Hacking Enemy Turrets

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by hostileparadox, December 22, 2010.


Hacking Enemy Turrets

  1. Shorten time to hack

    23 vote(s)
  2. Leave as is

    11 vote(s)
  1. kankle

    kankle New Member

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    I haven't seen any one do this? Could someone give me the basics?
  2. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    Upgrade your hack skill to L3. Approach enemy turret. Press hack.

    Then, 9 times out of 10, have either:

    A) An enemy blast you into oblivion
    B) The enemy turret blast you into oblivion
    C) A combination of A and B
    D) Your teammates blast the turret into oblivion, not recognizing your tactic

    Enjoy. :)
  3. kankle

    kankle New Member

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    Lol thanks, I guess this is why I have never seen it. I tried to hack a bot last night and that didn't end well...I wish they had tutorial videos for each class. Maybe I should make them
  4. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Hahaha, yeah turrets only, yours, theirs and your firebase. no bots or enemy FBs.
  5. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    I think it should be shortened.

    Yeah, a hacked enemy turret gives you an insane advantage, true.
    However, simply approaching it to hack is already enough of a challenge.
    The time delay is way too long.

    I'd prefer shorter time to hack & way shorter hack duration on enemy turrets over what we have currently.
  6. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    When I first played Support I died so much trying to hack firebases. My friends who loved playing him didn't tell me until AFTER the game was over. I was wondering why they kept laughing at me...

    To the point though, hacking should be shortened. Only helped a friend hack one post dlc so far. Took two tries on a level 2 Rock It on LaseRazor. Most difficult thing I have ever helped with in MNC thus far.
  7. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Well I gotta say I've hacked plenty of 'em post updates, it really just takes solid planning and/or a s*&tstorm happening in their base. I do like the idea of shorter to hack and shorter duration though, it does seem pretty crazy how long you get to keep the thing.
  8. MrRedDragon

    MrRedDragon New Member

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    Considering the advantage of stealing an enemy turret for your team, the long hack time seems appropriate. It's not easy to do, because it shouldn't be easy to do.
  9. Hako

    Hako New Member

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    By the time you can get in to hack chances are you're already winning.
  10. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    In Ammo Mule, we just had a hack on a 3.3 turret that ended up finally pushing the match the rest of the way over; prior to that we'd been knocking at the door for awhile, but unable to finish. The sheer pandemonium that erupted when we hacked it and it attacked the other 3.3 Rocket at the base, and the other support and I both dropped firebases, ye gods. Both teams converged EVERYTHING... I've never seen so much juice, ad-grenades, airstrikes, and various other stuff fly through the air.

    (So I took cover under the stairs in front of their base, healing the hacked turret and praying to live! :lol: )

    I still think they take a bit too long, but I won't deny they can have a dramatic effect - a L3 rocket is, what, just over a grand of cash burned, to say nothing of the damage it'll cause?
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    This is definitely a good idea I could get behind. :)
  12. MrRedDragon

    MrRedDragon New Member

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    I think the turret hack time is fine as it is.

    But if it were to change, I'd say the time should scale with the value of the turret being hacked.
  13. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Hacking enemy turrets is pretty much done for the lulz. If you can hack them, you've pretty much won. If it was made easier to hack, players would be less inclined to build turrets and that's not good for gameplay. Has anyone tried hacking enemy turrets while juiced?
  14. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    Hacking while juiced doesn't always work. Often times you'll need a buddy support overhealing you, a distracting wave of bots or firebase and/or an Assassin smoke bomb. I think making the hack short enough so you don't DIE while juiced and hacking would be fair, as long as you only have a sliver of health left. That way you still have to juice to do it and I think that is a fair use of Support's juice over just having them run around and hurt gun people to death.
  15. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I disagree, I think MrRedDragon was right in that it creates too much of an upper hand and should be fairly difficult to pull off. I don't agree that if you can do it you've already won the battle - I seen plenty of games turned due solely to successful enemy hacks. Especially given that the enemy's support (if they even have one) has to have hack 3 to reclaim the turret I just don't see it as something you should be able to do without a solid plan. You should have to earn map control (or at least a successful chaperon run), earn passive 3 and have a plan, even then it should be by the skin of your teeth.

    Unless, of course, you want to try to take their Shave. I couldn't love hacking an enemy shave any more than I do. Watching them crawl out of spawn with the frosties, having sins who think they're cloaked volunteering to see the spawn room again. And it's much, much safer to hack them 'cause you only have to watch for enemy pros or a jackbot.

    Plus being too much easier would reduce the sense of accomplishment - as it is everyone knows you served 'em well.
  16. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Really? I've never seen one :shock:
    At least not since they nerfed the hack.

    But I feel it's like it has been said before, it's for lulz and if you can do it, odds are the match has already been won and your hack won't really make a difference.

    The problem is, it's such a pain in the butt to pull off when the game hasn't been won, hardly anyone bothers. It often requires armor/juice/bots/team mates/planning. It's a lot quicker and easier to just destroy the darned thing.
  17. faits

    faits New Member

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    I've seen several successful hacks turn the tide of a fight, post-nerf in the 360 version. One of my friends is a very good support.

    In the pc beta I've only seen two successful enemy turret hacks. Once it happened to my team, and the turret was almost immediately destroyed. The other time it happened to the other team and we used it to break a stalemate and seal their fate.
  18. Freyar

    Freyar New Member

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    If hacking an enemy turret requires a [Expletive]storm to accomplish, then what exactly is the good of hacking a turret? If things are going that bad for an enemy team, I doubt a turret would tip the balance either way.

    Getting a hack on an enemy turret sure is fun to pull it off, but it isn't that practical. I'm not entirely sure reducing hack time is the best way to go about it either. Alternatives can include a "lower priority" aura, or as suggested earlier, slower movement.
  19. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    It's Passive 2....... Right?
  20. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Both 2 and 3 increase the aura, so 3 is even stronger. It's not listed that way though. I always feel like 3 also increases radius of effect but that could be my imagination.

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