Game(s) MNC makes you think of

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Saint Mudknot, October 19, 2010.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Sorry Patch, not everyone can share your views on gaming. I thought ShadowRun was great. It was easy to play and had smooth, fluid, and simple controls. FASA Studio was having problems with money way before ShadowRun was even released.

    On a side note not many people said TF2 probably because that is an obvious answer.
  2. Eminence

    Eminence New Member

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    Shadowrun is awesome.

    One of the biggest problems it had though was that it came out about the same time the halo 3 beta did, so that cut out a huge portion of potential buyers (this was MS studios mess up)

    The systems were amazing. I have never played another FPS that was less camp friendly. Matches were usually very tactical and switched quickly between precious set up time and hectic battles when a team coordinated a push.

    The game was pretty easy to pick up to play but incredibly hard to master. Some players would blow me away with how amazingly they could play. It required a certain ability to understand and access situations on the fly. The HUD was very simple and there are not indicators where you teammates are. This required a lot of team communication to understand where you are and all the enemies are. With teleport, things can go from very quiet to very loud extremely quickly. Usually the best players are the ones that can make split second decisions during an encounter and figure out the best way to help teammates, attack enemies, and stay alive at the same time.

    I would say it's like shadowrun because they are probably the two most fun shooters on the 360 imo.
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    2001 C&C Renegade.

    ~Class Based (the classes are different tho, as you respawn with one of 4 free ones and can buy ones with better health and weapons with your money as long as you have a active Barracks structure)
    ~to effectively destroy an enemy 99% of time you had to support a artillery push or something of that nature (like the bots in this game, heal them and defend them, xept the vehicles do massive damage to buildings and miniscule damage to people and some were good against opposing vehicles, and you could drive them of course)
    ~the enemy had base defences (one giant powerful base defence to cover the whole base area, either the deathbeam-firing obelisk of light, or missile-high-cal-spewing advanced guard tower) which could be destroyed (either by holding fire onto the structure or its power plant) and repaired (and like MNC, it can be hit by 4 mortars at once and supported with 5 supports, making one tense struggle for turret health)
    ~most obvious is that map coverage made attacking the base easier for one team, and leaving the base without dying harder for the other
    ~another no brainer is the teamwork involved. no vehicles often successfully maintain themselves in combat, and need a seperate support unit.
    ~once the base starts getting destroyed, and the lack of buildings start crippling your combat (no barracks means no advanced classes, no refinery means no cash outside of what you earn in combat, no base defense means they can freely come in and out), then you start getting spawncamped and are lucky to leave whichever building you spawn in without dying (although there were 5 seperate buildings, and thus 5 seperate spawns)
  4. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Shadowrun. One word, no caps. Shadow Run is that awful film from the late nineties starring Michael Caine. The 2007 Xbox/PC FPS was even worse. It's an unpolished, clunky abomination compared to FASA Studio's previous franchise games (MechCommander, High Road to Revenge). If you think Shadowrun controls as well as MNC, you must be suffering from brain damage (severe case of delusional fanboy?). As a testament to how poorly designed it is, players are given achievements for slogging through three hours of mind numbing tutorials.

    I may be an opinionated ***, but in this case, I'm right. While I've enjoyed plenty of trashy games and movies, I always admit my bias.

    Monday Night Combat Metascore = 79 (45 critics)
    Shadowrun Metascore = 66 (57 critics)

    Granted, that was back in 2007, when all 360 retail titles sucked (the "best" game that year was BioShock, which was essentially System Shock 3--if developed for your retarded cousin who can't operate a computer). Were Shadowrun to be released in 2010, it wouldn't break the fifties.

    Or because they enjoyed a watered down Counter-Strike clone and only know TF2 as "that multiplayer game you get for free with the Orange Box."

    I've yet to speak with any hardcore fan of shooters who was impressed by Shadowrun.

    I'll stick with the Genesis RPG.

    Respect. I included Renegade in my initial post but edited it out due to the large maps, multiple spawn points, and reliance upon vehicles. A very underrated game for its day.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    props to you too for at least thinking about it. it had its flaws, it was easily manipulated for hackers because they ran out of time before release, but the users did like that game so much, they made a professional-level server-side hack-detection software (dragonserver) to check for any damage variations from what it should damage and banning people from the effing server respectively, almost like making damage serverside instead of clientside.

    as for the vehicles, i find them to be more or less like bots, a siege-penetration weapon... only vehicles were a player-task to drive as well as support, and were sometimes unnecesary (but were the recommended way because not often does a class without a vehicle damage a building effectively), and they were much stronger than bots (thus needed to be countered with other vehicles or fortified anti-armor classes, unlike bots)

    as for maps, depends on the map.
    firstly, c&c_mesa is roughly the same as ammo mule, think about it.
    secondly, c&c had a map-making software release, which created a base of over 100 legitimate fam-maps (that were as good and balanced, if not better, than the official maps), and 100 unbalanced/no-vehicle-foot-only/no-advanced-classes/RPG-messaround maps (which were also good, i played rpg in one of the most realistic cities ever made by a non-game-developer at least once a week, that map was the first "multiplayer GTA" haha, all we did were race sportscars, have harrier fights, walk around the city and in buildings, and chat)

    but that was one thing i liked about c&c renegade, that is hard to do on console, let alone any games anymore. fans created maps/patches so you could play in TiberianSun or RedAlert instead of ClassicC&C, you could play in new york slums, on mars, on a starship, inside the mantle of the earth, on a sky fortress, in icy mountains, inside of a stone maze, in the polar icecaps, in grassy plains, in waterfall caves, in the desert, in another demension...
  6. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Yeah, the community was great. I remember everyone being excited about Tribes 2, then flocking to the C&C: Renegade beta after Dynamix pulled a belly flop. I was surprised how long fans supported Renegade, even after the sequel was canceled. Were MNC to get a PC release, there would still be people making content for it in 2020.

    Did you ever play RA: A Path Beyond?
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    yes, as well as reborn. i played RenAlert until tanya was patched, back when volkov had only 2 weapons. i checked out the update and saw they gave him 1 anti-armor cannon with a light primary shot and a heavy secondary shot which takes more ammo, and 1 anti-personnel cannon with 2 different strengths as well.

    sounded cool, but as i said i eventually lost the game and the community started shrinking anyhow to where it were only dutch servers and a few servers of 30yr-olds playing like it was a weekly poker night.
  8. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    And what's wrong with that? :(
  9. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    Frogger......because you can jump
  10. Eminence

    Eminence New Member

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  11. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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  12. xdeadxpoolx

    xdeadxpoolx New Member

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    The Grid. God, I wish somehow NetherRealms would pick this up for an arcade title.

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