Hacker/Scrub/Nerd ragers

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Xx Tikki xX, January 30, 2011.

  1. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    we all laughed at her and i am serious about this, my city is only small i didn't feel the need to tell the HOD (head of department) about it as i had a previous teacher give me a hard time for talking in class when i was asking what she wrote on the board to a friend, she got fired after that year because she also made fun of other students but this teacher didn't seem to serious about it but everyone laughed at her and started to say that its not actually a waste of time and boring etc etc and she shut up after that.

    teachers here are more laid back then what they probably are for you, they like to have fun and talk to the students this one just thinks gaming in general is a waste of time because it can affect peoples school work which it can but you need to play a hell of a lot for that to happen, don't believe it if you don't want to but it did happen but i wasn't taking it seriously i just laughed at her with the rest of the class.

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