Here's where I rage about pubstomping

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by goathax, February 27, 2011.

  1. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Stop being bad and this won't be a problem.
  2. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    As soon as everyone learns how to use the mic there had better be a reliable way to mute people.
  3. Bomben

    Bomben New Member

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    What I hate most about teamstacking is that you know it will kill the server in 1-3 rounds - and then you will have to go look for another one.

    If you can do it without unbalancing the team (like I can with most of my friends atm) I have no issue with it. But as soon as it becomes "the good players group up because everyone else are noobs that I can't abide because I am a snob" - the server is going to hell fast.

    The whole "why should we suffer because everyone else are bad" argument is close to moronic. Unless you cannot see that everyone suffers in an unbalanced game. If you find enjoyment in a supereasy fight in a random pub game on the internet you have issues.
  4. Bomben

    Bomben New Member

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    Comments like this are just ignorant.

    Due to the multitude of "BAM! You are dead." incidents in this game, it has a relatively steep initial learning curve. That already weeds out a LOT of players on day 1 or 2.

    And if you add stacking teams on top of that, you are not doing the game or community any favours. Unless you enjoy being the oneeyed king in the land of the blind.

    The OP is fighting a righteous cause. Albeit presenting his case without subtlety. :)
  5. Rynex

    Rynex New Member

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    get good
  6. Darrus Dreadtiger

    Darrus Dreadtiger New Member

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    And here we have a problem that will never, never ever, be solved with a solution adequate to all parties involved.

    Because it's not a problem of the game but by man.

    And man is terrible.

    What you should do: suck it up, get good, find another server, find friends... There is no other solution.

    What you shouldn't do: Ask online gamers for fair play.
  7. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    The real answer actually is "get better and become a curbstomp type player" yourself. If you have one in the game with 11 other whatevers, the team with the good player is going to win pretty much every time outside completely awful player splits (e.g. people that never leave base and end the round 1-4-2 with 3 bot kills after 15 minutes).

    But put two curbstomp type players on opposite teams and then it actually matters who the other players on the team are. Put them on the same team and watch a contain go to a steamroller no brakes in no time flat though.


    Skill differential potential is quite high because it's only 6v6. Get one, two, three bad players that are never in the correct position and that is at least a 50% reduction in team capability. In TF2 you have 12 a side (on pubs). Much smaller effect a single good or bad player can have. But move TF2 down to 6v6 and matters to an extreme extent. One slightly weak player (relatively) will cost you the game. All from the lower player counts.

    It absolutely applies in MNC, though the effect is lessened with the nature of bots.
  8. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    Too bad one's a competitive environment and one's not, otherwise you might have looked clever.
  9. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    If you don't think rape is a competition you apparently have been doing it wrong. :lol:
  10. derjar

    derjar New Member

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    Yes team stacking is bad, but it is in all games. I have stoped to play MNC crossfire after several matches becasue being spawnraped is not so much fun how it sounds. I watched lots of games on youtube and now I came back. I just gave myself one rule once even two players stack to one team during matchmaking I leave the server.

    If you are good player you can fight agaisnt team stacking only that you will join the weaker team, I am doing it in Warband, I did it in old enemy territory, because that is/was game where I can/could make a difference and help the weaker team. I can't do that in MNC because I suck, I hate all this hiding camping runnig away from fights, buying juice seeing enemy life and so on and I pay for that. But I love the idea of pushing bots and turrets so I will try to get better :D.
  11. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Team Stacking is Bad in other FPS games, but you can still have fun.

    This game, makes you suffer for 15 minutes while they stomp you, and you try desperately to at best delay the inevitable.

    This game is NOT for the casual pick up and play anymore.

    Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, I'll play from time to time now, but no where near as much as I used to.

    But hey, i'im sure that the game will be fine, it will be like one of those niche MMO's where hardcore PVP and gank squads are previlant (Age of Conan), new players will joing, be stomped told they are bad leave, and the people doing the stomping will stick around and continue the cycle, until it is just them playing eachother.

    Nothing wrong with that, just the way it will go if the stacking is allowed to continue. The are a few good servers out there with No team pick, but they are less and less populated.

    Perhaps if Uber puts those options as checkboxes for the filter, they can stem the flow, by allowing new players to choose that. Or if they allowed you to choose your team only once, so that you cant switch back and forth at the last minute.

    Right now the popular thing to do is to get 4 of your friends all pick one color, EVERYONE picks that color to try and stop your stack, and at the last minute they switch to another color.

