Help a poor white guy fix his computer

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by thetrollingking, January 20, 2013.

  1. thetrollingking

    thetrollingking New Member

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  2. mistermaf

    mistermaf Active Member

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    Anyway, how do you want me to run chkdsk when I couldn't get into Windows? It wasn't a random event. The PSU failure was a separate event that required its own fixing and that likely had to do with the second issue. Either way, a fresh install of Windows (on the same HDD) fixed it, and I didn't buy the Macbook. There's a reason I was putting Windows on it in the first place, after all. :p And on that, while it might not cost as much (I don't disagree that Apple is insanely proprietary and overpriced - I don't even want to explain the BS repair policy that drove the price to more than half the cost of the computer itself, not including the protection plan that suddenly doesn't apply), but replacing the disc drive on ANY laptop is going to cost a mite bit more than going down to your local Fry's and picking up a return ASUS DVD drive.

    Glad you got your computer sorted, tbone. Lesson in maintenance learned, yes?
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I sure did. My PC was having the same issues and I sent it to Hostile Paradox (the person who I got my PC from) to see if he can troubleshoot it since I am a complete PC tech noob. After he did the cleaning, in which I found it was full of dust, he didn't run into any problems. I had no idea what to say or do but thanks. :lol:

    After reading this thread I now realize what my issue was.
  4. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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    You can run chkdsk with any Windows installation or the actual installation disc. If you have a Linux distro lying around, you can do the equivalent of a chkdsk too.

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