Give Dox vision range back please

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by slocke, November 27, 2014.

  1. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Dox are just about perfect now. They have their speed and can still go in water. Small groups of dox beat metal-equivalent small groups of tanks with good micro, but they become useless as the armies scale up. If you miss the vision, send a skitter with your dox like in the old days.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Though the "no dedicated aa bot for mostly useless weak aa on the dox" trade isn't too my liking.
    xankar, mered4 and cptconundrum like this.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    If you miss the AA then send a skitter AND a spinner with the dox. Or hummingbirds. And the spinner doesn't have to keep up with the dox, it can be a fallback unit that follows behind.

    Also, the AA vehicle can use a speed buff anyway. Just because. Just like 14-16.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Sending a skitter is fine.
    But sending a spinner is nonsense. Falling back to it is crippeling any mobility advantage that the dox are supposed to have AND endanger the spinners to be caught alone by ground units.
    Not to mention I think one of the big general issues with ground based AA currently is that we have a slow poke aa vehicle that has no chance whatsoever to keep up with fast air units. Yes a ground unit can't really be that fast, but making it super slow like a tank really is ...

    I mean look at it from a lore perspective:
    Imagine you are an inventor who design those super powerful robot armies, aiming to win all wars with them.

    I'd design an AA unit with the general aims that it is
    a) fast at especially killing anything air that can kill ground units and
    b) as fast moving as possible, as it is supposed to protect vs the fastest units in the game (air).

    Dear designer of the spinner: I have NO idea how you got your job, you suck. You made the spinner randomly attack mostly "vs air only" air units AND you made it a slow poke. Did you try to design an AA turret? Those at least should have much more firepower for exchange of being immobile.
    xankar and klavohunter like this.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Balance outside a void, tanks and spinners, do better against air than dox alone, at least in larger numbers against larger numbers.

    That doesn't say much though. Dox should be just a little better via projectile speed increase and prioritizing air. Spinners should be faster and only 80 range for perhaps a faster rate of fire. Towers are already decent at their long range, perhaps lower their fire rate for double damage? EVERYTHING should prioritize better tbh.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I consider the decision to have the dox be a bad anti air unit a mistake anyway. Ofc any other AA is better than the dox, the dox is an anti ground unit with some error in it's behavior that makes it try shoot at air :p
    defdee likes this.
  7. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    I wonder how giving the aa tank more dmg or something as a tradeoff for its speed would have worked out... instead of removing one of the two mobile ground aa... also as a long call back to TA didn't it have bot and tank roles that overlapped each other... yet is was okay because if gave more options to how one could play? as for dox vision yes perhaps it would be useful for them to have to help them avoid tanks but radar, skitters and air will help with that too, the main issue some people are bringing up with dox as to why they are hard to balance is the side to side dodging orders you can give them to avoid and win other dox and even tank battles... if that were removed or atleast much less effective then it would be interesting to see what balancing could be done to make bots viable for the whole game without making them the only good choice to take.
  8. cynischizm

    cynischizm Active Member

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    I suggested a while back making dox only fire forward. Dodging becomes a way of saving your units to flee, but prevents groups of dox from killing of similar sized tank blobs because you either dodge or shoot. Maybe give them a slight damage boost to make up for it so they become excellent raiding units, destroying fabbers, mex etc, but lose in a head on confrontation. Leave the crappy aa intact, it's enough to catch the odd bomber from time to time, but more importantly it allows raiding dox to kill expanding air fabbers, and keeps dox useful late game as they can deal with the relatively stationary t2 air units.

    The rest of the bots would need some tweaking as well though. Maybe a slight boost to grenadier range and reintroducing the t1 aa bot.
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Well good for you, you're wrong. The dox is AA. Recognizing it as an error, is like all the islamic countries that recognize Israel as a rogue defect and civil war within ownership of another country. Recognize what you want, but you are wrong, only convincing yourself.

    Bumblebees cannot solo dox with no losses. Just, dox are the worst AA. Honestly, if your going to give dox AA make it reliable and poor. It already is poor, make it more reliable to hit without a bot-vs-air micro battle. It is so unreliable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work at all. It is either minimal impact snagging some bomber kills, or total miss. A lot of the time micro makes it total miss. Be nice if it hit when supposed to and just sucked in it's own right.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I have no idea what you want to tell me, maybe you did not understand me.
    I know dox have AA and I say it's a bad design decision that is on a level close to a bug.
    You seem to think that is plain "wrong" and then try to bring up political debates that really have no place in here.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I know what I do, I do it all the time.

    Dox have AA and it was an intentional design choice that only bugs in the regard that it is inconsistent. Which I could turn around and say, **** bots when you click them left and right and tank shells miss, as far as I am concerned micro is a bug and the game has been glitching since alpha.

    Besides that, no, it is entirely political, dox intentionally have AA, no part of it is a bug.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You still don't get it. Yes it was intentional, but it's as nice to have as a bug in the game imho.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I'd leave it in, but Community Uberbalance removes it. Then again, my more fave option is actually having a dedicated AA. Even if bots has longer range and really slow fire rate, while vehicles have shorter range but higher health and really fast fire rate. Remember bots are cheaper and 4 can 1 hit kill a bumblebee, while spinners are more expensive but can survive a bumblebee while hitting it with 4 missiles itself. Not a bad balance.

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