Have you ever encountered a "screw eco" guy?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bengeocth, December 24, 2014.

  1. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    A lot of us go more by the "feel" of how quick units are building, and knowing how are factory/mex/pgen ratios are instead of actually looking at the eco bar I think, lol.
  2. cybrankrogoth

    cybrankrogoth Active Member

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    That's interesting, I tend to rely lots on the eco bar.
    Though I don't play enough to have all the costs and timings down to a science.

    I notice in the time I've not signed in, I've had a couple of attacks.
    Let me be clear then, I agree metal is much less important compared to energy.
    That was the whole discussion in other posts regarding how to balance demands out to make them feel more equal in terms of requirements and also ideas on how to encourage less spammage.

    Also, win/loss ratio doesn't really impress me. Which is mostly why I don't play competitively, especially in an incomplete game. To give a sarcastic example: Congratulations! you know how to spam 200 dox and win by minute 15, and you do that and only that for 430 games, and you only lost the 30 games because they knew you wouldn't try to do anything more creative or interesting.

    Also about the nukes. That was an example about storage/economy- not an invitation for you to counter or argue about one tiny detail of the game.

    I could start listing off other alternatives to nukes by that game state.
    You'd also list off your various confident counter strategies to my alternatives trying to prove me wrong and you right.

    Which to me proves 2 things
    1) You're more interested in arguing then understanding.
    2) You've thought far enough into a late game to come up with different ways to win and beat various late game strategies in which case you also find games longer than 5 minute rush-to-win interesting.

    I gave my piece trying to say that storage always helps. I never said it always helps hugely. It's also not so broad that it applies in every conceivable situation out there, but then I'm not trying to write up a legal manual on all the technical details and every possible scenario :)

    So arguing that: "In situation x storage doesn't help at all/helps only a little" is moot considering I'm not limiting myself to only 1 particular situation that you come up with.
    Last edited: December 28, 2014

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