Borderlands 2 Bulletstorm GearsOfWar3 Brink Dungeon Siege 2 Red Faction : Armageddon Miner Wars Sonic 4 on XBLA Splatterhouse GTA5 New The Elder Scrolls game Rage Duke Nukem Forever (Whenever?) Not sure about BF3, Battlefield games used to be my favourite thing but DICE really messed up BC2 and generally i felt kinda played by EA/Dice with their fake map packs and horrendous lag for months. Also EA servers are terrible so i'm avoiding online EA games.
I'm really looking forward to the new Mortal Kombat. I'm feeling all giddy just looking at the new screenshots and footage. Take me back to the good ol' days when Mortal Kombat 2 was the game to play. Aah... nostalgia.
It's not official but the developers definetly dropped some hints. surveys that imply nothing other then a new BL game. Actually i forgot to add Duke Nukem Forever, that's what Gearbox was rumored to be working on aswell, more on that at next PAX.