Halloween Unmasking Part II Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, October 26, 2010.

  1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    That's what a love about him. Isn't the tank pretty much the same thing, with stronger close range in exchange for weaker long range, but still being a very good fighter at both? Except he also get a huge amount of armor, probably in exchange for somewhat less useful skills.

    I'm not saying the sniper didn't need some balancing, however I do believe that some people tend to blow the whole "over powered" thing out of proportion. Why is it that many people have went 60/80 kills with a gunner or assault, but I've never seen anyone break 60 with a sniper? Obviously this isn't a team death match game, and the kills don't matter that much, but it's still something that I wonder about.

    I don't disagree with the "synergistic skills", but I would note that last time I checked the poll, the popular opinion is that the support is the most over powered class. However, thus far I believe there has been one nerf to the support and at least a couple of indirect buffs (hurt/heal lock on, shotgun hit detection).

    Seems like a "grass is always greener" sort of thing. I don't think there are any snipers that wouldn't trade two scramblers for a bouncer. Bouncers are decent damage sponges and quite good distractions. Yes, you won't get a kill with them very often, but you're sure more likely to get a kill with one than a scrambler. I don't know how often you've went up against one as a sniper, but they're a bit of a nuisance. The only effective way to kill them is with your primary grapple, which given the speed of the bouncer and the fact that it will grapple you means that you have a very small window to hit that grapple which becomes much harder when you factor in any amount of lag.
  2. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I have a question.

    Does the change to the Firebase also apply to base turrets? I had hacked an enemy LazerBlazer the other day that was next to a shielded Moneyball and it decided to shoot the Moneyball until it got destroyed.
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Bouncers do not have a lot of armor. Supports just run up to them and shotgun/grapple/shotgun and they die. That's pathetic. I don't think I've ever been killed by a bouncer except in blitz mode.

    I find the "right situation" for a bouncer is closer to be never. They are not worth 1/5 of a juice and that's the bottom line. Look at the benchmark bots that are clearly worth $100 : gapshots and gremlins actually do things. Gapshots can destroy turrets from across the map and gremlins can bring down the ball while cloaked.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You are obviously not going to be swayed. You see it your way and your way only. The fact is you are the only one making such a big deal about it.

    I have to disagree on your thought about the Bouncer. Sorry.
  5. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Not to be a ****, UberGunner, but have you noticed that most people tend to disagree with you? Maybe I'm mistaken, but it's all I've seen so far. So either you're right and everyone else is wrong, or there is a more logical answer.
  6. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    I recommend just ignoring UG. It appears he's the type that takes personal offense when someone disagrees with him, so the implication that he has flaws is probably just as offensive to him.
  7. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    What game are you playing? The blind is awesome, charge III has a knockdown and is basically a free kill if you hit, and the tank's deploy lets him heal almost instantly if you can afford it.

    Please cut the bull; the poll about most overpowered was outdated by the first update. Most of the votes from that poll were knee jerk reactions. The support turret take over rush (which has been nerfed) is one of the reasons the class was overpowered. His airstrike will be on a longer cooldown and that was everyone's other gripe. If they held a poll today about what is currently the most powerful class the answer is: Sniper Sniper Sniper. The reason is because you have a super juice passive skill, one hit kills from range, and awesome defensive powers.

    Know what I like about scramblers? They follow their colored line on the floor and walk right to the ball. Bouncers don't do that. They chase around pros as long as one is in contact with the floor. They will often go one way and then zoom back the other way (because pros often hit the floor and then bounce back up). If I could tell my bouncer to ignore all enemy pros then they would be awesome. "Hey there robot buddy, go jump on the ball". But they don't do that. They look for someone to chase and are ineffective at the one thing I want them to do..... bring down the shield. Bouncers run much faster than I do so I can't utilize their so called distraction. Know what I did the last time a bouncer came at me as a sniper? I went up one level and then someone on my team killed the bouncer before I could blink. As a gunner I want a robot that will help me and bouncers quite honestly don't do anything to help. As a gunner I don't even bother to kill bouncers. I shoot them for about a second and that weakens them so much that anyone being chased by that bouncer will have ZERO problem killing it. And here's the part that makes me laugh. As a gunner I don't have a problem killing people. I see someone I (pre) spin my guns and if they are within my gold range zone they are dead before they have a chance to escape.
  8. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We get it. You think the Gunner is underpowered or nerfed and we disagree. Move on.
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Look at people who play gunner very well and see how often they make bouncers (you'll notice they don't use them). Are you playing a tank stretch? The tank does pretty well with a bouncer because he can charge twice and reach the end zone with his robot. The gunner cannot do this; the robot must work alone. I find that to be a big problem personally considering good players will kill bouncers very quickly.
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I don't want to be rude but I don't think you get what I'm trying to say. The gunner is a one trick pony (ok maybe two tricks). His gun is great and that's all you need against players who are decently skilled. Against very good opponents you're SOL on a very uneven playing field. Your bot can't help you and two of your three skills can't help you. That is my point. I was hoping he could get just a tiny bit a love in one of these areas but it seems that isn't going to happen.
  11. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    It may not even be worth pointing out, but you're flat out wrong here. Scramblers will agro pros just like every other bot a pro can spawn. Once they chose their target they will move off the linear course and pursue.
  12. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    All custom bots that get spawned go after other Pros first except GapShots who go after turrets.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Not to mention since most who play as a Gunner don't really invest into his skills which in turn means you have plenty of money to buy juice.
  14. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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    I don't fully understand the changes posted on the blog, are they active from today(26Oct) or will there be a update in Nov when the DLC is released. Anyone???
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    They will be released with the DLC.
  16. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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  17. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    After reading the changes posted yesterday, I thought you had nearly perfected the game.

    Then you post this. And it is awesome.

    I didn't even think about arena changes, or even half the bug fixes you posted. You guys really are amazing developers for continuing to be a part of this game.

    Great work, Uber. Great work.
  18. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Well, you can't say they haven't been listening to us. Bravo, Uber! Do you have a release date yet?

    (I'm sorry if this has already been asked; I don't have time to read all 8 pages of posts right now.)
  19. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Out of curiosity, since the title update that changes ROF on the HHGun went live, what is the equivalent ROF endorsement to make your HHGun heal/hurt as much as before the title update?
  20. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    None of them are exactly equivalent. Silver makes it slightly slower, gold makes it slightly faster.

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