    Sure they have a right to play together, but soon as the match starts 4 people from the other team drop, and I can't blame them, I stick around fight it out down a player, for as long as I can, they are ontop of the money ball by the time somone joins, they new player joining takes one look at the situation and takes off, were back to down a player and they win, this continues until its a 6/12 server and I'm off to find the next one.

    Theres no easy way to fix this, and maybe it doesn't need fixed. But if it gets worse i'll move to greener pastures, thats for sure.
  12. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    You need a dedicated premade matchmaking service. I know they exist, but this is a server based shooter.

    Even Starcraft 2 matches up premades with non premades. And Blizzard spent a kabillion dollars on developing

    The way to avoid this is playing on a server where team selection is disabled.
  13. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Server selection is already quite limited compared to more popular games, especially when looking for servers below 125 ping, which is really the only way to play this game.

    And as the community forces more and more new players out with the elitist argument and attitudes, there will be less and less populated servers. Especially ones with team switch disabled, as elitists don't play on those (they prefer to pad their KD by playing with other good players)

    I'm not qqing, ive just seen this happen before, many times. This game unlike a FPS is not 2-5 minutes a round at most, its 20 on average. The nature of it pushes new players out, because its like playing an MMO where the starter island has ganking on it, 20 minutes at a time.

    It stops being fun, and starts being a shore. But hey, if thats the game thats the game.

    But lets take a look at the two most common phrases used in a PVP MMO, when people are complaining about being ganked while they are still learning the game.

    1) QQ, L2P (we see that a lot here)

    2) Don't like it roll Carebear server (Don't like it roll a non team pick server)

    Sounds familiar enough to me.
  14. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I don't think average games last 20 minutes, but that's beside the point.

    The only way to avoid this is to join servers without team preference.

    I agree with you that this game has DOTA elements and therefore really changes the nature of the game. But that's why there are servers will different rulesets.
  15. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I think the agerage is 20 minutes or 30 minute servers, and 15 to OT on vanilla, but agreed, beyond the point.

    You are correct, the only way to avoid it is to join no team switch servers, but my argument is that there are too few of these with population.

    This could be because most of the casual players have already been chased off, or perhaps it could just be the popularity of other much more casual shooters (TF2, etc). But I think that the addtion of.

    1) filter for that option, and a few others (juice buy yes/no) for instance, could really help

    2) top player from team is switched when imbalance occurs, not random or bottom

    those could help alot.
  16. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    And why should good players be punished? Besides that if you think there are too few of those servers then host some - the nature of dedicated servers.
  17. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeaaaaaaaaahhhh you're right, why should "good" players be punished?

    they shouldn't, they should get to play the game alone, by themselves.

    And thats the way they want it. Or atleast they think they do.. until the game has a population of 1k players, than 500, than 250 than sits at 250 till its forgoten.

    Than theyll move to the next thing they can be elitist and teamstacking at, and kill it too.

    Good luck with that Grim, like I said, i'm down to about 30 minutes every 3 days or so over the last week. And i'll probably stay there for a while. Got Bulletstorm to beat, and than back to TF2 as my FPS of choice. Its fun, and a whole lot more servers to play on and a whole lot less elitism.

    Ill check back in with the forums daily waiting for update news, always worth watching. Game has potential and I hope the devs keep it going strong.

    But I'm pretty much done posting, No point in arguing with the elitists on the forum. Its only worth it, when you are tyring to help voice the average player base. But now the games average player base is "down to you guys", the rest left. And i'll take off with them.

    Grats you won the battle, good luck with the war, see you on the next forum.
  18. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I'm waiting for an argument as to why the player who makes an effort to win the game should be switched to the enemy team to have his work go to waste, that's not promoting a healthy style. It promotes mediocrity - desperately staying on rank 2 just so won't get switched when imbalance occurs.

    I for my part don't enjoy being swapped just because I did my job, that's like saying "yes you did everything right, so to punish you you'll have to do it again."

    For the sake of this argument: I don't stack, I hardly ever pick teams and yet I still do enough damage to most pubs but that's the nature of people who don't like to lose - you can't fix people. You can't fix those who don't want to learn and you can't fix those who play to win.
  19. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    That's the benefit of a PC game. Start your own server. Its no one's fault but the people who feel this way that there are no servers with the ruleset they want.
  20. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    why should I tie up my bandwidth and box hosting a server? There should be servers provided by the company IMO

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