Gear vs. Hats

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by arseface, March 14, 2011.

  1. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    ...Stuff like this is why I passively gave up on the forums.

    There is just back and forth on a topic that we all should understand by now. Yes, gear has been added more then maps. Yes, Maps and more 'solid' content keeps the players playing longer. but honestly when I look at this...and then look at say Dogfighter, another indie game released around the same time, I still end up sticking with MNC more. This game last I checked came out in what? July? and the Spunky Cola patch came out in what? October/November? That's at least a 3 month WAIT for new content, and then content was on hold as the team was trying to iron out stuff for the PC release, witch mind you wasn't a very smooth ride on bit, but it most such as heck got better.

    I think people here are not looking at the trends of things. They have done FAR MORE these past 3 months, then they had done from the 360 release, to PC Beta. And yet you all are bitching that it's not the right kind of stuff, or that it reminds you too much of something else. Honestly the amount of self ownership here is just insane.

    The game is due for a new map shortly. it takes a few months for the team to develop and test maps. It's far easier for the team to churn out outfits and updates a few systems here and there to keep people interested ( and show that they are indeed working on things ) to the new map comes out, then to hope that people will keep playing with no word nor answers of future content till months later it comes out in a large package.
  2. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    And that note let this topic come to an end with the appropriate lock...

    For as a frat boy at a party at your house hits on your mother, drinks all the beer, invites too many people and straight up wrecks the place, this topic has long overstayed its intended purpose.
  3. Snipen8r

    Snipen8r New Member

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    As a long time game developer myself I need to point out that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the development process. Somehow you feel cheated by the steady stream of free content because of a perceived mismanagement of resources that could be dedicated to map making or gameplay updates. It just doesn't work this way. For example having animators and character artists working on skins and videos does not necessarily affect work being done by level artists, designers, and programmers. It's likely that the departments at Uber are working on some larger gameplay updates in tandem with these incremental updates. I'm sure they will release them when they're good and ready but I guarantee you putting those people on wouldn't get it done any faster.
    If you don't like the extra skins that's another issue and everyone's entitled to their opinion (Personally I like them allot.) I should mention I have no connection with Uber just a fan but I've worked on projects where the same kinds of comments were made and felt the need to make a correction.
  4. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    That was a different era bro, it's a pretty unrealistic comparison. A better game would be something modern and independent such as Minecraft or Super Meat Boy.

    On that note though, maps DO take time to make, but going by the size of MNC maps thus far, I can't see someone with any experience using UE taking more than a month to make one if they have the proper resources and are working full time. Testing and such though can take more time.

    I guess, to be more positive, the fact they are releasing anything is definitely a good sign. It means they still care enough to be dedicating time and resources to the game.

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