Gremlin Rush?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Hiero Glyph, October 8, 2010.

  1. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The point is that you can ignore the Assassin in your base if you are lane pushing properly. Who cares if you turrets are down when a juiced Assassin can simply destroy them every time (even a non-juiced Assassin can do it easily with their level 1 Smoke Bomb). Why would a good team waste money on turrets just to give a base raiding Assassins something to do? A good team would lane push and keep the bots away from their Moneyball (you know, the entire point of the game). An Assassin in your base means nothing unless they have pushed the lane properly.

    Currently I can see where the Gap Shots, Bouncers, and Scramblers are coming from but I cannot find the Gremlins unless they find me first. So is my only recourse to give up the high ground that I have fought to gain? To babysit my Moneyball because the Gremlins can remain cloaked while they run around the map? Every time the game announces 'Gremlins!' should I rush back to my base or simply hope that they spawn on my side of the map so that I can maybe see them run past or hope they target me?

    The bottom line is that a good team does not fight from their base; they take the high ground and lane push from there. They control the jump pads, Juice, and Annihilator (somewhere that Eliminator bots never go, save for Buzzers). Call it strategy if you want but this is just like an Assassin recloaking during a grapple, something that was clearly not intended.

    The problem is that a team abusing this tactic could simply switch classes as needed. Why stay an Assassin for the entire match when you only need to spawn Gremlins at critical times? Sure, some may call it having fun at 4am but that does not mean it is any less of an issue. Ice Traps are not too bad when used defensively but when you have them all around your spawn you get called a camper. There is always a difference between doing something in moderation and exploiting a mechanic.

    Heck, grenades are never a problem when thrown individually in any game; they only cause problems when thrown in multiples. Every hear about F.A.G.S., ( Well how about Fight Against Gremlin Spam? Or if you prefer there is always F.R.A.G.S., ( Besides, if you spawn enough Gremlins you are bound to get a kill or two, right? At the very least you can have the chance to drop their Moneyball for less than a single Juice all without having to push a single lane.
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I agree that gremlins would be a problem if they completely ignored pros and went for the money ball. The thing is they DON'T seem to do this (which is why I'm encouraging more testing to figure out in what rare circumstances they will attack the money ball). It seems as if gremlins will only walk up a lane and start attacking the base if there are no reachable pros in their lane (possibly both lanes?) Even then, I was under the impression they will only attack the money ball if there are no turrets protecting it (again, needs confirmation).

    I'd argue that a good team would run a tank or tank/support combo next to the bots they are pushing in order to deter assassins from lunging through them and haulting the push. Top control while your bots are pushing is NOT the same thing as ACTUALLY pushing and escorting the bots. If you leave no one on the ground, YOU are ignorable by the cloaked units. You can't claim lane control if there is a GAPING hole in your defense. 1 Tank on the ground or sniper with an Ice Trap + Flak/Explosive round combo stops a gremlin push in its tracks. The sniper can even do this WHILE maintaining top control.

    If the gremlins bug and start ignoring pros AND turrets to bring down the moneyball, I'll agree that things should be looked at. As it stands, it simply means the following:

    -Your lane is not controlled if gremlins walk into your moneyball without meeting any player or turret resistance.
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    You said it better then I could have.
    Bold and underlined the important part

    Id also like to note that gremlins attack bots
    I have seen it many many times
    What causes them to attack bots?
    No damn clue.

    I'm also about 99% sure gremlins won't touch the moneyball if turrets are standing in the base
  4. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    They got counters in the tank and assassin, so yeah gremlins are nothing.

    Kinda want to throw up at the sniper and support thing.

    Imagine if they were buffed.


  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Imagine there's no 'Sassin
    It's easy if you try
    No cheap backstabbing
    To make my Sniper die
    Imagine all those Supports
    Firebases buffed..Woohoo.....

    You might think that I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    Some day we'll play together
    And your noob face I will pwn.


    Anyway, "has counters" and "is balanced" are not synonymous. Gremlins do seriously wreak havoc, and on the one hand, I'm fine with that, because it beats trying to backstab grapple proof jerks thanks to the fact that even the slightest lag renders the Assassin's primary move as impotent as Monty Burns. On the other hand, it almost seems unfair to unleash them, because it's pretty easy to get free turret destructions, kills, and even drop the moneyball with them. There are counters, but that's not necessarily going to make it balanced, and in actual play, it doesn't seem balanced at all.

    And this is from someone who finds Assassins more or less underpowered. Usually because of the strawmen/ad hominems that I suck at it, need to learn my class, am not a team player, or (and this is rich) hate the game.
  6. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I would agree if buzzers didn't get stuck on EVERYTHING. Otherwise, yes, buzzers are very annoying to every class.
  7. StreetRx925

    StreetRx925 New Member

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    Dude i have went 42 - 36 - 2 using damn near only gremlins. Just kill bots and turrets the whole match stack up hella cash and then sit in the base and spawn like $2500 worth of gremlins and they will tear up the playing field. Especially near the last 5 minutes of the match when everyone is so caught up in the struggle to push the lanes and defend their base that they dont even see them coming. Mwuahahaha!
  8. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Yeah, that does need to get fixed.
  9. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I've had similar silly games, had a game where I spammed the same amount of $ on buzzers and had close to 50 assist

    Most games people are not that newbie, I always chuckle at gremlin kills in the feed.

    Idk about you guys, but I can count the number of times I have died to gremlins on one hand

    pretty much all of them are me escaping enemy pros with a tiny of sliver of hp only to turn the corner head first into a pack of em, same way I die to any bot
  10. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    Yeah idk I always play tank or assassin so gremlins just don't scare me. Sniper flak and gunner slam can do some damage too. I think only the assault and support should fear them.

    I rarely spawn gremlins, I'm biased against their potential. But I do see what you mean.

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