Give us a counter to grapple

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Litego, December 30, 2010.

  1. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    I understand where you're coming from Litego, but that's just not gonna happen.

    And the animation actually gives your more competent allies a chance to save you from the kill.
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    yes they're going to take out the assassin because grappling is sooooooooooooooo annoying and overpowered....seriously, its not a big issue, stop complaining about it
  3. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    And here's a tip for you: The "I'm a veteran and I can be condescending" attitude is extremely irritating, even to other veterans. Yes, they're wrong and grappling has a place in the game. Yes, it's easily countered except in the hands of incredibly experienced grapplers. Yes, the idea of playing MNC with the sound off and missing out on the humor is appalling to me, too.

    It still doesn't give you right, reason, or religion to talk down to people. Building communities is about patient explanation and consideration, not "LOLOLOLNEWBZL2P." This is a beta and they are entitled and ENCOURAGED to vent their feelings. Uber decides what's legitimate and what's not, and they've done just fine so far.

    Did this post annoy you? Good. Now you know how they feel reading yours.

    Edit: Uber, apologies if this was overly inflammatory. I'm hoping by trolling the troll now and letting him know it's not okay, the problem will be solved in the future. Smack me down if I'm out of line. :) I can't stand beta censorship-elitism.
    Last edited: December 30, 2010
  4. Litego

    Litego New Member

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    Did I mention anything about removing assassins? No I did not. If they were to remove grapple the assassin would obviously get a buff somewhere else, increased melee damage perhaps? I dont know.

    I like this post :)
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    by removing the grapple you are basically removing the assassin as its one of their best weapons.

    about me trolling, i am not trolling, im just sick of seeing all the stupid pointless threads about something being over powered or that it shouldn't be in the game, the people have had very little time with the game and should try it for a decent amount of time before they make a decision on something like this, it's pointless.
  6. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    I never said it was overpowered - after all, it's one of the main aspects of Assassin. The cloaked grab is just extremely irritating because you are often OHK'd with a single grab and have no way of doing anything about it (other than hoping there is a nearby teammate to rescue you).

    In any game, being completely immobilized is extremely frustrating. You are vulnerable and you know it - just waiting to die. If the player has at least a little control over what is going to happen, it greatly reduces frustration AND stops grapples from being simple "Cloak-Run-HitButton-Dead" combos. It could be as simple as spamming a key to slightly reduce the grapple damage - perhaps allowing a grappled player to survive)

    Thanks for the great post. I understand that most of the people here are veterans, and I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes. I'm simply trying to share my feelings on the matter, because now is the time to do it. This is a beta after all.

    MNC ftw!
  7. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    allowing a back grappled player to survive if they mash a button is stupid, everyone would just mash the hell out of that button survive then kill the assassin making them completely useless at killing other pro's when its already their weak point, imagine if you back grapple a support he lives to grapple you then shotgun to your face, assault would charge you and probably kill you, sniper would just grapple and there's a ring out, gunner would slam unless the assassin is smart enough to jump (which is rare)

    i believe a back grapple should ALWAYS be a one hit kill, if you weren't aware enough to stop the back grapple when they have the sword you should die, you shouldn't get a second chance.
  8. epyx

    epyx New Member

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    real men front grapple.
  9. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Problem is, quite a lot of dodgy BS is cropping up lately where front grapples suddenly start counting as back grapples, which is infuriating as hell because that's either some massive lag, there's a new hack in town, or the engine is bugging out.

    Hope it gets fixed, or at least happen less often with server optimisations.
  10. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    The best way is the bunny hop in enemy territory (also helps with evading incoming boolets), and listen for hums in your own base.

    I've noticed that many of the assassins (who are also probably the newer players) rely far too much on thier cloak, not noticing the loud electronic hum it makes.

    Focus more on the hum, and you'll pick up on it before the assassin can split your face in two.
  11. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    I don't see how grappling is any more "random" than getting sniped. If you've already put yourself in a position where they can snipe/grapple you, you're going to randomly die as soon as someone takes advantage of it.

