Gearbox are my heros now. /blog

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by iammclovin117, January 11, 2012.

  1. meat

    meat New Member

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    I'm not an otaku.

    I can be one if I wanted to but I just don't see the point, and I don't want to.

    Being one will just waste my money by buying DVDs, figures and eroges which are very boring things.

    I only follow Anime, Manga/Comics and Light Novels.


    All of the things that you know the most and it was really pointless righting ^ that.

    Oh and just some random facts :

    Otakus get more sunlight than 90% of the Xbox/MNC community by going outside and doing their nerdy stuff.

    Touhou fans are also otakus.

    You can't deny that, sorry.

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