How do you know there was no host? Oh, right, you don't. But it is possible to tell if there is a host, like when they leave and it migrates host, which was still happening to us after you left. Some hosts were so bad we would be teleporting. Ok, if retro is supposed to down that fast, why don't the other 2 ARs? Oh, right, retro is OP It's not really hard to get into melee (it's actually not even melee range) range for a cheap sawed-off kill. Btw, I was the only one complaining, and do you know why? Because of the absolutely garbage hosts.
Hammerburst does down as fast if you have a good trigger finger, and lancer is a supressive weapon used for defensive options. And I could tell there was no host in the other games because I had no lag and I could tell no one else did because all of our shotguns actually fired when we hit RT.
I don't think the retro is OP. Just like every gun it has its advantages and disadvantages. Hammerburst has 0 recoil in first person with incredible range and medium damage. The retro is amazing at close range with terrible recoil at mid to long range (unless you know how to use it). Sawed off shotgun is super annoying but in a 1vs1 it should lose every time against an experienced gnasher user. And from what I heard they have dedicated servers for ranked but I wouldn't know since i only play public so don't quote me on that.
Its a beta for a reason. I use the retro lancer because it is OP. I don't use the sawed-off because its bad. Hammerburst is OP long/medium range. Lancer is the only balanced weapon.
I thought the beta opened up for EVERYONE on the 25, including people who didn't pre-order or anything. I was so looking forward to trying it out
Retro Lancer <3 I can just snipe people cross-map with it to down them so a teammate can get me MUH ASIST MONAY. And in a 1v1, it just mows people down, especially with AR clip in effect. Holy Jesus is it good. It gets clobbered at range though. While I like the Gnasher, it's a one shot kill at Sawed-off range, and has better ranged damage than the Sawed-off, but since the key to good TDM is picking your battles, Sawed-off for me.
The sawed-off is such bull****. I'm gonna go ahead and say 80% of my deaths are from the sawed-ff, 15% from the retro lancer, and the other 5% is everything else. Yea man, pretty balanced.
That's because so many people use it, not because it's OP. I've used the Gnasher and the SO, and neither of them are OP. The Gnasher is still the Gnasher, and is pretty good at short to short-medium range, and the sawed-off is only good at close-close range. The only adjustment I can think of is remove it only downing people. It should either be a kill or nothing, IMO.
They should honestly make it a pick-up on the map. That way they can still have it in the game, but people can't equip it just because they can't actually aim.