so your reward is your teammates reward? i dont get it, in that case i call thiefs on the teammates cuz those kills and assists should go to you. no, i see where he is getting at. greedy support players just stare at you, they wont heal you if your on fire and about to die, they will wonder why your blocking the view to their firebase. i remember back at the first release for this game, before juice got nerfed, when every support healed EVERYTHING and all the teammates were kept overhealed (cuz every support juice-rushed constantly) im glad to never see that much juicing again, but i wouldnt be sad if i saw more supports healing. giving a reward of assists for kills obtained by pros you heal isnt a bad idea in my opinion, but it needs to be designed not to stack. example: you shouldnt get assists for the kills every pro on your team get, even if you healed them all. you should only get assists for one pro, that your currently healing, and only after you have been healing him for the last 5 seconds non-stop. that way, if your doing ANYTHING else except healing, you wont recieve healing benefits stacked with other benefits. but if you are walking with a teammate you will see a reward for supporting him while he gets kills considering you chose that over camping a firebase.
Isn't that how it is already? I found myself getting assists 15$ every time the gunner I was healing made a kill... Maybe I am wrong, it could be because me firebase is tagging other pros that teamplayers end up killing?
I've seen some extremely effective Support players. They carry the team, over heal every turret and hack most of them so a juiced assassin can't even take one down. But at the end of the round, they are one of the worst earners on the team. It's getting to be that hacking turrets and overhealing or healing anything is just nothing to bother with as a support. The shotgun seems to be the most effective way to make money instead of what the support is meant to do. Support the base. That's the one reason I won't play support is because there is no reward for keeping your bases defenses up and strong. It's a complete waste of time for earnings. It's even bad with other support players online because they won't even hack a turret even though I know for a fact they can have 3 turrets hacked at the same time. Don't get me wrong, an offensive support is deadly. But they severly lack on rewards for defensive therefore making it obsolete. I can't tell you the amount of times I've had 3 supports on my team or the other team and not one of the base turrets were hacked or healed.