Grapple Balancing Idea

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Flaren, February 1, 2011.

  1. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    i stoped reading after page 2.. seriously its like some ppl play a whole different game..
  2. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    You, sir, are a genius.

    OT: No. PC players derp about how overpowered the Assassin is, so this would make them cry twin tracks of lard-laden rage-tears through the Cheeto dust on their cheeks.
  3. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    that console players can't master the assassin with there inferior controlling system doesn't mean the assassin isn't OP ^^

    they can quickly cut trough a mob of bots (silver ROF recommended), take 50% down of a jackbot with 1 Grapple and also dismiss most pro's with 1 back Grapple

    honestly i don't understand why ppl find the assassin a weak class
  4. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    The point made a wooshing sound as it flew over Arth's head.

    What you have just said has backed up my argument - if the Assassin is so powerful with your positively delicious "controlling system", why would she need this massive buff? I never said anything about the Assassin being underpowered.

    Also, grappling the Jackbot is a silly thing to do. Also also, most Pros can "dismiss" an Assassin with a loud noise.
  5. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Honstely, the assassin is the class that benefits the LEAST of all classes from the high precision of mouse aim. If anything, she should be OP on the XBOX if we were to follow your line of thinking, not on the pc.
  6. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    im also not a supporter of this "buff" but assassins are not blown away with a loud noise.
    except if they go stand in the line of fire which is what there not supposed to do.

    hmm idk don't have experience with there system
    but it was also meant as a slight joke based on my comment towards sensitivepsycho on this page:

  7. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    *Hears a loud humming sound*
    *Turns around spotting a blue transparent silhouette charging at me*
    "Another one?"
    *Fires shotgun once and an assassin decloaks falling to the ground infront of me.*
    "Well, you'll be dinner!"
    *Hears another loud boom nearby and peeks upwards seeing a long smoke trail in the air*
    "Oh, here comes another one!"
    *Takes aim and fires the shotgun just before the assassin lands, decloaking and killing it in the process*
    "This reminds me of the game duckhunter."

    That's how my everyday experience with assassins are lately... Their cloak is really easy to hear. :|
  8. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    complete opposite here bro :lol:

    i have samples where i walk 3/4 feet removed from my target INFRONT of them, walk easily by them with +- the same distance and grab them in the back

    i had some moments that describe your situation as being the assassin myself. but i don't engage in the 1st place if i see them turning around. quick smoke jump if needed and ill be trying it the next time when other environmental sounds could blur your hearing..

    you could always be 100% paranoid and bunny hop 24/7.. but yea thats something else


    assassins should try to get in the back by jumping on there target from above or Sprint straight for your back so that the humming "reaction" time is shortened.
  9. Iconik_

    Iconik_ New Member

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  10. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    That's because you're fighting new/bad players.

    You could approach them from behind as a tank and they'd still never notice.
  11. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    unless you are near a ice trap.. than its impossible..

    Or not a support, and not camping with a back to the wall, with only 2 avenues of approach.. if you are pushing or fighting, the sins approach is fast, and by the time you hear the buzz hes already grappling you.
  12. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    The only way I can see assassins being a big deal is if you spend a large amount of time standing still.
  13. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    as an assault I have no problem with them, i'm usually up high or hovering, but as a tank/gunner/support, that is not the case, even running with the bots, a good sin will just run in and back stab from cloak.

    Would be nice if he couldnt grapple from cloak, like if he had to drop it before grapple worked..

    but thats not really needed, hes already easily handled by Assaults.

    The only thing that would balance this, is if they added the ability to KNOCK people out of grapples, so if they take X dmg, during grapple their grapple fails..

    I hate watching my friend die to a grapple while i'm standing there pegging the sin, but I know i cant kill him before the grapple finishes.
  14. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I almost wish you could grapple people out of grapples now.

    Imagine the grapple hug fests you could have.
  15. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeah, I think that if you grapple someone who is grappling it should NOT grapple them but instead start a counter grapple.

    the animation would be unique to each class and again unique to which grapple used, IE: 2ndary weapon grapple or skill grapple or primary weapon grapple.. etc

    The counter grapple would knock the grappler off the grapplie and send them flying to the ground (knock down) dealing moderate dmg.

    This would stop bad assassins from suicide rushing into grapples, same for bad assaults.

    that would be awesome.

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