Give us Shields! Come on!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wbonx, May 27, 2014.

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  1. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    I have already pointed out the drawbacks of a commander cloak, I do not feel that it will fix any issue - it will only introduce new ones.

    You dont need SXX Satellites in order to ComSnipe, they are just the most obviously choice. I think we all know that nearly anything can be used to snipe a commander.

    Honestly? The only counter arguments I heard are speculations based on hot air or the shortcomings of previous games.
    tatsujb and bradaz85 like this.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I have already pointed out the drawbacks of shields, I do not feel that it will fix any issue - it will only introduce new ones.

    Then you must not have read much of this thread. Or any of the other dozen or so threads linked to on this thread.

    Converting energy to health doesn't balance well.
    shotforce13 and MrTBSC like this.
  3. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    Actually you have not.
    • You brought up some points about turteling wich are as proven by now irrelevant.
    • You then went on about the workload at uber that is required to implement them, wich as I take it is distributed by demand of the community - so if enough people want shields and see the potential in them they WILL be included.
    • After that you talked about Supreme Commander a bunch wich is of no relevance to this game since it is quite shockingly a different game.
    • You then went on to propose using combat engineers as a substitute for shields. I have personally pointed out that combat engineers are indeed not the same as shields - a point you still have to disprove.
    • You suggested that I applie at Uber personally to code the shields myself. I still have no interest at doing so.
    • We then came to the point in wich you bring commander cloaking into the discussion. I personally disapprove of such a thing but a cloaking commander does not invalidate shields.
    • You brought up Total Annihilation wich did not include shields and is regarded as a very good strategy game. It still holds no relevance to this discussion since this is not Total Annihilation.
    • You made a point that you need to attack in order to win the game. Shields dont stop you from attacking thus your point is void.
    If I have missed any points you made I am terribly sorry.

    You have contributed nothing of value to this discussion up to this point. You simply dont get to say that you pointed out any drawbacks as you did indeed not point out a single one.

    Given the amount I have contributed to this thread I think it is fair to assume that I have read this thread multiple times over.

    You keep saying that, yet you show no evidence.

    I would also point out the very well written post by tatsujb wich seems to be ignored by the anti shield faction.

    If you want me to stop arguing pro shields write a post akin to that of tatsujb but, of course, bring up arguments against shields.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
    tatsujb, bradaz85 and M3t0r like this.
  4. ninnamin

    ninnamin Member

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    There won't be shields. There will never be shields. This has been discussed since Pre-Alpha.

    If you want them that badly, code a mod for one when the game officially releases.
  5. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    You have indeed missed my points. Some of which I have stated multiple times. Example, "Converting energy to health doesn't balance well."

    As for demand by the community... I direct you to this thread:

    At any rate. I could take the time to address in detail the shortcomings of your claims... But I have already written enough on the topics of shields in this thread, and more importantly, many of the many other threads on this topic. I'd rather get back to coding my website redesign and watching a TV show. Saying the same thing over and over isn't how I'd like to spend my time.

    You have your view and you ignore/filter people that disagree with you and dismiss anything that opposes it as "irrelevant" or "void."

    I'm just gonna let this thread die, like the many threads before it.
  6. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    That is not a point, that is a statement without any proof behind it.

    A poll taken by 60 people is not representative of the games population.

    You said before that you would leave yet you are still here.

    If you are tired of saying the same old stuff then bring up something new.

    I am actually capable and willing to change my mind if I am presented with enough evidence. I have done so on this very forum.

    Of course it is easier to just call me stupid and walk away, but you are not doing your side of the argument any good in doing so.
    schuesseled192 likes this.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    "never be any shields" You have no proof to corroborate that. That is because it is not true.

    Devs said not for 1.0. that doesn't translate to "never"
    nehekaras likes this.
  8. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    And neither is your post, so stop trying to get Uber to change the game for you and nobody else.

    shotforce13 likes this.
  9. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    Right, because nobody else wants shields..
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    M3t0r likes this.
  11. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    This thread would look way different if it would be only me arguing pro shields.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    so, there probably won't be shields in base PA, and there will be a very popular unit add mod for it.

    I don't see the problem. There aren't teleporters in minecraft, but it is a popular mod. I don't see any arguement for them to add it either.

    Furthermore, over half the community probably wants a teleportation item in the vanilla game, and there are plenty of mods to borrow the code from and whatnot. However, it isn't the entitled privledge for a community to lead game development by democracy. It is very important to listen to the community and the whole community here, in a kickstarted game, but democracy still can be wrong, more than half of people thought the world was flat 500 years ago, and today most people still can't tell you who all of their legislative leaders are by name.

    Example, most people voted to increase the health of everything in PA by 4x, so they wouldn't feel so paper fragile. Yeah, modded it in, played a game, and every participant agrees, definitely not the best number. x3 would be far. x2 would probably start being feasable. I would put money on, and this doesn't scale across the board anyway because infernos scale with higher dps more than any other unit when health is increased, but I would put money on 1.7x increase being decent.

