I'm confused, isn't the resolution update being released for free? How is releasing old games for free ever bad?
no the resolution one isn't an update it's an "HD re-release" another one of those bullshit 2016 concepts it's full price but starcraft 1 the original and broodwar will become free on battle.net releasing starcraft broodwar for free as-is or HD would have been a swell move from blizzard. releasing it for free but making an HD version that you'll ask pay for is just rehashing the ol' money mule. the free part being the diversion.
Been playing a shitload of HyperRogue recently(on android, but the desktop version is better). On the easy side for a roguelike for a default win, but post-yendor it ramps up to acceptable levels of masochism. Not a new game, but probably something the math nerds here would enjoy. It's more infinite than most of the other infinite games, and its non-euclidean geometry is consistent. It's also free.
I'm really wanting to create a seperate thread for this game alone but I'm liking a lot of the design/code solutions they went with in this game : it's very inspirering in regards to PA even if so far the game is mostly made to be the next evolution in the Minecraft -> Space Engineers/Mediveal Engineers -> ... Familly tree. It sucks that SE / ME ran into the engine lockups that they ran into when starting to want full blown planets with procedural gen and all that. but it just looks like Dual Universe just took that idea as a whole and started the code desing with that necessity from the start and as a result they have something that's incredibly performant and relatively well optimised despite having much much more impressive and demanding graphics. the semlessness is even beyon that of Star Citizen. but let's be fair Star Citizen is on a path to beat them in that domain anyways. It's hard to place this game with star citizen on the way but I see it as really simple : This game is meant to keep the people who are into this kind of thing occupied untill Star Citizen fully comes out. and by then Star Citizen will have alot of catching up to do in regards to buiding and other minecrafty game mechanics that dual universe will have added in the meantime. which makes it a totally viable and timeworthy product. I'm eager to give it a go. I really like how they solved with hexgons the "sectionning a sphere" problem that PA devs ran into. admittedly there allways would have been SLIGHT differences in building allignment/clipping from some hexagons. but really if it's just aethetics I think we would have learned to deal with it. all things considered I really wonder if modding an RTS into Dual universe would be a good idea. I'm not sure but I do think they aren't impementing orbits so that would have to be given a pass but I'll admit it's not the game mechanic I'm most adamant about. If you just "ship though space" like an gravityless space where you can move up down left right heck why not. having suffitient differnt locations of interest in a "narrow" space can be enough everyone not on a one "highway" and have engagements start out because two vectors draw betwee say, three planets, are close enough especially at the root of one of the planets and people then are willing to be a little bit off course and first have themselves afight before going to where they where getting.
gonna try this out if it gets funded. not much of a mobile gamer generally but this is something i can get behind : https://fr.ulule.com/kissoro-tribal-game/
Ah ok I remembered wrong I'm looking forward to alpha 3.0... also Linux client looking more likely now they've confirmed they are ditching Direct X for Vulcan
yuppers. exactly. with such a great title as star citizen hopping onto the vulkan train the grand age of vulkan and linux triple-A gaming can finally truly begin. end of year or beginning of 2018 is set to be the release of AOTS under linux. which I'm supper stoked about as well!