Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor....

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by drtomb, February 8, 2013.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I considered it, but its just not my type of game.
  2. syox

    syox Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Why should i?
    I dont like that game.
    SupCom 2 just was an Desaster he promised Heaven and delivered Hell.

    I work hard for my money, so i decide where to spend it on.
  3. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I contributed.
  4. themindlessone

    themindlessone Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I really wanted to help out CT, but he has said on multiple occasions that he didn't want charity, he would rather people take their pledges back and let the kick-starter fail if its not a game they are interested in. I respect that, and will follow his advice.

    And I can see why. because what is the point of making a game where there is no real market, if your game is funded from just your fans, then what will happen, is that at the end of the line, when you launch the game, it doesn't gain any traction.

    He wanted something that could make his studio self sufficient. but with this game i just don't see it happening.

    If you make a game that i would want to play, then i will pay.
  5. dosbag

    dosbag Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    With the crap CT has been pulling lately he would only bog down their operations.
  6. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I pledged for wildman (less than for PA).
    However, on the one hand, if it'about business, they uber has no reason to ask their bakers to pledge for wildman. They should better ask for more pre-orders to get more money for pa.
    On the other hand, if it's not a business matter then it's something which is personal, thus we must not ask uber to do this for gpg. If they want to help gpg, they are big boys and don't have to be driven by forumers.
  7. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I never pledged for Wildman. Doesnt seem the kind of RTS I like. I like Lazors that go Pew Pew, not the wildman set of weapons that go thunk thunk. lolz.

    I like the direction Uber is taking with PA, and having CT on the team would actually ruin things.
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I was only on a short vacation, FFS! ;)
  9. falcrack

    falcrack Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I think Chris Taylor has some new plans for the future of GPG

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