    Yet, it IS your right to continue begging however... Ssssskkkkkk... Carry on then IF you must. I just hope someone makes a mod soon. Shields would be fun to play with, but my gosh they can not be a constant thing. That would be like peregrines were. Eww.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
    Pendaelose and brianpurkiss like this.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    jesus christ look at you, acting all immature.

    Be above this bullshit, like the vanguard you're supposed to be.

    like garat said if you simply post to say others are posting pointless posts then don't post at all.

    we're still advocating for UBER's implementation of shields post 1.0 and it's our right.

    You have now power over telling what will happen in the future. let us debate if we feel like it.

    You have no right to say that we won't ever be getting them from Uber.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
    bradaz85 likes this.
  14. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    Talk down to us all you want. You and your whole anti shield faction are using the rhetoric of someone who lost the argument.

    As for the probability of shields being in base PA - only the developers know of that.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Yeah, that rhetoric literally worked for a game that exists right now.

    If it isn't broke, don't fix it. I am not anti-shield. I would play with shields, if I saw a lobby named "bubble shield modded". I also would like a day where I don't play with shields.

    So, tell me @nehekaras . What is the difference, between shields being in the game and roughly half games being named "modded removed shields", and shields not being in the game and roughly half games being named "modded with shields"?

    You are one of those fellows who just HAVE to be "Player 1" when playing split screen, aren't you? I wouldn't mind having to mod my games I play, it literally is the same game either way, with the same amount of games played the same way, except one person has some fake crown called "vanilla" and the other has another fake crown called "player balance mod".

    And yes, I would even argue, that most modders would make shields, however the majority of collaborative modders and players will probably not go for shields in a "community tournament balance". I am not even entirely sure what "The Realm"s stance on them is, but I would bet their highly likely well used balance adjustment mod would probably not include shields.

    So if the game was given shields, then shields were removed, then is the glass half empty or half full? Is the battle won or lost for you? Should you be happy of that outcome? You can't really argue or force a balance patch to include shields, even if you can convince the devs. Really, we need all the unit diversity we can have, so I don't mind shields being in the game, truely. As long as I can remove them. Which I can. Edit t1/t2 fabber's json, remove shield from blueprints, place in server mods folder, that becomes law of game.

    And yes, server side enforces blueprints. Even if your UI had a shield build option, the server enforces what "should" be allowed to be built. If this weren't the case, I would have already added an avatar commander to my build bar on my starting commander, cruise control for win right there, just go and reclaim the enemy commander with it, no problem lol.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
    brianpurkiss and arseface like this.
  16. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    What is the difference between a game with no shields and modded lobbies with shields and vice versa?

    • Official support, balancing, graphics and updates.
    • Larger player base (some people who buy games don't partake in modding)
    bradaz85 and tatsujb like this.
  17. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Official support is overrated, devs mess games up more often than modders.

    I won't argue against the player base argument because it doesn't apply to me often, if at all. But some people like playing randoms, so I can understand that.
  18. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    I dont get what you are trying to say there? Talking like someone who lost works in other games? Wat?

    Thats the cowards way of doing things. Dont try new things. never look beyond what is already there. As for not playing with shields you do a great job at arguing that point further down yourself.

    The difference is that when Uber implements shields we have a guarantee that someone is trying to work them out as best as they can and not just drop them on a whim when they dont like working on them anymore. Excluding shields would also be way easier to mod than including shields.

    And here come the insults again. You dont know me so I would ask of you to attack my arguments and not me as a Person.

    I do not think that a mod that includes shields is comparable to a vanilla implementation. As I have pointed out above, a modder can always just get up and leave or just not care about trying to balance the mod - Uber on the other hand has an active interest in working out shields as best as they can.

    I dont care for the stance of "The Realm" or any other group. If they have something to add to the discussion they can come here and bring their arguments to the table.

    As for commuity tournaments my guess would be that most of them will be using the vanilla game.

    If shields are in vanilla Planetary Annihilation then yes, the battle is won for me. If I am happy of the outcome is dependent on how well they are implemented.

    Why cant I argue for a balance patch to include shields? What is stopping me?

    So if you can remove shields as you stated that you can... nothing is going against an implementation of shields by Uber? What side are you arguing for again?
    bradaz85 and tatsujb like this.
  19. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    So because you personally find things overrated, they don't exist? Is that what you are saying?
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See here's the thing. This topic is almost as old as the Kickstarter campaign for PA. That means there are older threads where the more active community (most active since the very beginning) members have already discussed this topic to death. So if you want any of the longer lasting, more dedicated community member's opinions you'll have to read through the older threads.

    Heck most of them have discussed almost every topic quite a lot already that they don't even go into the threads anymore because, frankly, it's all been said before.

    Also on a side note; Planetary Vanguards are community members who have a direct line of communication with the development team. I would take the info they tell me as something the devs have directly said to them or the group.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
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