Tropical planet. Temperature: -63.4 degrees. Not a lot of though seems to have actually gone into consistency. Also I accidentally destroyed a thing I didn't want to destroy, killed myself to restore to last save, only to remember that's not how NMS works and that thing's gone forever. Also can't find a single damn fish after 3 ocean planets. And I found a planet where the "rare resource" of vortex cubes was more abundant than the plant life. They were flucking everywhere. And it still runs like shite. I'm getting my money back.
The drama that will unfold after the Star Citizen launch will be on a godly level. That much I am certain of.
I've been playing some Starmade. It's a fun game, but i feel sad that it so poorly promotes base building. All the planet hopping is nice, but once you've seen one jungle planet you've pretty much seen them all. and my ship is utterly tiny so it doesn't feel like i'm supposed to build my base in my ship either.
apparently putting all settings on max in No man's sky (but most importantly the fps cap not 60 but "max") will make the game run better.
Actually no, low settings have a little less perf requirements. The FPS lock option however seems bugged somehow. The default option of 30 causes fps spikes for some people. I am playing at 20fps anyway, my graphics card wasn't made for the resolution I am playing at. But the game is so slow and relaxed, it's okay.
BF1 is going to disappoint, i'm calling it now/ People will love it and say it kills COD, and then they read all the DLC's and packages they have to buy and say "**** it". Then, everyone who buys COD anyway buys cod and it's gonna break sales records.