrike. It can kill turrets from far away.
    Pretty much every class can finish off a turret from a distance. That is no excuse.
  14. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    You have obviously never tried using an airstrike to kill a level 3 rock-it, let alone one getting overhealed. Support airstrike does 2500 damage. A level three rockit has 13000 health, and it will generally be overhealed CONSTANTLY when the team is defending.
    People also have a tendency to protect their level 3.3's whenever possible. A $1050 investment is big. There is a reason people suicide-grapple juiced opponents, and it isn't to protect their bots.
  15. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    This sticky is for new players.

    Yes suiciding and having a horrendous K/D at the end can still have an extremely positive effect on the game.

    No tunnel visioning on one kill and being too greedy with certain attacks is not good for your team since your bot lane will probably get pushed super hard.

    I've played against an Assassin who had the highest money count but a 2/30 KD at the end only because he ONLY pushed lanes for juice and suicide juiced our base 24/7, always staying alive until the juice. Again, NOT DYING is very important for his horrendous 2/30 KD super awesome base dive strategy that actually helps your team.

    So stop arguing about the little details this guide's for the new guy not the "how do I squeeze an extra 1% out of my game" guy.
  16. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    My original intent was really just"the annihilator is often TOTALLY worth the death".

    There are situations where deaths can be beneficial, and I felt your overemphasis on not dying was unwarranted. I would have put not dying in first. It's important, I just felt new players would get more out of stating when dying IS appropriate(annihilator,turret mop-up). No one likes dying, you aren't playing when you're dead, not playing is not fun. Not even new players are going to actively try to die. People are going to learn what their limits are faster if they die early on, instead of running away every time **** goes down.
    I'm not saying try not to die shouldn't be on there, I'm saying it shouldn't be number 1.
    Saying be mindful of your juice, do not die with juice, do not die when you almost have full juice, would have been better for NEW players to hear IMO.
    It's just an opinion man, chillax.

    The supports airstriking turrets thing was just a derailment from the original thread intention. Happens on any thread that goes over 5 pages, usually sooner.
  17. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Supports dont have much of a long range option for the two rockets next to the moneyball and communication to the team to bring in the heavy artillery doesnt always go so well because most people (non-forum people) dont respond to communication.

    That and the text box is not very noticeable.
  18. duckling

    duckling New Member

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    Dying isn't too bad. I always try to grapple juiced people in my base to run out their juice at the very least.
  19. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    I understand that there are circumstances where your own life is worth less than the goal you're pursuing (stopping a juiced player, etc) but to new players these situations are more obscure and a good rule of thumb is to try and stay alive as long as possible so you can keep your bot lane constantly pushed.
  20. dreizehn

    dreizehn Active Member

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    Thanks for this post :!:

    Yes, you should avoid dying. But I absolutetly agree that there are reasons where I do accept it. In my case maybe a bit too often. But it is not that amount of money for my opponent when you compare it to killing bots.

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