General balance of thing, Nerfs = bad

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Agent, March 30, 2011.


Are you for or against recent Nerfs?

  1. For, I feel the Nerfs are justified

    14 vote(s)
  2. Inbetween, I liked some changes and hated others

    16 vote(s)
  3. Against, the Nerfs weren't needed

    13 vote(s)
  1. pandapaw

    pandapaw New Member

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    For arguments sake, I'll concede the point that xbox players are better. I'll even concede the point that both games are the same. The game is either balanced or not balanced. Saying how one group of players is better doesn't add value to the discussion. Just skip to the point and say the game is balanced in your opinion and then support that viewpoint. There's no need to stroke one's ego - justified or not.

    So please stop bringing up the xbox argument. If the games are the same, there's no need to preface it being the pc or xbox version. If the games are not the same, then why bring it up?

    My apologies if I'm derailing the thread, it'll be the last time I address this issue in this thread.
  2. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    Any balance change post beta has sky rocketed the heavy classes potential further than it should have been. The only class that could viably compete with a heavy was an assault until that nerf. Now we're stuck with 3/4's of games filled with heavy classes. I've seen experienced pros playing the light/medium classes. But as soon as a challenge comes along, they instantly switch over to a gunner or a tank. Even Uber is guilty of playing mostly heavies from what I've seen.

    I believe the release right after beta was a perfect balance. Every class had it's niche and purpose, no other class could out perform another just by pure stats. Just needed to smooth out the edges, like the assaults head crabbing the money ball and some grapple fixes.

    Reducing the backstab angles on the assassin was sorely a bad mistake. The odd lag with grapples makes it almost impossible to effectively get a back grapple even when it appears you've approached a pro from directly behind.

    I could go on for quite awhile about why so many of these changes were unnecessary. But I would be here all night and I have to work in the morning. Needless to say, I miss the post beta/pre-nerf MNC. I think I may take a hiatus from MNC till I forget those misty water colored memories of how everything fit together.
  3. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I have to say that I completely agree with you on everything and have no differences in opinion. Well stated, good sir.
  4. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    The assault class is the easiest and most versatile class in the game, but you gave him a medium ceiling level? :roll: :lol:
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Sniper is even easier. Sit back in timbuktu, shoot anything not on your team.
    Some of the maps make it even easier, especially if you want to keep a botlane pinned down
    Hell, I just played a round on AmmoMule where a sniper stayed 2 feet out the spawn door and sniped at anything that came down that lane. Came under fire? Duck back in, regen health, come back out, repeat
  6. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    The assault isn't the easiest class, and never was. Now it just has a lower skill ceiling and higher skill floor.
  7. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    I agree that it is an easy class to play if you play a cautious, camping style. Noobs will generally perform the actions that you stated.

    However, the difficulty of the sniper class correlates to play style and ability. It can be as easy or as hard as you make it. Sure, I can go chill out in the base and shoot bots and occasionally people. I agree that this is very easy.

    Do I play offensively and also go for head shots while people are charging/lunging/slamming/etc.? Always. Is it challenging? I'd say very few snipers attempt it and even less can pull it off.
  8. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    I think your mom dropped you on your head...assault is the tutorial character for a reason :roll: any moron can play assault. its not hard to use the assault rifle and strafe, then run away with charge when hurt because the assault has the easiest maneuver skills to get around. Any moron can pick a armorless assault class and spam grenade launchers at the bots and pros. Any moron can throw a bomb in the air and blow it up. Assaults take no skill and no aiming to play. I've had this game since it first came out on the 360 and the PC and the only class close enough to go lower then the assault skill level is support. Keep in mind i play a lot of competitive play and know what im talking about.

    Team Destiny
    GT: Cymode
  9. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I'm against almost every nerf that was added to the PC version.

    Every class is almost perfectly balanced on the 360 version, and the only class that really needed to be nerfed was sniper because of superior aiming ability.

    The jetpacks on the heavies should have stayed, while it does make them harder to hit, you also have the majority of the players using mice & keyboards so it is much easier to aim at them, giving them a need to strafe.

    Tank has a massive skill ceiling if his railgun is used right.
  10. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    I agree with futtbuck. The tank has the largest skill range
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You two have to realize everyone on the PC has the ability to jump, shoot and aim at the same time with no effort. Even though they are the same game the play a bit differently.
  12. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    I know that deadstretch but I play both PC and xbox version, so coming from my point of view, both versions have the same skill level involved for every class except for sniper play which is way different from pc to xbox.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I as well play both versions and I can tell you because of the increased ability to maneuver the classes play slightly different. just imagine if everyone on the 360 had the ability to claw w/out actually clawing.

    Stopping Tank charges with a grapple are extremely easy. Smoke bombs stop nearly everything.
  14. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    this is gonna get into a mouse and keyboard > console thread lol

    which it is anyway
  15. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    And agreed.
  16. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I agree and disagree with all of you. Assault has probably the lowest skill FLOOR in the game. Only class easier to be average/compentent with is the gunner. However he also had 2nd highest skill ceiling in the game before the nerf.
  17. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Ok, I'm sorry, I completely stopped reading here. You are saying that now that Assassin has been nerfed armor wise that it is only left to bot killing? I will say this in bold, just for clarification. ASSASSINS ARE BOT KILLERS FIRST, PRO KILLING SECOND, NERF OR NOT YOU SHOULD BE AT THE TOP OF BOT KILLS. THAT IS THEIR JOB AND IF IT BORES YOU, DON'T PLAY IT. /caps
  18. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    You have to understand that they balanced that....the tanks and gunners cant hover as long on the pc version because of the cooldown unlike the xbox were you have no cooldown for each jump because its harder and takes more skill. There the same, maybe easier aiming because of the mouse but thats just about it sadly. Also the reason behind the charge and smoke bombs deals with lag issues, the pc gets it easy because of dedicated servers people can jump into unlike the xbox version were it randomly chooses a shitty host :D
  19. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    The only nerfs I'd roll back are probably the jet pack changes and redo the bomb changes as I spoke of before. Charge changes were great, though, and the sniper does just fine with 4 bullets and reduced bodyshot damage right now. I was really sad when all my mobility as gunner went to crap. Much harder to stay on the top of things when you gotta wait between jumps. Really lowers the skill ceiling of the class. Mobility is everything in this game, and when you take that away it's very easy to keep a class in check.

    But then, that's just an above average pub player's opinion.
  20. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I agree with the gunner jetpack feelings

    BUT, he became fun again once I started using a gold speed endorsement. Speed/RoF/Armor, and make the mortar your primary weapon. Makes for a very mobile gunner, and it's a lot of fun

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