This map pack has been included in the eXodus eSports Planetary Annihilation Mods - New Year's Mod Picks guide.
Updated to 1.2 with Clutch of Annihilation and Violets Violence added. Clutch of annihilation is a remake in my own style of Setons Clutch, and Violets Violence is a remake of Fins Revenge in my own style
Played both these maps today, really like your setons a remake. Violets violence is also a very fun map, but I feel like control of the central lake is just too powerful atm. If you let the opponent get control of that lake, it's pretty much gg. Not sure what would help this, perhaps just making the lake area a little larger to allow more time to establish yourself in it. Not sure how easy that is for you to do though! Also are the spawns meant to be opposite (with players on the same team spawning diagonally across from eachother)? It actually made for an interesting game, but it seems kinda counter-intuitive.
No, that's something modders don't have control over ATM. You'll find that it's that way with all multiple spawn 2v2 maps.
Support for this mod is over, all maps are updated inside of the Community Map Pack