    You can see and hear cloaked assas (especially if they're dashing), they have a really hard time grappling you while jumping, they can't grapple you while deployed or assault-hovering, and taking you on near a friendly pretty much means they are suiciding to take you down.
  12. kurina

    kurina Member

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    I really have to disagree. I see it no different than being one hit killed by any other means. If we remove that, we should also remove headshots and a variety of other ways to kill people.

    Right now, things are still new and people are still getting a grasp of the game. With practice, assassins can be easily countered. The key is situational awareness, constantly checking your surroundings and listening for the audible cloak noise that gives an assassin away.

    I play assassin daily, and believe me, a well aware player can be a difficult kill.
  13. spirit

    spirit New Member

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    Theres only one problem identified by this thread:

    People don't pay attention to their surroundings and get owned for not doing so. Scoped in snipers with no sound? Really? You're asking for it and everything else. The problem isn't the grapple, the player could have done just about anything and taken you out without issue.
  14. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Almost never played assassin, but I did play assault a lot and I think the level 3 charge with bonus grapple and ring out more often than not is probably more powerfull than assassin's back grapple.

    In fact most classes got at least one quick and nasty move able to almost one shot people or throw them out of the ring, maybe the assassin's is creating a bit more rage because "lol I'm a ninja!" seems to be very appealing to gamers so there's a lot of them, and it's a nobrainer for such a class to play this way.

    This game is fast paced, kill fast, die fast, if you start to complain about being instagibbed you'll probably figure at some point that there is tons of stuff which can kill you as fast and as helplessly as an assassin. Especially complaining about backgrapple and stealth while scopped is a nonsense, you got tunnel vision anyway, it might aswell be any other class.
  15. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I have to agree here, the main issue is that you have to look around and pay attention to where you are and who's around you. The back grapple is the sin's main anti-pro tactic and really needs to be in game, even as a OHKO. I play with the sound off occasionally but I know going into it that the sin will be the death of me if they get it in their heads to hunt me. But I still manage to get the better of the majority of them because I've learned where and how to look for them. Even under cloak you can see their footsteps if not their entire body. Sins tend to have few patterns of attack and typically run the same few tactics through the entire round, after a few deaths you should be able to predict where they'll come from.

    Using the sniper in this game isn't designed to just camp through the scope; everyone is supposed to pay attention to the whole match and their immediate surroundings. If you're problem is that you can't scope and watch for sins then you probably aren't choosing the right time to zoom in.
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    The definition of irony: A Sniper complaining about the back-grapple of an Assassin. :lol:
  17. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    I don't play Sniper. :shock:
  18. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Or people bitching about getting head-shot from across the map.

  19. Skizzen

    Skizzen New Member

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    The answer is not to significantly change the game. The answer is almost never to significantly change the game.

    Something Ive enjoyed paying attention to alot recently is Blizzard and how they are handling Starcraft 2s balancing. Their whole community is screaming about imbalances. There was a Reaper rush strategy that was ultimately overpowered. How did they figure that out? They sat for months and let the pro gamers play it and play it and grind out ways to defend against it and when even they couldnt stop it? Blizzard made it take about 10 seconds longer to get your first reapers out, if even that. Didnt actually change the reapers or their own build times at all! The reaper rush is no more.

    My point is this is the correct way to do it.

    If your having a prolem with something then concentrate on it and find a way of overcoming it and if in doubt look at people who are already very good at your class. Are they moaning about grapples? If they arnt then theres probably something you can learn.

    To rebalance the game should be the very last thing you suggest. And yeah, making it even harder for the assassins to get their only heavy damage hit in on players when they are already at their most vaulnerable just by going for players? Thats going to hurt more than it helps.
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    you reply to posts that aren't about you and act like they are?

    and yes assassins are very easy to deal with unless their smart, its a weak class but has some really good strong points, not hard to deal with it when your a gunner, you have slam, tank you have death blossom, sniper has traps, support you might have some trouble but the shotgun destroys them, assault can just charge same as tank.

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