Hellchick's Favorite Support Strats (And Yours)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by [UBER]Hellchick, August 13, 2010.

  1. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Everytime Uber releases a class change, entire playstyles/guides change :roll:

    Best endorsements for Support post DLC:

    Gold - Skill (Compensate for massive cooldown on air strikes)
    Silver - RoF (A little slower then pre RoF update, but gold needs to be skill)
    Bronze - Armor (Stops him from being the Assassin's whipping boy)

    Save those air strikes for turrets, even if it means getting killed by pros.
    Do not push lanes unless you are being helped out.
    Follow Gunners/Tanks around overhealing them.
    Do not venture out to the front lines on your own unless you have juice.
    Melee bullseye and bots to gain juice faster.
    Play it defensively, or you won't live to get juice.
  2. lllp3lll

    lllp3lll New Member

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    I've got to try that set of endorsements, I've been using:

    Gold- Armour (So I can live to live to get juice)
    Silver- ROF (Same reason as yours)
    Bronze- Speed (Evasion)

    And upgrading Skills:

    Hack 2
    Passive 2
    Firebase 2
    Hack 3
    Passive 3
    AirStrike 2
    AirStrike 3

    Firebase 3
  3. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I forgot about this topic. Now I have somewhere to post this:

    An overhealed level 3 firebase can survive an ejector. The overheal doesn't even need to be 100%
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    I posted this in a lost thread right after the DLC came out:

  5. nocturne_saint

    nocturne_saint Member

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    So I'm a bit confused on overhealing, and hacking.
    I have not played much support, and have read through most of this thread.

    so does overhealing increase the max health of bots, and turrets?
    and what exactly does hacking a friendly/unfriendly turret do?
    just increase range? or are there other benifits for hacking friendly turrets.
    can you overheal friendly players?
  6. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    Overhealing gives anything you're healing(with the exception of Jackbots, can't heal those) and extra bar of health, represented by a white bar going over the green one. Increasing the max health. Bots, Pros, or turrets.
    Hacking friendly turrets increases firing range and rate. At Lv. 3, you can make enemy turrets yours if you successfully pull off the hack before you get torn to shreds by the turret or an enemy pro.

    My favorite line-up is the one I've been using recently.

    Gold - Rate of Fire
    Silver - Shield
    Bronze - Health Recovery

    RoF helps with both shotgun and H/H gun. Along with the bronze HR, it boosts the healing/drain damage AND increases how much health you recover. Silver shield helps to keep Assassins face-KOing you and keeps you alive longer when using the hurt gun. Still haven't proved my theory that RoF also increases the Firebase's RoF, but it looks like more bullets spew out when I have RoF on gold.

    Which also brings up if a Accuracy sponsorship can boost a Firebase's range... anyone tried it out?

    My other line-up is the following.

    Gold - Skill Recovery
    Silver - Shield
    Bronze - Rate of Fire.

    With this, I like to run out to the turret node with the best view of the middle, build up a rocket and use Lv. 2 hack. The majority of strat involves making two 3.3 Rockets close to each other to ward off upcoming bots, juiced pros, and Jackbots. Though this plan blows up in my face when ever someone juices early and I can't keep them away from the turret. Need to work on my offense more with this line up.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The Accuracy endorsement, for any Pro, only effects their weapons. It may not benefit both either, but an Accuracy endorsement for the Support is a wasted slot since it does nothing to either of his weapons besides make the shotguns reticule smaller.
  8. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    This has always bugged me since the beginning of the game. Getting bacon, going into overtime, or having an accuracy endorsement makes it harder to use the shotgun up close where it is most effective. Combine this with the often frame rate drop that occurs when juicing since Spunky DLC and good luck hitting the broadside of a barn with that shotgun. :roll:
  9. Larrizle

    Larrizle New Member

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    What I'll do is usually upgrade the fire base to 3 because it heals any friendly pros around it. I'll drop it where I need to depending on which map I'm playing and I'll try not to wander to far from it that way when I'm in need of health regeneration I'll know that's there for me.

    After I upgrade the fire base to 3, I'll upgrade hack up to 3 to help me the firebase with its rate of fire and range.

    The third thing I upgrade is the air strikes because the air strikes do help out in taking enemies from far if you get lucky, which I eventually get. And it also helps take out enemy turrets or groups of bots.

    Last is the passive and this helps keep my fire base from getting destroyed because of the heal ray.

    This is the order of upgrades I use going into a crossfire match, the other part of my strategy is deciding what role I'm going to be in the match. If I see the other team is pushing really hard and taking over, I'll end up going into a defense mode which might not get me at the top of the list but I'll know that I'm the reason it was hard for them to reach our money ball or the reason for them not even touching it. The funny thing about playing a really good defense is that it'll spark up an amazing offense at the end. There has been many occasions where I'll be able to hold up the defense by myself and the rest of the team will be doing all the damage to the opposing team's money ball during an overtime and it results in a major comeback since we were unable to push our bots and breach their defenses during the regular time of play.

    When I decide in taking the offensive role with the support, I'll use my fire base to keep their bots from pushing forward and use the air strike to take out turrets so my team's bots can push forward. I'll also heal my bots so incase the clash with the opposing bots, their able to win and continue forward.

    The last role is a role I like to call ...... I don't have a name for it but I will soon (if you have any suggestions, please feel free to say em), this role will lean more to the defensive side because I use it as an anti-push method. What I do in this method is when I notice that a pro is pushing forward pretty good, I'll take him out and push my bots until we're the pushing side and then go back to the offensive role. This usually happens when there is simply no resistance in the other bot lane. I know the support isn't always the best pro to use against another pro straight out, but if you set up a strategy, you can kill any one. What I mean by this is usually anytime another pro seas a support, they usually call it an easy kill. So I'll simply lure them in to where I have my fire base strategically put and end up usually with the kill. The reason I call this a role is because there are several matches were I find myself going back and forth between the two both lanes the whole game.
  10. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Brool story co.
  11. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Short story, girlfriend.
  12. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    y u stalk me

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