Here's where I rage about pubstomping

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by goathax, February 27, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    As long as you're playing a game with other people like it or not your actions directly affect their experiences and thus you are in fact responsible for their inability to have fun. While its not your responsibility to make sure they do have fun, you are directly responsible for your actions which cause them not to have fun.

  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Pro Tip: If you don't like team stacking find a server that has team selection disabled.

    Sometimes I play with friends on the same team, sometimes on different teams. Sometimes I just play a bunch of matches with randoms. When there are enough experienced players on a server there is no problem with 2 or 3 people teaming up imo. It's much worse when all high level random players try to get on one team. Where's the challenge?
  3. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Jessup I think that is the kind of team stacking we are talkin about. Its like 4 level 50+ guys stack against 1 level 50 and 3 20s
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Umm, why isn't people all selecting teams when this happens?

    If you are on xbox, you are just stuck in for the ride unless you simply quit and find another.

    If you are on pc, and a pubstomping has occured 2 times or more, everyone simply has to have 3 select blue team and 3 select red team. Chances are, no matter what the pubstompers choose, they end up split. They either play with some balance against each other on different teams, or they leave and find somewhere new. Either way, thumbs up.
  5. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    The percentage of people who cooperate on the internet is 0.01%.
  6. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    I enjoy playing with friends, specifially my brother or old roomate. I can't help it that other people decide to join the red or blue team when i'm only trying to be on a team with my friend. If there were a way to still randomize teams but allow friends to play together. well no need to start dreaming now...

    Yes people's actions do have an effect on other people in this game. The fact that those actions exist does not mean that there is an inherent responsiblity taken on by the people who want to play with friends. All it means is there is an effect.
  7. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Another big problem about the team stackers, it's that if they're not that good they can win a match or two, then start loosing a match and all ragequit at once, leaving their team badly outnumbered.

  8. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    It doesn't help that this game has some sort of terrible algorithm (perhaps just completely random) for deciding teams when no-one has chosen a team.

    I've seen MNC basically dunk a whole team of level 60-90 players on one side, while the rest, composing of level 5-50 are dumped on the opposing team. That's an extreme, but quite of then MNC will unbalance the teams to the point of knowing who the winning team will be before the game starts.

    In situations where I'm left on my lonesome with a bunch of new players, I'll either accept the fact we've lost and just try and hold out as long as possible (which can sometimes be fun). Or straight up see how it's going after 2-3minutes and quit if I know it's just gonna be a frustrating game.
  9. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    It's applicable to both parties you know, they're allowing those actions, it's their responsibility not to and then they're complaining about it when they don't.

    You're heaping responsibility on someone because someone else can't defend themselves in an online competitive game.

    Care factor = 0

    OP should be thanking people tbh, it's very possibly speeding up the getting rid of people who're beyond terrible so eventually I will be able to happily just accept random without fearing a mind numbingly bad performance from people who have absolutely NFI.
  10. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Ah the old "if you didn't want to get raped maybe you shouldn't have dressed so slutty" argument eh?
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Has that arguement ever held up in court before? jw.

    BACK ON TOPIC, I still say I hope to see the day that, even if the team isn't competent, even if the entire team is new at the game, even if they don't realize the stacked opposing team at first, even if they don't realize the enemy team is all cooperating as friends to pubstomp in servers... that they eventually evolve to learn how to choose teams and get out of the stacked situation.

    All you have to do is choose red if they are getting put in red a lot. If they all choose blue, switch to blue the very last moment. Get your team to choose different colors, 6 people can't get on 1 team if 3 people already have selected each team.
  12. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    nobody ever told you to dream big huh?

    If I play with someone way better than me, I make it my goal to beat them.

    I played with a sniper, he went 20+ and 0 4 games in a row. The next game I went sin and he was more like 5-15.

    Nothing is impossible, you just have to strive for excellence and obtain it.
  13. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    I don't think that's how evolution works.
  14. Esham

    Esham New Member

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    meh, i just quit at the single wiff of a stack.

    No point in not having fun when there are tonnes of servers out there.

    This game is just too casual to care about k/d or quitting due to stacked teams. Sometimes i will wait out the round and just sit in my base to end the match faster.

    If on the next map it gets stacked again its time to go.
  15. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Yup, team stacking leads to boring games. There should be more servers with team selection disabled. I don't mind playing against friends if it keeps the matches balanced.
  16. Bakey

    Bakey New Member

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    Our team runs a server (The Fudge Shoppe) and we consciously try to NOT team stack. Nothing will empty a server faster than a bunch of clan tags on one team roflstomping pubbers.

    Then again, the few times we've mostly landed on the same team through sheer happenstance, we tend to lose anyway. :lol:
  17. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I hate people. I really do, so tired of hearing. Stop being bad.

    Here lets get into a fight, i'll bring 3 of my friends and you can stand around the parking lot asking random people for help.

    After I'm done stomping you, i'll say "stop being bad, and kick our butts.. lawl, qq, "insert random **** meme here"
  18. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Find someone better than you on a server? Ask them for some pointers. Most people will actually help you. Make friends with good players, invite them to stacked games so you get a challenge.

    Last time I invited a friend to a game because of team stacking a group of 5 people from the same clan that were stacking ragequit calling us 'pubstompers'
    What a joke.
  19. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I find it is about 30/70 on players who will help you vs players who will be complete dicks.

    I think there would be more helpful people if the character for typing wasn't so darn short. and if more people knew how to use the mic in this game (since it isn't rebindable in-game)
  20. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Some guy asked me to add him after (keyword) a particularly humiliating round (not for him but for the enemy team) and I did so, kind words achieve things.

    Let it be said: Ask for help and you shall receive help - bring positive attitude and good manners.

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